
a collection of photobook
August 27, 2020
Haas Arts Library will resume its popular Photobook Club series online this fall semester, on Fridays each month, from 2-3 p.m. This year’s program includes: August 28: Photobooks from Museum of Fine Arts collection by Jon Evans, chief of the Library and Archives at the Museum of Fine Art, Houston...
August 21, 2020
Join Treasures from the Yale Film Archive online for a conversation with Yale alumnus and Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Nick Doob '69, in conjunction with the online debut of his 1979 feature documentary Street Music. A collection of performances by street musicians across the country, from New York...
August 12, 2020
The Arts Library offers a range of workshops on arts-focused research topics including how to find images, how to use Tropy for file management, and how to get started with research. See full list and register here. 
Julia Wolfe
August 3, 2020
Oral History of American Music (OHAM) is pleased to announce that its cornerstone collection, Major Figures in American Music, is now accessible online. Major Figures in American Music incorporates over 1400 interviews with noted American composers, performers and other significant musicians,...
diagonal view of bookshelves filled with books
July 30, 2020
In response to a university-mandated budget reduction, the library will strategically reduce spending on books, journals, databases, special collections, and other research materials for the coming year.  The changes have been carefully structured to minimize the impact on teaching and research. “...
hand drawn map of British invasion of New Haven
July 2, 2020
In 1779, the Fourth of July fell on Sunday and was to be celebrated on the fifth in New Haven. Although the seaport was a center of privateering, and the British considered Yale a hotbed of sedition, Connecticut’s co-capital had been spared from attack.  Suddenly, early on July 5th, forty-eight...
Head shot of university librarian Barbara Rockenbach
July 2, 2020
On July 1, Barbara Rockenbach started her new job as the Stephen F. Gates '68 University Librarian. In an interview with the Yale Alumni Magazine, she talks about the importance of place, the connections between digital and physical collections,  and what Yale Library might learn from the...
