
New Blue - Yale Daily News, September 18, 1973
January 30, 2019
When Yale was established in 1701, its founders took for granted that it was an institution by and for men. It remained so for a very long time, but women had begun to make an impact well before co-education finally came to Yale College in 1969. The School of Music, which was established in 1894,...
Ethel Waters - circa 1943
January 30, 2019
Oral History of American Music is happy to announce a new research guide entitled “An African American Studies Critical Guide to Oral History of American Music.” This guide was created by Clara Wilson-Hawkins, PhD ’21, in fulfillment of a research fellowship through Yale’s Department of African-...
January 18, 2019
A trial for a Chinese language database, Modern Chinese Books Database 中国近代华文书籍数据库, has been set up for Yale University users from now to March 31, 2019. The database has been added to the Library’s Chinese studies research guide. Since the access is controlled by Yale IP ranges, you must login...
January 14, 2019
A mad scientist steals the dreams of children in Marc Caro and Jean-Pierre Jeunet's The City of Lost Children. Described as a "macabre fairy tale" (Steven Rea), a "dark phantasmagoria" (Peter Stack), and "a fable of longing and danger" (Kevin Thomas), The City of Lost Children gave Ron Perlman his...
Students studying in Bass Library near windows
January 14, 2019
Faculty, students and staff are invited to a presentation on the upcoming renovation of the Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Library on Wednesday, Jan. 23, from 3:30 to 5 p.m., in the Sterling Memorial Library Lecture Hall. Project architects will show designs for the space, and librarians will share a...
January 8, 2019
The four-month transition to the powerful new Archives at Yale discovery tool was completed this week as staff disconnected the old Yale Finding Aid Database (YFAD) system.  Archives at Yale is now the primary resource for searching within and across more than 5,000 collections held in ten Yale...
Dr. Martin Luther King
January 4, 2019
  Check out the following library exhibits if you are on campus in January: "The Kings at Yale": A Martin Luther King Exhibition This exhibit highlights Dr. King and Coretta King’s visits to Yale using images documents and other archival materials from Yale's Manuscripts and Archives. The Nave...
