Library Committees

Linked Library Data Advisory Group (LLD AG)

Reports To: Metadata Steering Committee (MSC)

Advisory Group Charge:

  • Generate and nurture linked data initiatives and services at the library. 

  • Entertain project proposals 

  • Offer training opportunities (e.g., in Wikidata, Sinopia, and “library carpentry”), and build capacity throughout the library 

  • Support testing and implementation of BIBFRAME editors such as Sinopia and Marva, and discovery platforms such as Share-VDE

  • Support mapping and transformation of library data to LUX’s Linked Art schema  


  • Co-chair (Audrey Pearson, 2023- )

  • Co-chair (Tim Thompson, 2023- )

  • Recording secretary (Daniel Mugaburu, 2023- )

  • Beinecke representative (Zoe Dobbs, 2023- )

  • Archival Collections representative (Sandrine Guérin, 2023- )

  • Library IT representative (Eric James, 2023- )

  • Library IT representative (Martin Lovell, 2023- )

  • Patricia Thurston (2023- ), central Technical Services representative

  • Member at large (Mara Caelin, 2023- )

Frequency of Meetings: Monthly or as needed

Last modified on July 14, 2023 . Contact Andrew Gray to update.