Cataloging @Yale

1. Identifying a CIP Record


Encoding Level in the Leader will be set to 8. DO NOT change the Encoding Level to _ Full level when the record has been completed. [new OCLC policy]


Cataloging Form: AACR2 or RDA?

The Cataloging Form code a : AACR2 below the Encoding Level indicates the bibliographic record is to be completed following AACR2 rules.

Cataloging Form in RDA records should be i : ISBD NOT a : AACR2; these records must be completed following RDA rules.

040 field in AACR2 records will look like this:

040     ‡a DLC ‡b eng ‡c DLC

040 in RDA records should have ‡e rda somewhere in the string, preferably before ‡c, but as long as it's in 040 somehwere, don't try to move it.

040     ‡a DLC ‡b eng ‡e rda ‡c DLC

Note that current practice is to insert the ‡b eng (language of the cataloging agency) between ‡a and ‡c.


Use judgment in deciding whether the CIP record does in fact represent the same edition you have in hand.

  • If the ISBN is the same, the book is probably the same edition even if there are variations in title or place of publication.
  • Variations in title and date of publication are acceptable.
  • Absence/presence of edition statement on the CIP is acceptable taking other factors into consideration (e.g. 1st American ed. is on the item but not on the CIP when the publisher is American.)
  • Variations in form of the edition statement on the CIP are acceptable if the content is not an issue (e.g. item in hand is 1st American ed. vs. 1st ed. on CIP <American publisher>; but not1st ed. vs. 2nd ed.) When in doubt, consult with supervisor.
  • Absence/presence of series on the CIP is acceptable (e.g. series is on the CIP but not on the item; series is on the item but not on the CIP)
  • Variations in form of the series on the CIP vs. the item in hand are acceptable
  • Variations in place of publication are usually acceptable, but a CIP record with both a different place of publication and a different publisher probably represents a different edition.