15. 490/830: Series with Examples

490 is used to transcribe the series as it appears on the item; the 8xx field is used for the established form of the series, the series added entry. For tagging patterns, refer to SERIES TAGGING below. The established form of the series should be on a series authority record (SAR). In Voyager, use the Staff Search Title index (macro: alt shift w) to search for SARs. As of 2006, CIP records are all tagged 490 0 & are without 8xxs, but CIP records updated by member libraries may have changed the tag to 490 1 and made an 8xx series added entry.

Our current contract with Backstage (MARS) stipulates that their authority processing will automatically re-tag 490 0 to 490 1 and make an 830 series added entry if a SAR exists in the national authority file, so in general do not re-tag 490 0 to 490 1 or make an 830 when upgrading CIP.

[NOTE: for an author series (works, selections, multipart with individual titles), the tag will be 800. Series entered under corporate name (810, e.g. a museum) or a conference name (811) should be very rare. MARS processing should take care of these as well.]

Series Verification. If there are different forms of series in various places in the book, there are rules for choosing which form to transcribe.

RDA. 1. series title page (use the monograph title page only in the absence of a series title page) -- 2. cover -- 3. caption -- 4. masthead.

AACR2. Choose as the source for the series, in order of priority: 1. series title page (not the title page), usually the page preceding the title page. -- 2. the book's title page -- 3. the cover (not necessarily the front cover) -- 4. rest of the book (e.g. verso t.p. is last in order of priority)

If in none of the above, take the series from anywhere in the book, prefer a source where the series is presented formally.

In both sets of rules, if there is a main series and a subseries, the source in the book is the page with both the main and subseries.

SERIES TRANSCRIPTION. With series in CIP records, there are 4 potential transcription problems:

  1. 490 is on the bibliographic record, but is not on the item.
  2. 490 is on the bibliographic record but does not match the form of the series as it appears on the item.
  3. Series is on the item, but is not recorded in the bibliographic record.
  4. What appears to be a series is a series-like phrase and should not be recorded in 490.

1. Series is not on the item. If the series recorded in 490 is not on the item, it should be deleted from the bibliographic record. If a series has been recorded in the MARC CIP 490 but only appears in the CIP block on the item in hand, the series should be deleted from the record. (LC-PCC PS Sources of Information. For AACR2, see LCRI 1.6 Series Statement Present Only in Cataloging Data/BibliographyIf the record was updated by an OCLC member and an 830 has been made, delete the 830 as well. Consult with your supervisor before deleting a 490 or 830 from a CIP record or a CIP record upgraded to full-level.

2. Form of series on the bibliographic record 490 does not match the form of the series on the item in hand. Modify the bibliographic record 490 to match the form of the series on the item. Remember to include the initial article. If there is no 830, MARS will make it, so you do not need to make a series added entry. If there is an 830 made by an OCLC member, assume it is correct match on the established form given in the SAR. Consult with your supervisor when modifying the form of the series in 490.

3. Series not recorded on bibliographic record. Check the title page, the pages preceding the title page, the verso of the title page (except the CIP block), the cover, and the pages at the end of the book for series. If a series is found, transcribe it (see instructions below). If the series only appears on the item in the CIP block (usually on the verso t.p., sometimes at the end of the book), do not transcribe the series in 490.

If the series appears on the book jacket only, check with your supervisor (RDA combined with RDA Note that, per, in the absence of a series title page and with no series statement on the monograph title page, the next source is the cover or jacket issued with the book. Using the jacket as a source is new with RDA. For AACR2 see LCRI 1.6A2 Other Sources for Series Statements).

If it is necessary to transcribe the series statement in the bibliographic record, the series should be recorded in a 490 field as it appears on the book. Guidelines:

  • transcribe the series as you would a title in 245
  • capitalize only the first letter of the series and the first letter of proper names: Studies in Hawaiian history series
  • if the first word of the series is an article, the article should be transcribed
  • Since MARC 440 became obsolete in 2006, if the library's decision is to trace (make an added entry), an 830 is made even if it is an exact match on 490.

Precede volume number with space - semicolon ‡v.

490 1   ‡a American academy of religion academy series ; ‡v no. 84
490 1   ‡a Architecture & design library
490 1   ‡a The best of long range planning ; ‡v 2nd ser., no. 3

Since 490 is a transcription field, under RDA the volume caption is transcribed as is: transcribe in abbreviated form if it appears in abbreviated form; transcribe in spelled-out form if it appears in spelled-out form.  (AACR2 converts any written out captions to abbreviations). RDA transcribes roman numerals as found; AACR2 converts roman numerals to arabic numerals.

For AACR2 records, if there is a caption, check the authority record or other bibliographic records for the correct abbreviation. If no authority record is found, check with your supervisor.

Series as it appears in the book: Literary studies--East and West: volume XII


490 1   ‡a Literary studies--East and West ; ‡v volume XII


490 1   ‡a Literary studies--East and West ; ‡v v. 12

Do not enclose the series statement in parentheses. (In the printed CIP block on the t.p. verso, the series statement will appear in parentheses, but parentheses are not used in the MARC record.)

If the series has an  ISSN number, transcribe it following comma ‡x.

490 1   ‡a Art reference collection, ‡x 0193-6867 ; ‡v no. 26 <abbreviated caption on the source>

Per the current (2012) LCPS, RDA records should include the ISSN in the 830 as well, but it should be entered as the last subfield with no end punctuation. Use standard series end punctuation at the end of the last subfield before ‡x.

830     ‡a Art reference collection ; ‡v no. 26. ‡x 0193-6867

4. Series-like phrase. These phrases are not considered to be series. Sometimes these phrases are recorded in a note; sometimes these phrases are included in 264/260 as part of the publisher statement; sometimes these phrases are not recorded at all. Some examples of series-like phrases, mostly from the Library of Congress rule interpretations:

An American Astronautical Society Publication <not a series if the phrase repeats the name of a non-commercial issuing body and is not numbered; considered a series if numbered>

Bulfinch Press book <the phrase essentially repeats the name of a commercial publisher or a sub-imprint of the publisher; not considered a series even if numbered>

An Interscience publication <names of publisher subsidiaries are not considered series; Interscience publications are a subsidiary of Wiley Publications>

A Helen and Kurt Wolff book <in-house editor imprints are not considered series>

UC-13 <numbers alone are not considered series>

Workers of the World, Unite! <slogans are not considered series>

Booker Prize 2005 <names of prizes are not considered series>

Terms on the back cover the publisher includes to facilitate shelving in bookstores, such as "Novel," "Mystery," "Contemporary history" and so on, if unnumbered.

For most series-like phrases encountered on books with CIP cataloging:

  • the series-like phrase may have an authority record, but the authority record will only be in LCDB.
  • in the 008 window, the Type of series will be c: Series-like phrase.
  • the series authority record for a series-like phrase will not have fields 644/645/646.
  • there may be instructions in the series authority record about how to handle the phrase, e.g. Give as a quoted note if name does not appear in the publication, etc., area.

Generally LC will not record a series-like phrase in 490. If there is no 490, and you are in doubt whether to handle the phrase as a true series or a series-like phrase, consult with your supervisor.

SERIES AUTHORITY. Always check Orbis to see whether the series is classed together or classed separately (classed individually).

Now that LC records no longer trace series, the "Retrieve Authorities" option from the Voyager Record menu can't be used (it only retrieves series in 830). If it is necessary to search Orbis or LCDB, use non-keyword search Staff Title Headings Search to retrieve the authority record.

If there is no Yale decision on classed together/classed separately on the authority record,  check in the OPAC for local practice. If there is no evidence of local practice, i.e., if you are cataloging the first title in the series, accept the LC decision.

SERIES TAGGING. The three basic tagging patterns for series are:

1. SERIES NOT TRACED. Series is not retrievable using a standard title search, although the series can be retrieved in Orbis using the non-keyword search index Series: Not traced. Series not traced has been standard practice for LC since 2006, so expect only 490s. If the CIP has been upgraded to full level by an OCLC member, it might have been revised to 490 1/830, covered in 2.-3. below. MARS processing will convert 490 0's to 490 1/830, so don't bother trying to convert the 490 0 to our local practice.

Typical series statements from LCDB. SARs [series authority records] created by LC have 645 t (trace) but the LC CIPs follow its post-2006 practice. MARS will convert 490 0 series to 490 1/830 based on the SARs.

490 0   ‡a Cambridge studies in biological and evolutionary anthropology
490 0   ‡a Purdue studies in Romance literatures ; ‡v vol. 51

There are some series where the cataloger considers the series to be a publisher stock number; the SAR may be for a series but 645 will be coded n. LC (& library cataloging in general) would not have traced the Bantam series even prior to 2006:

490 0   ‡a Bantam pathfinder series ; ‡v 56

If there is an article at the beginning of the title of an untraced series, transcribe it. No non-filing indicator is used with 490s:

490 0   ‡a The best of British in old photographs

2. SERIES TRACED THE SAME. Series title is transcribed in 490 1 and is searchable as it appears on the book via the 830 field.

Historical note. Field 440 (now obsolete) was used to avoid re-keying the series statement in the 830 field. LC CIP generally does not apply 490 1/830, but OCLC member upgrades may have changed 490 0 to 490 1/830. As noted earlier, MARS will update 490 0 to 490 1/830. As of this writing, the legacy records in Orbis with the 440 tag have not been updated. Catalog Management requests that you leave these alone since we hope to do a batch update at some point.

Current cataloging policy:

490 1   ‡a American poets' continuum series ; ‡v v. 40
830   0 ‡a American poets' continuum series ; ‡v v. 40.

Obsolete practice:

440   0 ‡a American poets' continuum series ; ‡v v. 40 <OBSOLETE--DO NOT USE>

If there is an article at the beginning of the title, transcribe it in 490. The 830 should not have an initial article.

Current cataloging policy:

490 1   ‡a The best of British in old photographs
830   0 ‡a Best of British in old photographs.

Obsolete practice:

440   0 ‡a The best of British in old photographs <OBSOLETE--DO NOT USE>

3. SERIES TRACED DIFFERENTLY. Series title is searchable in a form different from the way it appears on the book. The series as it appears on the book is transcribed in 490 1_ and is not searchable on a regular title search. The searchable established form is recorded in 830 _0. The authority record heading should match the 830, not the 490.

Under current MARC rules dating from 2006, 490 first indicator 1 has been redefined as "Series traced" (formerly: Series traced differently). As seen in 2. above, a series added entry is made even when the series added entry matches the series statement, in addition to the series traced differently scenario in 3.

490 1   ‡a Architecture & design library
830   0 ‡a Architecture and design library.
490 1   ‡a Springer series societal impact on aging
830   0 ‡a Societal impact on aging.

In some rare instances, the cataloging rules require some series to be entered under corporate name; these will generally be handled using the "traced differently" pattern. Since "Retrieve Authorities" from the Voyager Record menu isn't a useful option, use the non-keyword Staff Name/Title Headings Search to search Orbis or LCDB. However, series entered under corporate name are almost never encountered in current cataloging.

PUNCTUATION: note that there is no end punctuation at the 490 level, but that end punctuation (period) is used at the 8XX level unless the title ends with a parenthesis.