Transcription, Local Modification, ClassWeb


At Yale, LC call numbers on labels are arranged vertically to place the class number, each cutter, and the date, on separate lines. Line breaks are not generally made for the integral number following the class letter(s) or the decimal expansion unless the line is unusually long. If the call number is also pencilled on the item, the call number should be transcribed in the same way. Note that the period for decimal expansion is retained but the period before the cutter is optional. The current label printing program prints the period.



Local modification

Some local modification is performed on LC classification call numbers and there is some local deviation from standard LC cuttering practice (currently under review). The modifications and variations are documented in the Modification, Oversize, and Belletristic documents listed below.


The detailed enumeration of the LC classification scheme is published in separate volumes called schedules, e.g. B-BJ. Philosophy-Psychology. The schedules are still not complete (they currently number 40+ volumes and comprise 10,000+ pages; some of the religious law schedules are still only in draft format and unpublished). However, with the publication of the scheme on the web in 2003, catalogers who utilize ClassWeb may find the organization by schedule to be of historical interest only. ClassWeb allows web-based searching of the complete LC scheme, but there is no entry access on ClassWeb via a menu of the schedule organization, the closest being the Subsets limiting page, which is not a web menu, and which only roughly corresponds to the published schedules.

Because the classification scheme is continuously updated, catalogers who assign or check call numbers should always consult ClassWeb rather than the printed schedules or the commercially published cumulations such as Super LCCS to ensure that the most current classification is being assigned to titles new to Orbis.