Subdivisions That Are Not ‡v
If LC has assigned ‡x to a subdivision in the Subject Cataloging Manual, that subdivision should never be coded ‡v.
Some ‡x subdivisions could be interpreted as "form," so watch out! Here is a short incomplete list of potentially counterintuitive ‡x subdivisions:
‡x Archival resources ‡x Audio-visual aids ‡x Computer-assisted instruction ‡x Computer network resources ‡x Computer programs ‡x Computer simulation ‡x Description and travel ‡x Documentation ‡x Electronic information resources ‡x History (or any subdivision with the term "history," e.g. --History and criticism) ‡x Information resources ‡x Law and legislation ‡x Library resources ‡x Manuscripts
CAUTION: If LC disallows use of a subdivision as form, do not use the subdivision as form and tag it ‡x! For example, if the item cataloged is an audio-visual aid, you cannot use the subdivision ‡x Audio-visual aids to bring out its form.
Using Cataloger's Desktop
Using Cataloger's Desktop to verify form subdivisions:
TIP 1: Once you are in the SCM:SH infobase, divide the display into a BROWSE and a DOCUMENT window.
HOW: Click on BROWSE tab at the bottom left of the window.
TIP 2: In the BROWSE window, locate the index entry FREE-FLOATING SUBDIVISIONS.
HOW: Look for SUBDIVISIONS in the BROWSE window. The + indicates that SUBDIVISIONS has subdirectories. Click on + to display the subdirectories. The subdirectory FREE-FLOATING SUBDIVISIONS will display.
HOW: Click once in the box to the left of FREE-FLOATING SUBDIVISIONS. This will automatically select both FREE-FLOATING SUBDIVISIONS and SUBDIVISIONS CONTROLLED BY PATTERN HEADINGS. The appearance of a check mark in the box indicates the search will be restricted to the directory and all subdirectories below it.
TIP 4: With searching restricted to FFS and SCBPH, use the Advanced Query function to search for the subdivision term.
HOW: Select the Document window by clicking in it. Either click on the Advanced Query button (bottom left of the the Desktop window) or press F2. Dialog box will appear. Make sure CHECKED BRANCHES is "checked" (bottom left of advanced Query dialog box). Type in the subdivision (not case sensitive). Enclose phrase subdivisions in quotes. To ensure that you entered the subdivision correctly, check to make sure you had a reasonable number of hits. Click OK. You will be taken to the first "hit." To go to the next hit, click the forward arrow (bottom/center of the window). Use the reverse arrow if necessary.
TIP 5: Always check the upper document window to see whether you are in GENERAL free-floating or in PATTERN HEADINGS. Some form subdivisions can only be used under certain PATTERN HEADINGS. Example: "Controversial literature" is not a general free floating subdivision. It can only be used under certain types of Religion pattern headings.
Authority records for some form and general subdivisions may be found in the Orbis LTLC and OCLC authority file.
Subdivision Authority Records
LC has begun creating machine-readable authority records for topical, form, geographic, and chronological subdivisions. The project is not yet complete.
Catalogers will find subdivision authority records in Orbis LTLC and in OCLC authority file (the same commands used for subject heading searches are used for subdivision searches).
Catalogers will not find subdivision authority records in Orbis LTYL and will not be able to derive them into LTYL at this time.
Here is an example of a form subdivision authority record (185):
010: ‡a sh 99001417
040: ‡a IEN ‡b eng ‡c DLC
073: ‡a H 1095 ‡z lcsh
185: ‡v Software
680: ‡i Use as a form subdivision under topical headings for computer programs that are tools to perform tasks, for example, systems software, utilities, or applications programs.
681: ‡i Reference under the heading |a Computer software
Click here to see more examples of subdivision authority records
CAUTION: Do not confuse subdivision authority records with authority records for subject headings! For more details, go to the next section.