All books that are moved to the Library Shelving Facility must have an "appropriate" record in the Library's online catalog. For most titles this means that there will be a fully-cataloged bibliographic record with full MARC coding.
- Full Bibliographic Record (in the Leader encoding level "__", 1, 4)
- Complete bibliographic description
- Complete and verified bibliographic access points
- Subject access points, as appropriate
- Permanent, Less-Than-Full Bibliographic Record
- Required Fixed Fields:
Leader: Encoding Level use 1, 7, 8, K, L, or M
Leader: Cataloging Form use a, i, "__" as appropriate
008: Publication Status
008: Date 1
008: Date 2 (when applicable)
008: Place of Publication
008: Language
- Required variable fields:
020: ISBN when present
1xx: Author or editor as appropriate; one 7xx if no 1xx
245: |a Exact transcription of title proper
250: Edition statement
260: First named place of publication, first named publisher,date of publication; if there are missing elements accept n.p., s.l., s.n., or n.d. as appropriate.
300: Number of pages or volumes
4xx or 490/8xx: Series statement
- Subject access is optional
3. Permanent, Less-Than-Full Collection Level Bibliographic Record
For separately published items that do not require individual bibliographic records, the Permanent, Less-than-full Collection Bibliographic Record is created. This standard is generally applied to collections of published pamphlet-like materials but may be applied to other types of library materials when appropriate. This record includes the following elements:
- Required Fixed Fields:
Leader: Encoding Level
Leader: Cataloging Form
008: Publication Status
008: Date 1
008: Date 2 (when applicable)
008: Place of Publication
008: Language
- Variable Fields:
245: Title phrased by cataloger
260: Inclusive dates of publication
300: Number of items, Size or range of sizes
5xx: Summary note on collection content when appropriate
Personal author and title access points for each item, when appropriate
6xx: One subject access point
MFHD 852
- The Indicator 1, Indicator 2, and subfields must be coded correctly. Indicator 1 is coded 0 (LC Classification) or 7 (localyale classification). Indicator 2 is coded 0 for monographs and 1 for multi-part monographs.
- Code the following subfields:
|b Library/collection location code (ORIGINAL LOCATION)
|h Call number, classification part
|i Call number, item or cutter part
|k Call number prefix; location or size stamps
|m Call number suffix; e.g., Oversize
|x Non-public note; e.g., staff notes
|z Public note; equivalent to "um" note in ORBIS 1
|2 Source of scheme introduced by Indicator 1 code 8; e.g., "localyale"
- The title cannot be transferred to LSF if the |b location code is "Withdrawn."
MFHD 86x
If the title is a multi-part monograph, there must be an 86x field in the MFHD. This field may include one or more of the following designations: volumes, parts, dates.
Item records must have the appropriate information in the following fields:
- Item Type is marked by one of the three codes: lsfc, lsfi, or lsfr
- Enum/Chron must be present for multi-part monographs, and the data should agree with the information shown in MFHD 86x