Location/Call Number |
Action to be taken by CMT staff |
Background |
Uncat (any letter).
E.g., B uncat 3187 or L uncat 434 |
Search for a record in Orbis. If a matching record is found, the card can be discarded. If no record is found, file the card in the "undocumented locations" box. |
These are temporary cards, and most represent items already cataloged. |
James T. Babb
Skip |
These represent books cataloged or to be cataloged for Beinecke Library. |
Bonaparte Collection [No. 8845] |
File the card in the "undocumented locations" box. |
These cards probably represent books at Beinecke. |
Connecticut and Historical MSS Room |
File the card in the "undocumented locations" box. |
Items represented by these cards appear to have been recataloged for SML Mss & Archives. Checking finding aids in Mss & Archives in the future should resolve any problems. |
Connecticut Hall |
Skip |
This collection was dispersed. |
Conservation Library |
File the card in the "undocumented locations" box. |
Conservation Library was an earlier name of the Forestry & Environmental Studies Library. |
Documents Room Ref |
File the card in the "undocumented locations" box. |
Once part of the reference collection in SML, this collection was apparently moved to Government Documents in Mudd. |
E (Physical geog.) |
File the card in the "undocumented locations" box. |
The books represented by these cards are probably at Mudd at the beginning of the Old Yale "E" range. |
F Assyr |
File the card in the "undocumented locations" box. |
Hebrew [+12] |
File the card in the "undocumented locations" box. |
Henry Taylor |
Skip |
These cards are purchase requests, purchase records, or accessions, and the books they represent have been cataloged for Beinecke. |
Inst. Far East Lang. |
File the card in the "undocumented locations" box. |
The Institute ceased to exist in 1965, and its functions were split between two university departments, the Dept. of East Asian Languages and Far Eastern Publications. The books these cards represent, if they still exist, are probably housed with one of the departments. Yale University Library may have ceased to take responsibility for this collection at some point. |
Institute of Human Relations Administr.
Human Relations Area Files (HRAF) |
Skip |
Yale University Library appears to have no responsibility for the books represented by these cards. However, if the collection still exists, it is likely to be part of the Human Relations Area Files (HRAF), an independent research agency of Yale University started by the Institute. HRAF are all on microfiche in the microtext room. |
Jackson-Lafayette Collection |
Skip |
The books represented by these cards were accessioned by Beinecke. |
N Defer +235 |
File the card in the "undocumented locations" box. |
No location call number is [3A] Directory M4 |
File the card in the "undocumented locations" box. |
Ref. Dept. Office |
File the card in the "undocumented locations" box. |
These cards represent books (if any) housed in the Reference Office (the office behind the reference desk at Sterling). |
Reprint File |
File the card in the "undocumented locations" box. |
Sallen [318] |
File the card in the "undocumented locations" box. |
Ser. Dept. or
Serials Div. |
Skip |
This collection does not exist intact anymore, and the books were either dispersed or discarded. |
TAU [above Old Yale [class S] call number] |
Skip |
Most of the books represented by these cards appear to have been transferred to the Medical Library. |
Turkish uncat |
File the card in the "undocumented locations" box. |
These cards appear to represent a backlog of Turkish books, uncataloged. |
U (military) |
File the card in the "undocumented locations" box. |
The books represented by these cards are probably at Mudd at the beginning of the Old Yale "U" Class. |
WSL: No location, no call number, stamped WSL |
Skip |
WSL stands for "Wilmarth Sheldon Lewis," whose library formed the backbone of the Lewis Walpole Library. |
X defer 26 |
File the card in the "undocumented locations" box. |
Yale Collection |
File the card in the "undocumented locations" box. |
Yale College Room 71 [map] |
File the card in the "undocumented locations" box. |
700.2 sec 10 sh 2 (numbers vary) |
Skip |
These cards represent the "Heathcote Woolsey" collection. Some of these books appear to have been absorbed into various art collections on campus |