This checklist is basically a summarization of the CONSER Cataloging Manual [CCM] Module 31 which was updated to RDA compliance in 2014. It incorporates the PCC Provider-Neutral e-Resource MARC Record Guide: P-N/RDA and the RDA CONSER Standard RDA Record (CSR) Metadata Application Profile (MAP). The abbreviations CCM, P-N, and CSR will be used in this document for citations, as well as RDA. The CONSER Cataloging Checklist has also been consulted. CONSER specific practices have been deleted and YUL decisions have been added.
1. Determine whether to catalog the resource as a separate bibliographic record or as an analytic added entry on the bibliographic record for a portal website. In general, if the request is to catalog the portal website or cataloging for a portal website already exists, an analytic added entry is made and a separate bibliographic record is not created. Refer to General Website Policies & Procedures. 4. Granularity. The portal website is normally treated as an updating website (integrated online resource).
2. If the decision is to catalog as a separate bibliographic record, determine whether to catalog as an online serial or an integrating resource. Refer to General Website Policies & Procedures. 2. Serial or Integrating Resource or Monograph?
3. If the decision is to catalog as a serial, catalog following CCM Module 31 and the Provider-Neutral E-Resource MARC Record Guide: P-N/RDA version [P-N hereafter]. P-N is similar to but not quite the same as handling of reproductions under AACR2. To simplify: if the entire issue is a digitized image (a PDF including the cover, for example), the description is based on the digitized image of the printed serial. If the issue has only been partially digitized (no cover, or no title page), use the description of the print cataloging record. In either case, the description will be closer to the printed version’s record than it will be to the digitized website. YUL: If the website presents the serial in both html and PDF, catalog the serial as an electronic edition, i.e. base the description on the online serial following CCM & CSR. When in doubt, catalog as an electronic edition.
4. Cataloging standards. Apply the CONSER RDA Standard Guidelines (CSR) to serials (and to IRs where applicable), with the YUL general modifications for serials and the special YUL applications for e-serials as documented here. The P-N standards were created with a workflow beginning with an OCLC master record created on Connexion and assume that local modifications occur after the record has been downloaded. Since Orbis cataloging begins with the creation of the record in Voyager, some of the P-N guidelines regarding local modification will not be followed by Orbis catalogers.
5. CCM Module 31 has the option to use a single bibliographic record for both the print and online versions of the serial. YUL does not use this option. See 856 Fields in Original, Copy, and Batch-Loaded Records for Tangible Resources for situations where 856 is used to link to related works such as finding aids, guides to microform collections, tables of contents, locally digitized textual, graphic, and cartographic resources of printed works held by YUL that we do not catalog separately.
CONSER Cataloging Manual [CCM] Module 31: Remote Access Online Serials. Module 31 has been updated for RDA & is available on Cataloger's Desktop. Module 31 can also be found on the CONSER Documentation and Updates site in Word format. [Cited as CCM in the cheat sheet]
Provider-Neutral E-Resource MARC Record Guide: P-N/RDA version. [cited as P-N in the cheat sheet]. (Word document)
RDA CONSER Standard Record (CSR) Metadata Application Profile [MAP]. [cited as CSR or MAP in this cheat sheet). Link is to the website where CSR and the following document links may be found: CONSER RDA Cataloging Checklist Working Draft, CONSER RDA Core Elements, and the CONSER MARC 21 to RDA Core Elements.
The CONSER Editing Guide [CEG] has not been updated at this writing.