Examples of Major Changes to Title Proper
1. Addition, deletion, change, or re-ordering of any of the first five words (minus initial article) unless the change is among the minor change exceptions
The mining review changes to The mining and industry review
Atlantic changes to Atlantic monthly
ACE newsletter changes to ACE journal
For the Atlantic and ACE newsletter examples, see also the note under Minor changes to title proper, type i.
Series example requiring a new SAR:
Biology and zoology curriculum guides changes to Zoology and biology curriculum guides
2. Words are added, dropped, or changed anywhere in the title that change the meaning of the title or indicate a different subject matter
The best bed & breakfasts in the world changes to The best bed & breakfasts in the United States
Series example requiring new SAR::
Recent doctoral dissertations on Russian literature changes to Recent doctoral dissertations on Russian literature and theology
BUT (MINOR change; UPDATE the existing record):
Directory, educational and career information services changes to Directory, education, and career information services for adults
Note: a change from adjective ("educational") to noun ("education") or vice versa is minor, per LC-PCC PS; the addition of "for adults" at the end of the list does not change the scope.
3. Major change in the name of a corporate body (i.e., new authority record needed) if the name is recorded as part of the title proper
Reports of the Institute of High Speed Mechanics changes to Reports of the Institute of Fluid Mechanics
Series example requiring a new SAR
Oregon Social Workers’ Association monograph changes to Monograph of the Pacific Northwest Social Workers’ Association
Comment: there are 2 separate NARs for the corporate body: 110 Oregon Social Workers’ Association and 110 Pacific Northwest Social Workers’ Association