Creating a New Record: Access Points (Minimal Level RDA)

100/700, 110/710, or 111 (Main entry: Personal, Corporate or Conference Name)

Reminder: in RDA cataloging, if there are multiple authors, the first named author is always entered in 100 1_. Exceptionally, if an author is not named first but appears prominently (extra large font size, for example), enter that author in 100.  The other authors are entered in 700 1_.

Authors (100).  Add ‡e author to the end of the field. Precede the delimiter with a comma unless the author date ends with a hyphen. Always enter a period after author. If the pamphlet is a bibliography, enter the compiler's name in 100 and add ‡e compiler.

Editors, Translators (700). Editors and translators are almost always entered in 700 rather than 100.  If an editor is named on the title page, make a 700 for the name, especially if there is no author. Make a 700 for the translator if the work translated is in literature or the humanities (history, philosophy). Do not add a ‡e to editors, non-bibliography compilers, and other contributors who are not authors.

Corporate and Conference Names. For pamphlet length materials, neither corporate nor conference names are likely to need a 110 or 111. In the absence of an author, generally enter a corporate or conference name in 710 (corporate) or 711 (conference) if it is mentioned prominently on the title page.* Use first indicator 2 for corporate names unless ‡a is a jurisdiction (a place name), in which case use first indicator 1. For conference names always use first indicator 2. If a corporate name is entered in 710, do not use ‡e. For conference names (111), never use ‡e.

*If the pamphlet is a brief report attributed to a corporate body, enter it under 110 2/1 and add ‡e author.

If the item is a paper from a conference, make a 711 for the conference name if it has been established. A collection of papers or proceedings of a conference would have a 111 for the conference name, but pamphlet-length items are unlikely to be compilations of this kind.

Search for the correct form of the heading (personal, corporate, or conference) in ORBIS and, if necessary, in LCDB. If a personal name or a corporate name is not represented in ORBIS or in LCDB, use the form of the name as found on the item (last name first for personal names unless instructed otherwise). Include dates if the information is readily determined from the book.

If a conference name is not represented in ORBIS or in LCDB, do not record it in field 1xx or field 7xx. For project work, check with your supervisor with regard to formulating a 711 if a conference name is needed.


Woolf, Virginia, d 1882-1941 (as found in ORBIS)

100 1   ‡a  Woolf, Virginia, ‡d 1882-1941, ‡e author.

Obama, Michelle, ‡d 1964- (as found in ORBIS). Because of the hyphen, no comma before ‡e.

100 1   ‡a Obama, Michelle, ‡d 1964- ‡e author.

Jean C. Gray (as found on the title page, but not found in ORBIS or in LCDB). Back cover: "born 1996"). The pamphlet is a bibliography for which Gray has sole responsibility.

100 1   ‡a Gray, Jean C., ‡d 1996- ‡e compiler.

Yale University. ‡b Library. (as found in ORBIS). A report on library renovations in 2014.

110 2   ‡a Yale University. ‡b Library, ‡e author.

Book has: AGEPE. Orbis has a reference from AGEPE to Côte d'Ivoire. ‡b Agence d'études et de promotion de l'emploi.

710 1  

‡a Côte d'Ivoire. ‡b Agence d'études et de promotion de l'emploi.

A paper from Actes de la 1re Journée d'études sur la Libye antique et médiévale, Sorbonne, France. Conference headings are hard to formulate correctly. Until recently, authority records were only made for the name of the conference, not for the individual conference; the cataloger had to formulate and supply the number, date, and location in the parentheses. Hopefully the need for these will be a rare occurrence. If a conference is needed as an access point,  always   check with your supervisor

711 2  

‡a Journée d'études sur la Libye antique et médiévale ‡n (1st : ‡d 2010 : ‡c Paris, France)