Search for Cataloging Copy
Search Orbis for a bibliographic record. If a record is found, determine whether the record is for your item or is a second copy. If no Orbis record is found, search OCLC.
If a record is found in OCLC, verify that it is for your edition and that it was created by an English language cataloging agency. If the record was not created by an English language agency, generally do not export. Instead, create a new record from an RDA template following the instructions in part 3.
If the OCLC record is going to be used as the basis for variant edition cataloging, be sure to delete the 035 with the OCLC ID number and the 040 field.
If you download another library's institution record, be sure to delete the 035 with the OCLC ID number, but retain the 040 and the 079 fields even if the IR is not being used for variant edition cataloging.
If OCLC Copy is Exported
Import the record into Orbis unless a duplicate window opens. Check with your supervisor if a duplicate window opens; do not complete the import until doing so.
Even if the call number on your item is local classification, retain the 050 field if there, since it may be used in the future for filtering and reports. If there is no 050 but there is a 090, re-tag it to 050 _4.
When the record is successfully imported, create a new MFHD. See guidelines at Part 5.