Quicksearch Facet Indexes
Quicksearch facet label | Solr index name | MARC mapping (bibliographic record unless stated otherwise) | Notes |
Format | format | Derived from bibliographic: Leader 006 007 008 035a 502a Derived from holdings: 852b |
For more information, consult documentation of format script |
Publication Date | pub_date_txt | 260c | Normalized by internal function Under consideration: adding 264c and normalized publication/creation date from 008 field |
Author/Creator | author_facet | 100abcdq 110{a to z} 111{a to z} 700abcdq 710{a to z} 711{a to z} 800a 810a all with non-integral ending punctuation removed |
Recently Added | acq_dt | 907a (received date plus 2 weeks on purchase order records if status = 1 or 9; otherwise, ILS system creation date of bibliographic record) | |
Location | location_facet | 902a (created for Orbis records from holdings 852b during extract process, with display labels substituted for location codes) |
Language | language_facet | 008[35-37] 041ad |
Codes transformed into language terms via local mapping file |
Subject | subject_topic_facet | 600abcdq 600t 600x 610ab 610x 611ab 611t 611x 630a 630x 650a 650x 651x |
Subject (Region) | subject_geo_facet | 600z 610z 611z 630z 650z 651a 651z 655z all with non-integral ending punctuation removed |
Subject (Era) | subject_era_facet | 600y 610y 611y 630y 648a 650y 651y all with non-integral ending punctuation removed |
Subject (Genre) | subject_form_facet | 600v 610v 611v 630v 650v 651v 655abcxv all with non-integral ending punctuation removed |
Subject (Local Yale) | 690abcdvxyz 691abvxyz 692abcdfgjklmnopqrstvxyz 693abcdfgklmnoprstvxyz 694abcdefgklnpqstvxyz 695adfgklmnoprsvxyz all with non-integral ending punctuation removed |
LC Class | lc_1letter_facet | 901a[0], first occurrence only, created from fields indicated below during extract from source catalog Orbis: holdings 852h if present and first indicator 0, otherwise bibliographic 050 if present Morris: bibliographic 090 if present, otherwise 050 if present |
lc_2letter_facet | 901a[0-1], first occurrence only, created from fields indicated below during extract from source catalog Orbis: holdings 852h if present and first indicator 0, otherwise bibliographic 050 if present Morris: bibliographic 090 if present, otherwise 050 if present |
Last modified:
Monday, May 8, 2023 - 12:28pm