Quicksearch search label | Solr index field | MARC mapping (bibliographic record unless stated otherwise) | Notes |
All Fields | text | Bibliographic: 010-969 inclusive Holdings: 001 541abcdefhno 561a 562a 852bhikmz 856abcdfhijklmnopqrstuvwxyz |
Information from holdings records is transferred to bibliographic record as part of extract process (Orbis only) |
Title | title_txt | 245aknp linked 880 field |
subtitle_txt | 245b linked 880 field |
title_addl_txt | 130{a to z} 210ab 222ab 240abcdefgklmnopqrs 242abnp 243abcdefgklmnopqrs 245abnps 246abcdefgnp 247abcdefgnp 505t 700gklmnoprst 710fgklmnopqrst 711fgklnpst 730abcdefgklmnopqrst 740anp 773t 775t 776t 780{a to z} 785{a to z} linked 880 fields |
title_series_txt | 440{a to z} 490{a to z} 800fghklmnoprst 810dfghklmnoprst 830adfghklmnoprst linked 880 fields |
Journal Title | copy of Title indexes, limited to format Journals & Newspapers | See Title | |
Author | author_txt | 100abcdegqu 110abcdegnu 111acdegjnqu linked 880 fields |
author_addl_txt | 700abcegqu 710abcdegnu 711acdegjnqu 800a 810a linked 880 fields |
Series | series_txt | 440anpvwx 490alvx 800abcdefghjklmnopqrest 810avcdefghklmnoprst 830adfghklmnoprst linked 880 fields |
Title Begins With | title_starts_with | All fields in Title, plus title_sort: 245aknp with non-filing characters removed based on second indicator | |
Subject | subject_txt | 600{a to z} 610{a to z} 611{a to z} 630{a to z} 648a 650{a to z} 651{a to z} 653a 654{a to z} 655{a to z} 690abcdxyzv 691abvxyz 692abcdfgjklmnopqrstvxyz 693abcdfgklmnoprstvxyz 694abcdefgklnpqstvxyz 695adfgklmnoprsvxyz linked 880 fields |
subject_local_txt | 690abcdxyzv 691abvxyz 692abcdfgjklmnopqrstvxyz 693abcdfgklmnoprstvxyz 694abcdefgklnpqstvxyz 695adfgklmnoprsvxyz |
Form/Genre | subject_form_txt | 600v 610v 611v 630v 650v 651v 655abc 655v all with non-integral ending punctuation removed |
Publication Place | pub_place_txt | 260ae 264a 752abcdfgh all with non-integral ending punctuation removed |
Under consideration: including coded place data from 008 field; including linked 880 fields (currently prevented by technical limitations) |
Publisher | pub_name_txt | 260bf 264b all with non-integral ending punctuation removed |
Under consideration: including linked 880 fields (currently prevented by technical limitations) |
Publication Year | pub_year_txt | 260c 264c all with non-integral ending punctuation removed |
Under consideration: using normalized publication/creation date from 008 field |
ISBN | isbn_txt | 020a, with text after ISBN removed | |
ISSN | issn_txt | 022a, with text after ISSN removed | |
Call Number | location_call_number_txt | Holdings (Orbis only): 852bhikmz If 852b is yulint or yulintx, “Online Resource” is substituted Bibliographic (Morris only): 090a |
Holdings information transferred to bibliographic 902ab during extract (Orbis only) |