Adjacent display. Holdings display in which each piece of enumeration is followed immediately by the corresponding chronology. Yale uses adjacent display in its holdings display.
Alternative enumeration. Additional, secondary enumeration assigned to some multipart units or serial units. Note: alternative enumeration provides a continuously numbered sequence in addition to hierarchichal designations. For example, "v.3:pt.1=fasc.7" reflects a primary enumeration of volumes and parts, and an alternative enumeration of fascicles.>
Basic bibliographic units. Primary bibliographic unit for which holdings are being recorded. Examples of basic bibliographic units are a book, a multivolume encyclopedia, a computer file, a map, a score, a set of orchestral parts, and a publication with separately titled constituent parts. A bibliographic entity composed of several bibliographic units where one does not predominate is considered to have multiple basic bibliographic units; for example, a multimedia kit or a musical score and parts.
Bibliographic unit. Discrete bibliographic entity that constitutes either the whole or a art of the bibliographic item. Note: a bibliographic unit may be a basic bibliographic unit, or a secondary bibliographic unit; it may be a single-part unit, a multipart unit, or a serial unit. A bibliographic unit may or may not correspond to a physical unit.
Caption. An alphabetic word or phrase attached as a prefix to the enumeration data that describes the type of data (for example, volume, Band, Heft, part, number, or tome).
Chronology. The different types of dates used by the publisher on the work to identify the individual bibliographic unit of a serial (for example, date of coverage, date of publication, date of printing, or date of reprinting).
Combined numbering. The use of a combined numbering scheme when the publisher has chosen to publish two or more parts as one, for example, "number 3/4."
Compress. To record a range of holdings in terms of the enumeration and/or chronology of only the first and last parts held. Yale policy is that data elements may be compressed only if there is not a gap in the level or levels to be compressed.
Detailed holdings statement. Set of data elements required for Level 4 holdings to identify and record, at the most specific level of information, the parts of a bibliographic unit held by a particular institution. Yale generally applies when recording receipts and incomplete holdings, or for the holdings of some rare or special collection serials. Cf. Mixed; Summary holdings statements.
Enumeration. Data element in the Extent or Holdings Area that indicates the sequential numeric and/or alphabetic designation used by the publisher on a multipart or serial unit to identify the individual bibliographic or physical parts and to show the relationship of each part to the bibliographic unit as a whole.
Gap. A break or discontinuity in the holdings of the published parts of the serial held. The term does not refer to a break or discontinuity in the publication pattern of the serial.
Index. For the purposes of the ANSI/NISO standard, a separately described index (one having its own bibliographic record) is a basic bibliographic unit; an index described in the record for the main work that is not enumerated as part of the basic bibliographic unit is considered a secondary bibliographic unit.
Lacking. Not held. At Yale, used only in some recon holdings.
Mixed holdings statement. Holdings statement with a combination of summary and detailed levels of enumeration and/or chronology data.
Non-gap break. Break between the recorded parts of a multipart unit or serial unit caused by unpublished parts or discontinuity in the publisher's sequential designations.
Secondary bibliographic unit. Discrete bibliographic unit that is supplementary or complementary to a basic bibliographic unit or to another secondary bibliographic unit. Examples: map in pocket, set of updates to a loose-leaf, answer book accompanying a text, pamphlet accompanying an audiodisc.
Summary holdings statement. Holdings statement at the first (highest) level of enumeration and/or chronology. Yale policy is that data elements are recorded as summary holdings statements only if there is not a gap at any of the specific levels of the hierarchy. Where gaps occur, a mixed holdings statement is used. Cf. Detailed; Mixed holdings statements.
Supplement. Publication closely connected in subject matter to the basic bibliographic unit, issued by the same publisher, secondary to but separate from the basic bibliographic unit. A supplement having its own bibliographic description is considered a basic bibliographic unit and not treated as a supplement in the ANSI/NISO standard. A supplement included in the bibliographic description of the main work (basic bibliographic unit) is considered a secondary bibliographic unit so long as it is not enumerated as part of the main work, in which case it is considered a part of the basic bibliographic unit.