![Rent Collection Courtyard 收租院 Rent Collection Courtyard 收租院](https://web.library.yale.edu/sites/default/files/1_7.jpg)
The East Asia Library is pleased to announce that a NEW exhibit entitled “From Propaganda Mobilization to Youth Demobilization: Selected Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) Sources in the Yale University Library” has just been set up in the East Asian Reading Room (2nd floor of the Sterling Memorial Library). This exhibit is organized to mark the 50th anniversary of the outbreak of the Cultural Revolution in China. It features selected historical sources and research works in the Yale University Library to showcase propaganda mobilization and youth demobilization during the Cultural Revolution period, namely the Rent Collection Courtyard 收租院, a revolutionary sculpture series which was first collectively produced by artists in Sichuan 四川 province in 1965 and illustrated the landlord-peasant relationship in the “old society,” and educated youth 知青, a group of urban youth who were “sent down” to live and work in rural and frontier areas as part of the nationwide “Up to the Mountains and Down to the Countryside 上山下乡” movement (1968-1980). We would like to extend our sincerest thanks and appreciation to Professor Denise Y. Ho from the History Department for generously advising and lending items for this exhibition.
In association with the exhibit, we will host the following two talks related to the Cultural Revolution in Room 218 of the Sterling Memorial Library in late October. Light lunch will be provided.
- Professor Denise Y. Ho (History Department), ““Curating the Cultural Revolution: The Rent Collection Courtyard Then and Now. ” (October 28, 12:00 pm-1:00 pm)
- Wei Su (EALL), Charles Lu (School of Medicine) and Ping Zhang (School of Medicine), Lucky Dandelion: Reflections from the Educated Youth Generation on the “Up to the Mountains and Down to the Countryside” Movement (1968-1980) 幸运的蒲公英——中国文革五十周年祭暨知青上山下乡运动座谈会 (October 31, 12:30 pm-2:00 pm) -- This talk will be in both Chinese and English.
We hope you will enjoy the new exhibit in the East Asian Reading Room, and look forward to seeing many of you at the upcoming talks.