Yale’s School of Architecture and School of Drama present “Stage Designs by Ming Cho Lee,” a retrospective of the award-winning designer and Yale professor’s work in theater, opera, and dance. Since the 1960s, Lee has been one of the world’s most celebrated and influential set designers, renowned...
The Berg Fashion Library is regularly updated with new online-exclusive content, including this weather-appropriate entry on “Figure Skating Dress and Costume.” The article surveys the history of skating wear from the seventeenth century to Sonja Henie, the Ice Capades, and famous fashion designers...
Yale's smaller exhibit venues were recently featured on Yale News. The article covers several library exhibit venues: the Arts Library, Medical Library, Music Library, and Lewis Walpole Library. The Yale-China Association is also featured.
The September issue of Vogue is now available online via the library’s access to the ProQuest Vogue Archive. This database includes every issue of Vogue back to 1892—that’s more than 2700 issues spanning over 440,000 pages. Browse by date or search by keyword for designers, photographers,...
Have you ever wondered what was behind the glass wall in the lower level of the Haas Family Arts Library? That is the reading room for Arts Library Special Collections (ALSC), where anyone who registers can view rare, unique, and valuable materials that belong to the Arts Library. In order to...
Artsy is an “online platform for discovering and collecting artwork.” Currently the site serves 50,000+ images by 11,000+ artists with a focus on contemporary art. In addition to the art market, Artsy strives to provide context to the artworks through essays, interviews with artists, curators, and...
The Berg Fashion Library brings together scholarly books and journals as well as reference works and critical writings on fashion history and theory. Search or browse more than 8000 images by place, garment type, theme, etc. The August 2013 update includes new journal content, entries on steampunk...