East Asia Library

New Japanese database: Gunsho ruijū

February 11, 2015

Thanks to all of you who supported the purchase of the database. We are happy to announce the new available databaseGunsho ruijū (群書類従) to Yale University community.


If you have an issue to connect other JapanKnowlege contents like 日本国語大辞典, 新編 日本古典文学全集 and 日本歴史地名大系, please log out once and log in back to the databases using the separate url (http://japanknowledge.com/library/).

About Gunsho Ruijū 群書類従 online
This set consists of important collections relating to Japanese literary classics and historical records in a variety of areas such as history, literature & language, religion, customs, art, performing art, education, politics, economics, law and geography, etc. The database provides full-text search function of this very authoritative reference sources.

For more information on the database please go to the link below:
https://japanknowledge.com/contents/gunshoruiju/index.html (Japanese)
http://japanknowledge.com/library/en/jkbooks.html/ (English)