Sterling Memorial Library (SML) and Mudd
Two classification systems are used to arrange books in the SML stacks: Old Yale classification and Library of Congress (LC) classification. Most LC call numbers can be so identified by the presence of the designation "(LC)" as the last element of the call number. The exceptions are (1) D, PA-PZ, and Q, which are LC call numbers in which "(LC)" does not appear as the last element of the call number and (2) Near East, which appears as a stamp above an LC call number in which the designation "(LC)" does not appear as the last element of the call number.
Material with an Old Yale call number in one of the following classes (A B C F G H I J K) is shelved in the SML stacks; material with an Old Yale call number in one of the following classes (E L M N O P R S T U V W) is shelved in Mudd.