Statistics and Preparations

Recording Cataloging Statistics in Voyager (Monographic Processing Services)
_____ I1. Keep track of the cataloging you’ve completed. If you don’t know which method to use to keep cataloging statistics, check with your supervisor. The approach described here is primarily used by Monographic Processing Services.
 When you have finished cataloging, click on the pie chart icon for ‘item statistical categories’ in each item record. Highlight the cataloging category that best describes the work you performed and click the blue arrow. Then click, OK’. Then click ‘Save to DB’ The definitions for each of the categories are below.
  • 1 Cataloging, FastCat
    • Full-level bibliographic record has been imported from a vendor and we are performing quality control. The item is routed to Preparations or the shelf once the review is complete.  This is not used for material going to the backlog.
  • 2 Cataloging, Copy
    • Bibliographic record was already imported from OCLC, or we have searched OCLC and brought in a record from OCLC. Some edits are usually required, and more verification is required than with FastCat. The item is routed to Preparations.
  • 3 Cataloging, Original
    • Bibliographic record either required extensive edits and additions, was derived from another record, or was created by the cataloger. Includes assigning call numbers and adding or adjusting subject headings. The item is routed to Preparations.
  • 4 Cataloging, Added Vol.
    • Bibliographic record is already in Voyager but updates regarding newly acquired additional volumes may be necessary to the bibliographic record. Primarily, updates are made in holdings and item records. The status is added when the item is being routed to Preparations.
    • Code added copies as added volumes. Likely the only change will be to add or edit the holdings and item records.
  • 5 Cataloging, Enhancement
    • The resource was already cataloged at Yale but substantial edits or enhancements were made to the existing bibliographic record. This work frequently happens in catalog maintenance activities.  
Note: If you’re recording enhancement, copy, original, or fastcat this should be recorded on one item record, not every attached item record.  Example: If you’re adding multiple items at once, one item would get the cataloging designation based on the work done to the bib record, each of the others would only get the added volume designation.
Best practice is to add the statistical category when work is complete.  Exceptions to this may occur when working with added volumes.  If there are questions consult your supervisor.