Original Cataloging

Current accepted practices are listed. As a standard procedure, always check any URL added to the record in the OPAC or by using the Voyager link checker (ctrl+k).


i. Units should document their procedures, including

  • decisions that do not follow the standard guidelines (and rationale for doing so)
  • standard public notes used by the unit
  • decision to use bibliographic or MFHD record
  • examples

As these become available, a link will be provided from this document.

ii. Use 856 in the MFHD to link to an online resource related to the print resource represented by the bibliographic record.

Use the following standard construction for 856 fields (in either bibliographic or MFHD records). Second indicator 2 means the link is to a "related resource."

856 42 ‡3 <specific material described, if applicable, e.g. Finding aid; Online guide > ‡u <URL> ‡z <public note, if applicable>

Avoid entering only a ‡u in 856, since this will cause the URL path to display. Use of both ‡3 and ‡z is allowed, but both will display in Orbis as currently configured.

iii. Use 856 in the MFHD if a link is made from a tangible resource to a digital surrogate.

Use the following standard construction for 856 fields (in either bibliographic or MFHD records). Second indicator 1 ("version of the resource") means the link is to a digital surrogate.

856 41 ‡y Digital version. ‡u <URL>

Avoid entering only a ‡u in 856, since this will cause the URL path to display. Note that in the current version of Orbis, ‡y will block display of ‡z, so use of ‡z in this situation is not an option.
iv. Standard text in ‡y and ‡3. Subfield ‡y should refer only to the type of bibliographic item to which the field applies, per the MARC 21 standards. For terms authorized for use on YUL records, see Standard Terms for Use in 856 Link Text
To request an addition or change to the list of authorized terms, contact the Chief Catalog Librarian.
Whenever appropriate, use the same standard terms if ‡3 needs to be used. However, because the variety of potential terms used for parts of e-resources is so broad, a ‡3 term does not need to be authorized by a listing in the table.