See also:
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke
Preliminary records are created for collections which will not be processed immediately. These can be closed collections, in which all materials have been received, or ongoing collections, in which more materials will be received in the future. Preliminary records consist of a bibliographic record, one or more mfhd records, and, if applicable, one or more item records. Features of a preliminary bibliographic record are:
Contains at least the following fields: Leader, 008, 040, 1XX (if applicable), 245, 300, brief 520, 555 (if applicable), at least one 6XX, and 852.
Leader/Encoding level: 7 (Minimal level processing).
Date span: for unprocessed collection of personal papers, if undetermined, may be given as "ca. [birth date]-[death date]" in 245 ‡f. Date span of an ongoing collection may be given as "[ongoing]" in 245 ‡f, with "9999" in the 008 Date 2, or as an estimated closing date in 245 ‡f and 008 Date 2.
300: contains estimated linear footage. For an ongoing collection, may be given as "ms."
520: contains a general description of the types of material in the collection.
555: notes available access tools, for example "Unprocessed collection. Preliminary finding aid available. For further information, consult the Public Service Desk."
Optional fields:
041 and 546: note languages represented.
506: notes any restriction.
Preliminary records can be exported to OCLC and MARS.
Example Fields, Closed Collection:
Encoding Level: 7
Publication Status: i
Date 1 1926
Date 2 1988
Language: eng: English
Variable Fields:
040 __ ‡a CtY-BR ‡c CtY-BR ‡e dacs
100 1_ ‡a Lees-Milne, James.
245 10 ‡a James Lees-Milne papers, ‡f ca. 1926-1988.
300 __ ‡a 7.25 ‡f linear feet
506 __ ‡a Diaries restricted. For further information consult the appropriate curator.
520 __ ‡a Correspondence, photographs, printed material, writings, diaries.
555 __ ‡a Unprocessed collection. Preliminary finding aid available. For further information, consult the Public Service Desk.
600 10 ‡a Lees-Milne, James.
852 __ ‡a Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, New Haven, CT
852 70 ‡b beingen ‡h Uncat MSS ‡i 620
Example Fields, Ongoing Collection
Encoding Level: 7
Publication Status: i
Date 1 1917
Date 2 1999
Language: eng: English
Variable Fields:
040 __ ‡a CtY-BR ‡c CtY-BR ‡e dacs
100 1_ ‡a Lord, James
245 10 ‡a James Lord papers, ‡f 1917-[ongoing]
300 __ ‡a ms.
520 __ ‡a Writings, correspondence, research notes, artwork, audio tapes, printed material and photographs.
555 __ ‡a Unprocessed collection. For further information, consult the Public Service Desk.
600 10 ‡a Lord, James.
852 __ ‡a Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, New Haven, CT
852 70 ‡b beingen ‡h Uncat MSS ‡i 621
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Manuscript Cataloging Guidelines
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual