MARC Format for Holdings (Mfhd) Record

General Information
Creating Templates
Creating and Editing Mfhd Records
Saving Mfhd Records
Multiple Call Numbers for a Single Collection
Deleting a Mfhd Record

See also:
Additional Guidelines: Beinecke

General Information

The following instructions address creation and editing of MARC Format for Holdings records (or mfhd, pronounced "muffhead"). For detailed definitions of mfhd tags, indicators, and subfields, see MARC 21 Concise Format for Holdings Data or full documentation on Catalogers Desktop.

A mfhd record contains location and call number information, and is linked to a bibliographic record. A system-generated record ID number is displayed in the title bar, followed by the record ID of the associated bibliographic record. The upper portion of mfhd record consists of three tabs:

MARC tab: Fixed fields. (system supplied; do not edit). Contains "Suppress from OPAC" check box. Do not suppress a mfhd when its associated bibliographic record is displayed, as this will generate the following message in the OPAC:
"No longer held by the Yale Library. If another edition is not in Orbis, try Borrow Direct/ILL."

System tab: Do not use "OK to export" checkbox. Mfhd records currently are not exported.

Bib Title(s) tab: Record ID and title of associated bibliographic record(s). (System supplied)

History tab: Record of date and operator ID for creation and all subsequent saves. (System supplied)

The mfhd record is visible only in the cataloging module, but call number and location information derived from the mfhd are displayed in the OPAC. To search a mfhd record in the cataloging module:

Click Record>Retrieve by Record ID>Holding>[enter record ID].

When a bibliographic record is active in the cataloging module, an associated mfhd record may be displayed by either of the following procedures (A record is active when its title bar is highlighted in blue):

Click the Get Holdings icon.

Click the Hierarchy icon, expand if necessary, highlight the mfhd record, and click Retrieve.

Creating Templates

New mfhd records are created by use of templates. For instructions on creating new templates and editing templates, see Creating Templates in the section on the Bibliographic Record.

To open a blank template for creation of a new mfhd, click on the New Hldgs icon, with the associated bibliographic record in the active window (a record is active when its title bar is highlighted in blue). This will bring up the default template specified in Preferences. Multiple templates may be stored on the hard drive or a networked drive, and the default may be changed by clicking Options>Preferences>Folders/Files, and entering a path in the Hldg box. If no path is specified in Preferences, clicking the New Hldgs icon will open a generic Voyager-supplied template. 

Creating and Editing Mfhd Records

A mfhd record is required for each call number associated with a bibliographic record.

The Leader contains a system-supplied record type x (single part item). Do not change fixed field defaults in the leader, 007, or 008.

Edit the variable fields using editing techniques described in the section on the Bibliographic Record. Complete the variable fields according to the following instructions.



Single Manuscript



Single Manuscript

Additional Guidelines: Beinecke



Single Manuscript

Additional Guidelines: Beinecke

Linkage Number (014)

Do not delete or edit. 014 fields contain linking or migration information, such as the Notis key for an associated bibliographic record migrated from Notis (Yale's former library management system). This field does not appear in records created in Voyager.

Location (852)

Repeatable: yes
Holdings Keyword
‡b: Limit by location
Additional Staff Indexes: Holdings Boolean
‡b: Limit by location
Orbis Public Display Constants:
Holdings/Location [code displays as full library name]
‡h and ‡i: Holdings/Call Number
‡x: [no display]
‡z: Notes

8 Other scheme (local, non-LC call number)
0 Not by enumeration (not a serial)

‡b Sublocation
‡h Classification part
‡i Item part
‡k Call Number Prefix
‡x Nonpublic note
‡z Public note


Required Subfields
‡b Sublocation or Collection. Determined by the default set in Preferences (General-Holdings/Item Default Location). This subfield may also be set in a template, and may be edited either manually or by a menu accessed by putting the cursor in the 852 field and pressing control l (i.e. lower case L). All locations in Voyager are coded as a single string without punctuation. The name of the holding library derived from this code is displayed in the Opac.

‡h Classification Part. Contains the non-unique part of the call number.

‡i Item Part. Contains the unique part of the call number. Enter a space, with no punctuation between multiple parts within ‡i.

852 80 ‡b beingen ‡h GEN MSS ‡i 452
852 80 ‡b beinycal ‡h YCAL MSS FILE ‡i 132
852 80 ‡b beinwa ‡h WA MSS ‡i S-2440 R514

Other Subfields
Use the following subfields as appropriate.

‡x Nonpublic Note. Use for local processing notes for library staff use, such as notes regarding deletion of an existing access point or transfer from another Yale library, or to identify a recon record.

‡x To be completed with additional name tracings once curator supplies them; bein, ms 3/94.
‡x Before recon title was.... ; bein, ms 10/98.
‡x Before recon call number was... ; bein, ms 1/03.
‡x Recon collection, processing has been completed and Orbis record has been updated; bein, ms 4/99. [This is for recon collections that were reconned and then later recataloged. See note under Encoding Level.]
‡x Transferred from muddzeta; former call number was ... ; bein, ms 3/04.

‡z Public Note. Use for notes to be displayed in the OPAC.

‡k Call Number Prefix. Use rarely for a call number qualifier to be displayed in the OPAC. Contents are not indexed and cannot be globally edited. Before using this subfield, consult the Chief Catalog Librarian.

Holdings (866)

Repeatable: yes
Indexed: Holdings Keyword
Additional Staff Indexes: Holdings Boolean
Orbis Public Display Constant: Library Has

4 Holdings level
1 ANSI/NISO Z39.71 or ISO 10324

‡8 Link and sequence number
‡a Textual holdings
‡x Nonpublic note
‡z Public note


Optionally use when multiple mfhd records are attached to a bibliographic record, to list boxes, volumes, or other containers shelved in the location specified by each mfhd. Especially consider using when a collection is split between onsite and LSF locations.

Subfield ‡8, with value 0, is required.

Mfhd for part of collection stored onsite:
852 80 ‡b beinycal ‡h YCAL MSS ‡i 999
866 41 $8 0 $a Boxes 1-10, 15-17
Mfhd for part of collection stored at LSF:
852 80 ‡b lsfbeiar ‡h YCAL MSS ‡i 999
866 41 $8 0 $a Boxes 11-14, 18-20

Saving Mfhd Records
After completing the 852 field, save the record to Voyager by clicking the Save to DB icon. Do not click the Save icon, as this will save the record only to the workstation hard drive. A message will appear confirming the save; click OK.

Multiple Mfhd Records
Multiple mfhd records may be attached to the same bibliographic record. Multiple mfhds may be used to record on- and off-site locations for parts of a single collection, or to record multiple call numbers for a single collection. Use of multiple mfhds ensures that all locations and call numbers are searchable. Each mfhd will have a unique Record ID. To view all mfhds attached to a bibliographic record, bring the bibliographic record to the active window and click either the Get Holdings icon or the Hierarchy icon.

Deleting a Mfhd Record
If a mfhd record is entered accidentally and should not be in the database, notify a staff member who has a catalog librarian profile password, which allows deletion of records.

Return to:
Mfhd Record top
Manuscript Cataloging Guidelines
Appendix A: Single Manuscript Instructions
Beinecke Manuscript Cataloging Manual