Although most of the copy cataloging for a c.t. analyzed set can be processed by a Cataloging Assistant D, note that with the new Voyager authorization profiles, a catalog librarian will need to update the SAR with the local 090 field, even if a SAR has been created by PCC and cataloging copy is available for both the cover record and all analytics in hand. In some cases, cataloging copy will be available for the cover and the analytics, but no SAR will have been contributed to the NAF at the time of cataloging. In that case, Yale must create the SAR in OCLC. The catalog librarian should follow the guidelines for creating the SAR described on the Classed-Together Analyzed: Original Cataloging page.
If source copy is found indicating that the title is treated as a classed together multipart, search also the individual title to verify whether or not the multipart is analyzed.
If searching indicates that the multipart is NOT ANALYZED, in general process as an unanalyzed multipart. (A bibliographic record for the set is found, but no bibliographic record is found for the individual volume.)
Searching results may indicate that the multipart is ANALYZED, i.e. a bibliographic record for the set (the cover record) is found and a bibliographic record is also found for an individual volume (the bibliographic record for the individual volume is called the analytic). For multiparts treated as classed-together analyzed, the call number assigned to the individual volume is the same as the call number of the set, but with the addition of a volume number.
If the cataloging is by LC,
1. Generally follow the classed together decision. Remember that a classed separately decision is likely to require original cataloging intervention for each new volume as it is received. Some exceptions are made at departmental collections for special subject areas.
2. There should be an SAR for the analyzed multipart in Orbis indicating the Yale location treatment in 090. Consult with a catalog librarian if no SAR is in Orbis or if the location treatment has not been recorded.
3. In Voyager, only catalog librarians now have the authorization to update SARs. The LC call number with any local modifications must be recorded in field 090.
4. Use the LC 050 number. Do not modify the LC 050 to fit into the catalog shelflist order.
5. If the multipart set is part of a classed together series, consult with a catalog librarian
If the cataloging is not by LC, check for an SAR in Orbis or in LC Authorities, and follow the same procedure as with LC if an SAR is found. If there is a discrepancy between the classification decision on the SAR and the bibliographic record (e.g. the SAR indicates classed separately and the bibliographic record is classed together), consult with a catalog librarian.
If the cataloging is not by LC and no SAR is found, consult with a catalog librarian. A SAR must be created for all new classed-together analyzed titles.
Searching tip. Search for the SAR using the heading traced in the 8xx field of the analytic. When searching for an SAR, use the Voyager Staff Title search if the multipart uses title main entry. If the multipart is entered under the author's name, search the author's name using the Voyager Staff Name/Title search. Use of the Staff Name/Title search subarranges by title.
Otherwise, follow the copy cataloging instructions for the cover record, and the processing instructions for the cover record, the analytic, marking, and item records under Classed-together Analyzed: Original Cataloging.
The workflow assumption is that the added volumes are processed by a D-level C&T; because of limited staff, adds are processed by librarians at some locations.
1. If the cover record and analytics have already been cataloged, check for a SAR in Orbis and LC Authorities. If none is found, consult with a catalog librarian authorized to create an SAR in the national file. Searching hint: many classed together analyzed sets are the "works" of a single author; the series tag is 800 with ‡t Works or some other generic term, e.g. Plays. For author/title 800s, you must use the Staff Name/Title search to find the SAR.
2. If a cover record and SAR have been created, and usable copy for the analytic is found, catalog the analytic first as a priority and only then update the bibliographic record and MFHD of the cover record to minimize user confusion. Update the bibliographic record following the checklists on the Discrepancies/Editing page. See the special instructions for item records at CLASSED TOGETHER ANALYZED. ORIGINAL CATALOGING. ITEM RECORDS. and 5. below.
3. If a title is analyzed and no copy is found for the analytic, route to a catalog librarian. Catalog librarian should first catalog the analytic as a priority and only then update the MFHD on the cover record to minimize user confusion.
4. Volumes to be added to classed together multipart sets (including classed together analyzed sets) should not be backlogged. SML practice: multipart adds are sent to the Priority Cataloging shelves in the Cataloging Dept., not to the SML Frontlog.
5. In some cases the adding process will reveal that the multipart has changed from fully analyzed to partially analyzed, either because the earlier procedure was followed or because the volume to be added is without special title. When this occurs,
a) All item records should be relinked to the cover record
b) Volume number should be entered in ENUM
c) Revise 852 ‡x from anlyz to part anlyz. See Section C.1.A. Classed-together-Partially analyzed
Exceptions may be made if the older procedures have been followed and the set is very large; use cataloger judgment