3. Contents Note (505)

In current RDA cataloging, it is necessary to show the relationship of works in a compilation to the compilation itself. Under LC PCC PS 25.1, the relationship should be via the 505 contents note ("unless burdensome"). If one of the works in the compilation is predominant, a 7xx author/title analytic added entry should be made, with an option to create a/t analytic added entries for the other titles. If the number of works contained in the multipart compilation is manageable, YUL will generally make analytic added entries for all of the works, unless the full analysis option is used (see the following paragraph).

Since LC no longer uses the classed together-analyzed option, it should be noted that locally, if the cataloger chooses c.t.-analyzed, the cover record would require an up-to-date 505 listing at a minimum all works held at YUL.

In general, subfields t, r and g are not required (and are not recommended) for field 505 for new Yale records.

Optionally, indexing subfields (in that case 505 2nd indicator MUST BE 0) may be entered, but generally prefer 7xx analytic added entries; the 505 subfields are a MARC workaround that is not really in the spirit of RDA. The most appropriate candidates would be 505s for unanalyzed multiparts for small press and foreign imprints that would not have contents notes supplied by commercial vendors. Be sure to test indexing in Web Voyage.

The LC-PCC PS Formal Contents Note (formerly AACR2 LCRI for 2.7B18)  has detailed instructions for the 505 field. The PS points relevant to multiparts:

1. Use appropriate first indicator (0=contents ; 1=incomplete contents; 2=partial contents. Partial contents indicator should be used if the set is complete but the cataloger chooses to record only selective titles. Although the PS does not address this point, if the formal contents note must be split into multiple 505s, use first indicator 0 for the first 505 and use first indicator 8=no display constant for the subsequent 505 fields).

2. "Record the title proper that appears in the source that provides the best identification <LCRI preferred source was: "table of contents, unless another source gives a more authoritative account of the data;" this was not  in the PS> however, if the title appears on the title page, normally use the title page title; give other title information only when the title proper would be meaningless without it or when it would greatly enhance keyword searching." <the italicized phrase was not in the old LCRI>

3. LC PCC PS: "When the contents listed have different statements of responsibility, generally record a first statement of responsibility for each title proper recorded in the contents note."

[LCRI was: "Include a first statement of responsibility (cf. 1.1F) if it differs in fact from the statement included in the title and statement of responsibility or edition areas; omit names according to 1.1F5."]

4.-5. Apply to single part monographs.

6. Multipart 505s:

a. Use the volume designation found on the resource. Punctuation: separate the volume designation by a period space. [From the LCRI, but still relevant to an RDA 505: "Give the volume designation that is found on the item, except use appendix B abbreviations for the terms ..." However, the LCRI converts roman numerals to arabic numbers, but the general transcription guidelines in the PS are to transcribe roman numerals as found.]

b. "If the number of physical volumes differs from the number of bibliographic volumes, include the number of physical volumes within parentheses after the title (or after the title and statement of responsibility)"

c. "[a] Separate each volume with a space-dash-space; if the set is incomplete, put the space-dash-space before each title (other than the first) that is being recorded and leave four spaces for the missing volume; [b] if two or more titles are being transcribed for one volume, apply the punctuation conventions from RDA 1.2.2 such that the titles by the same person, body, etc., are separated by a space-semicolon-space and titles by different persons, bodies, etc., are separated by a period-space."

d. "When some of the volumes in a multipart publication have their own titles and some of the volumes do not and it is decided to make a formal contents note, use the statement "[without special title]" to represent the untitled volumes."


505 1   ‡a [Bd. 1. without special title]    -- Bd. 3.  Friedensdiskurs aus verschiedener weltanschaulicher Sicht / herausgegeben von Rudolf Weiler.

COMMENT: 505 from LCCN 77468055 above demonstrates:

  • use of incomplete contents indicator 1
  • statement of responsibility has been transcribed (in the AACR2 example, it was not)
  • use of volume designation "Bd." from Appendix B and the use of period-space between volume designation and the title
  • use of space - dash -space preceding (but not following) all titles except the first with FOUR SPACES for missing volume
  • use of "[without special title]"

Note that the volume designation is also used with the [without special title]. Note that if the set is analyzed and one of the volumes is "without special title," special procedures are followed for item records. See the Partially analyzed section on the CLASSED-TOGETHER ANALYZED page.

EXAMPLE: LCCN 95007455 //r965. Example of 6b. (number of physical volumes differs from the number of bibliographic volumes). Note use of double punctuation at the end of the 505. (LC PCC PS 1.7.1. Punctuation in Notes item 2: "For 5xx notes, an ending mark of punctuation is a period (.), quotation mark ("), question mark (?), exclamation mark (!), hyphen (for open dates), and angle bracket (>). End each note with a period or other mark of punctuation." Notable exclusion: parenthesis is NOT on the list, so if the note ends with a parenthesis, follow it with a period.

505 1   ‡a v. 1. Antiquity : circa 2000 ante Christum-circa 200 ante Christum (2 v.) -- v. 2. The Classical period : circa 200 ante Christum-circa 200 post Christum (2 v.) -- v. 3. Roman decadence : circa 100 post Christum-circa 500 post Christum -- v. 4. The Middle Ages : circa 6th to the end of 15th century (2 v.).

EXAMPLE LCCN 93110103. First volume not available at the time of cataloging; v. 4 in 2 physical volumes.

505 1   ‡a -- v. 3. Corrosives and irritants -- v. 4. Toxic chemicals (2 v.) -- v. 5. Flammable chemicals.

EXAMPLE LCCN 75031305//r76. Note that this is an application of 1.2.2, where the cataloger is instructed to use semicolons to separate titles by the same person issued in one volume. Assuming applies to the transcription of the title proper in 505, the initial article needs to be retained. In RDA, the LC PCC PS takes the alternative and drops the initial article from the preferred title, but the 505 is not recording a list of preferred titles (since PS says to include the statement of responsibility, the assumption is that 505 is regarded as transcription rather than a list) [though recording physical volumes is not transcription]. The status of the contents note in RDA is something CC:DA may be looking into. For now, initial articles are mandatory in 505 for the record to be pcc standard.

(version one without indexing subfields). Articles included in transcription.

505 0   ‡a v. 1. The book of her life ; Spiritual testimonies ; Soliloquies -- v. 2. The way of perfection ; Meditations on the song of songs ; The interior castle -- v. 3. The book of her foundations ; Minor works.

(OPTIONAL version two with indexing subfields). Articles not transcribed to facilitate "left-anchor" retrieval. Relatively generic titles were not assigned subfield t. Fields do not index if 2nd indicator 0 is not entered. If the option is used, do not code as pcc. See previous paragraph regarding standard practices.

505 0 0 ‡g v. 1. ‡t Book of her life ; ‡t Spiritual testimonies ; Soliloquies -- ‡g v. 2. ‡t Way of perfection ; ‡t Meditations on the song of songs ; ‡t Interior castle -- ‡g v. 3. ‡t Book of her foundations ; Minor works.

Provisional Yale decision. If the record is not coded as PCC, and the cataloger has made the optional decision to use indexing subfields, generally leave out the initial article to ensure retrieval on left-anchor title searches as long as the absence of the article does not affect the meaning of the title in the language being cataloged. Prefer use of analytic added entries rather than coded 505.

(OPTIONAL) Example using indexing subfields; initial article retained.

The series Publications of the Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic science often combines reprints of monographs and articles in single volumes or (as in the following example) multipart sets. Standard analysis of the multipart volumes would not account for these titles; the individual volumes in a given set generally do not have collective, separate titles. Rather conveniently, the publisher generally records author names in inverted order in the table of contents, as if in anticipation of 505 subfield r. In the following example, first indicator value 2 is employed in order to justify recording only the monograph reprints rather than all of the book review titles that were also listed in the publication's TOC.

EXAMPLE Texts and studies on astrology. A 5 v. multipart in the series Publications of the Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic science and the series Islamic mathematics and astronomy. The author's name in the statement of responsibility is inverted only because it so appears in that form on the item.

505 2 0 ‡a Monograph repr. in v. 1: ‡t Zur pseudepigraphischen Literatur, insbesondere der geheimen Wissenschaften des Mittelalters / ‡r Steinschneider, Moritz. ‡g Berlin, 1862.

The Texts and studies on astrology example uses multiple 505s. The subsequent 505s use first indicator value 8 so the CONTENTS label is only used once in the Orbis OPAC display.

Some member libraries enter the article (Die) in ‡g; current Yale decision (in line with OCLC Bibliographic Formats and Standards) is NOT to enter the initial article in ‡g if the initial article is transcribed; however, the article will block "left-anchor retrieval" of the title. (In such cases, consider using 700 12 instead)

505 8 0 ‡a Monographs repr. in v. 2: ‡t Beiträge zur Geschichte der Astrologie. I, Der griechische Astrologe Dorotheos von Sidon und der arabische Astrologe Abu ʾl-Ḥasan ʾAlī ibn abi'r-Riǧāl, genannt Albohazen / ‡r Stegemann, Viktor. ‡g Heidelberg, 1935 -- Die ‡t Fragmente des Dorotheos von Sidon / ‡r Stegemann, Viktor. ‡g Heidelberg, 1939-1943 -- ‡t Dorotheos von Sidon und das sogenannte Introductorium des Sahl ibn Bišr / ‡r Stegemann, Viktor. ‡g Prag, 1942.

Mixed editions. LC practice for mixed editions is to record edition differences in 505. With Voyager, Yale practice will be to record edition differences in MFHD 866. Refer to Multipart Monograph MFHD Guidelines. 10. Mixed editions.