This procedure is sometimes used if the individual series volumes have distinctive titles but are of pamphlet length. It is employed primarily by SML but is used by other cataloging units such as the Medical Library and for some publications in CSSSI. In the SML workflow, the analytics are created by the Monograph Support Team at encoding level 7.
Formerly the analytic records were not exported to the utilities, but, post-reclamation, since they are exported for MARS processing, they will be exported to OCLC automatically. The bibliographic record for the series as a whole is suppressed & is not exported to MARS (or OCLC).
Analysis of a series with distinctive titles is a cataloger decision; analysis is not required, even at E/L 7. Catalogers should take into consideration that many of the pamphlet-length series issues are now available electronically in full-text format and may be searched by author, title, and series. If the item in hand or the found cataloging copy indicates that the title is also available in electronic form, and if the library provides access to the electronic version, the cataloger should consider whether even E/L 7 analysis is necessary, even if cataloging copy for the analytics of the print version is available.
Historical note: serial analytics were at one time called provisional analytics; the procedure was sometimes referred to as "prov anal," i.e. provisional analysis. Most series bibliographic and SAR records created prior to documentation are annotated "prov anal."
General procedures
Search LCDB for a bibliographic record for the series and a SAR.
If a bibliographic record is found, overlay the preliminary series record.
If a bibliographic record is not found in LCDB, search OCLC for a series bibliographic record. If a bibliographic record is found, overlay the preliminary record in Orbis. If no record is found, update the bibliographic records following the E/L 7 guidelines above for classed-separately series. Since the record will be suppressed, it will not be exported to MARS or the utilities.
If a SAR is found, import it into Orbis and add a 090 to indicate local classification practice. If no SAR exists in LCDB, do not create one.
EXCEPTION: if cataloging is done on OCLC (non-roman), search OCLC for a series bibliographic record. If a bibliographic record is found, derive it and export it into Orbis. If no record is found, create an E/L 7 record for the monographic series and export it into Orbis.