Preservation Department
Loan Support
In addition to support for in-house Library exhibitions, SCC staff also provide assistance and expertise for loans of collection materials to other institutions for the purpose of exhibition. Loan expose collections to all of the same risks as in-house exhibition but add additional risks related to transport that must also be taken into consideration and managed. SCC’s conservators are available to assist curators and others at various stages of the loan process through the following activities:
- Assessing collection material in light of the loan requirements, duration, and anticipated environmental conditions as part of the pre-approval process
- Reviewing and providing feedback to curators about borrower’s facilities reports
- Providing time and cost estimates (treatment and preparation) to curators and others making loan decisions
- Creating condition reports for objects approved for loan
- Scheduling and undertaking conservation treatment as needed
- Proving general and specific guidelines for display (light levels, matting or mount requirements) to the borrower
- Offering advice and specifications for crating, handling and transport
- Matting, framing, and special mount-making when necessary or coordinating such work with the borrower’s conservation or exhibit preparation staff
- Reviewing the condition of object upon their return
To request assistance with a loan, please contact the Chief Conservator, Christine McCarthy.
Last modified:
Wednesday, June 18, 2014 - 2:57pm