Divinity Library Special Collections
Archives of organizations
This is not a complete listing of all organizations for which the Yale Divinity Library holds records. For thorough searching, please use the Yale Finding Aid Database and Orbis, the online catalog. The Library holds many collections microfilmed by the Pacific Manuscript Bureau that are not listed on this page; search Orbis for "PMB (Series)" to identify these records.
When an online finding aid for a collection is available, the record group number is linked to it. Hardcopy finding aids are available for all record groups in the Special Collections Reading Room. A geographical index is available, which indicates which organizations were working in Africa, China, India/Ceylon,Japan/Korea, Middle East/Turkey, Oceania/New Guinea.
American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (Microfilm: Film Ms32, Film Ms39) |
Congregational mission agency formed in 1810. Film Ms32: Guide from vendor - Index of missionaries Archives documenting work in Africa, Asia, Middle East, Oceania, among North American Indians (1811-1919). (858 reels) Guide to original ABCFM archives at Harvard is available at: http://oasis.lib.harvard.edu/oasis/deliver/~hou01467 Film Ms39: Records of Mount Silinda Station, Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) (1894-1934). (1 reel) |
American Evangelical Lutheran Church, Woman’s Board of Home Missions (Microfilm: Film Ms542) |
Microfilm of originals held in ELCA Archives: Minutes, Reports, Financial Reports, Publications 1950-1962 (82 reels) |
American Home Missionary Society | See: Congregational Home Missionary Society | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
American Lutheran Church, Board of Foreign Missions (Microfilm: Film Ms441, Ms442, Ms443, Ms446, Ms447, Ms448, Ms449, Ms450, Ms453, Ms454, Ms455, Ms456, Ms457, Ms519, Ms522, Ms523, Ms 524, Ms525, Ms540, Ms541, Ms550) |
Microfilm of originals held in ELCA Archives: |
American Lutheran Church, Commission on Mexican Missions (Microfilm: Film Ms551, Ms552, Ms553, Ms554, Ms555) |
Microfilm of originals held in ELCA Archives: Missions in Mexico and Texas Correspondence, Chronological 1923-1961 (Film Ms551 - 8 reels) Subject Correspondence 1934-1964 (Film Ms552 - 4 reels) John A. Scherzer Correspondence 1942-1946 (Film Ms553 - 2 reels) Annual statistics 1935-1955 (Film Ms554 - 2 reels) Records 1923-1966 (Film Ms555 - 2 reels) |
American School of Kikungshan/ ASK Association (RG164) | Lutheran school for children of missionaries in China (10 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
American Theological Library Association (RG163), (RG163A), (RG163B), |
Official archives of the ATLA (1949-1990) (63 linear ft.) |
American Theological Library Association Library Development Project (RG81) | Project to support theological libraries in collection development (1960-1973). (7 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Anglican Church of Congo (RG196) | Correspondence, reports, and other collected material document the development of the Anglican Church of Congo, or Province de L'Eglise Anglicane Du Congo. These records were photocopied or scanned in the Congo or Uganda and sent to the Yale Divinity Library for safekeeping. (8 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Asian Women's Institute (RG106) | Support agency for women's higher education in Asia established in 1975. (24 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Associate Board of the Women's Christian College (Madras, India) (RG187) | The Women's Christian College, Madras was opened in July 1915 with forty-one students. Affiliated with the University of Madras, it was among the first institutions for higher education for women in South India. (1915-1973) (2 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Association for Case Teaching (RG245) | The Association for Case Teaching was established in 1978 to promote the use of case studies for improving the quality of theological teaching. (6 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Association for Theological Education in South East Asia (Microfilm: Film Ms355) | ATESEA archival records dating from 1981-2000. (73 reels) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Association of Professors and Researchers in Religious Education (RG154) (RG154A - addendum) | The Association of Professors and Researchers in Religious Education grew out of the Professors and Research Section of the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of Churches. (6 linear ft.) (Addendum - 2 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church, Board of World Missions (Microfilm: Film Ms408, Ms458, Ms468, Ms469, Ms471, Ms474, Ms492, Ms493, Ms496, Ms497, Ms 498, Ms499, Ms504, Ms506, Ms507, Ms508, Ms510, Ms512, Ms520) |
Microfilm of originals held in ELCA Archives: Reports and Minutes, n.d., 1860-1954 (Film Ms458 - 1 reel) Board of World Missions: Minutes 1952-1961 (Film Ms504 - 1 reel) Board of World Missions: Officers and Executives Files 1923-1963 (Film Ms468 - 4 reels) Board of World Missions: Publicity Material 1894-1960 (Film Ms469 - 2 reel) Board of World Missions: Mission Field Minutes 1958-1961 (Film Ms471 - 1 reel) Board of World Missions: Financial and Statistical Records 1861-1891, 1953-1963 (Film Ms474 - 1 reel) China: Annual Conference Minutes 1918-1956 (Film Ms520 2 reels) - China China and Hong Kong: Subject Files 1946-1960; 1948-1959 (Film Ms508 - 1 reel) China and Hong Kong : Correspondence 1949-1962 (Film Ms496 - 1 reel) Hong Kong Lutheran Missions Conference Minutes 1952-1961 (Film Ms497 - 1 reel) Secretary for Japan: Minutes 1954-1964 (Film Ms507 - 2 reels) Secretary for Japan: Subject Files 1950-1963 (Film Ms510 - 3 reels) Tanganyika Reports, Financial Records, Subject Files 1923-1965 (Film Ms506 - 12 reels) Tanganyika: Zamzam Scrapbook 1941-1942 (Film Ms512 - 1 reel) Uruguay Files 1957-1964 (Film Ms492 - 1 reel) Augustana Lutheran Church Women : Minutes, 1895-1962 (Film Ms408 - 5 reels) Augustana Lutheran Church Women: Correspondence 1890-1957 (Film Ms498 - 1 reel) Augustana Lutheran Church Women: Evelyn Stark Files 1950-1961 (Film Ms499 - 1 reel) Augustana Lutheran Church Women: Historical Files, 1892-1960 (Film Ms557 - 1 reel) Augustana Missions 1948-1951 (periodical) (Film Ms493 - 1 reel) |
Baptist Missionary Society (Microfilm: Film Ms56) | British Baptist mission agency working in India, East Indies, West Indies, Africa, Asia (1792-1914). (90 reels) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Berkeley Divinity School (RG216) | Official archives of Berkeley Divinity School (80 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Berliner Missionsgesellschaft, Rhodesia Mission (Microfilm: Film Ms36) | Documentation of Berlin Mission work in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) (1883-1892). (1 reel) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Campus Ministry Advancement, Inc. (RG259) | Official archives of organization founded in Ohio to support Christian ministries in higher education (1.5 linear feet) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Catholic Church, Archdiocese of Papeete (Tahiti) (Microfilm: Film Ms103, Ms104, Ms105) | Administrative archives, dictionaries, grammars, etc. in Tuamotu, Arorai, Hawaiian and Tahitian languages | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Catholic Church, Diocese of Rarotonga and Niue (Microfilm: Film Ms101) | Official church archives (1891-1993). (53 reels) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Catholic Church in Indonesia, Archbishopric of Batavia/Jakarta (Microfiche: Fiche Ms77) | Official church archives, travel accounts, diaries, correspondence, archives of third parties (1807-1949). (3,303 fiche) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Catholic Church in Zaire (Microfilm: Film Ms38) | Reports of Catholic missionaries in Bandundu, Zaire (n.d.). (1 reel) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Central Asia Fellowship (RG213) | CAF was established in 1989 by Christian mission organizations, churches, and individuals coming together to form a network and a resource organization in order to reach Tibetan Buddhist peoples in Bhutan, China, the Commonwealth of Independent States (Russian republics), India, Mongolia, and Nepal. These archives are open to qualified researchers only with written consent from the CAF. Note that the online finding aid excludes certain sections, due to security concerns. A full copy of the finding is available at the repository. (14 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
China Inland Mission (Microfilm: Film Ms397) |
Archives of China Inland Mission, 1865-1951: from the School of Oriental and African Studies, London. Guides: Parts 1 and 2: James Hudson Taylor Papers; Part 3: Minutes and Papers of the China Inland Mission; Part 4: Additional CIM Papers and Chefoo Mission Papers; Part 5: CIM Missionaries: Personal Papers See also personal papers of CIM missionaries, including Daniel Webster Crofts and Robert Grierson. |
China American Schools (RG209) | This collection contains documentation of schools for missionary children in China and the alumni associations of the schools. Records of the Kuling American School, North China American School, and Peking American School are included in this record group. For documentation of the Shanghai American School and American School Kikungshan, see separate record groups, RG 132 and RG 164. (15 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Chinese Students Christian Association in North America (RG13) | Support agency for Chinese students studying in North America (1909 to 1952). (1.5 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Christian Conference of Asia (RG237) | A regional ecumenical organization representing church councils and denominations throughout Asia (1946-2008) (182 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Christian Faith Society (Microfilm: Film Ms71) | Agency established in 1691 for religious work in America; after 1794 work was centered in West Indies (1642-1929). (11 reels) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Church Missionary Society |
Church of Christ in China Border Service Department (RG17) | Records of work among ethnic minorities in West China (1939-1950). (1.5 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Microfilm: Film Ms79) | Records of Mormon church work in Oceania (1849-1959). (1 reel) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Church of North India: Gujarat Diocese (Microfilm and digital files) |
A selection of monographs, serials, and archival materials held by the Gujarat Union School of Theology, documenting the Church of North India and Irish Presbyterian Mission work in North India: |
Church of Scotland Missionary Archive (Microfilm: Film Ms370) | Part 1: Missions to India and China, 1829-1933 (7 reels) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Church of Scotland Women’s Association for Foreign Missions (Microfilm: Film Ms309) | Letterbooks re. missionary activity in Africa, China, and India, 1885-1930 (10 reels) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Church of Scotland - in Australia (Microfilm: Film Ms268) | Selections from the letterbooks of the Foreign Mission Committees of the Church of Scotland, United Presbyterian Church in Australia and Free Church of Scotland (which united in 1929) (1848-1931). (6 reels) (Pacific Manuscripts Bureau) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Church of the Redeemer, United Church of Christ (New Haven, Conn.) (RG266) | Reports and publications document the history of The Church of the Redeemer, United Church of Christ (New Haven, Conn.) (8 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Church of Uganda (UCU-RG1 - UCU-RG7) | Archives of the Church of Uganda (Anglican) have been microfilmed and digitized in a collaboration between the Yale Divinity Library, Uganda Christian University, and IDC Publishers. Digital files and microfilm of the archives are available at Yale. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CIDOC Library of Cuernavaca collection (Fiche Ms125) | History of Religiosity in Latin America microfiche collection reproduces selections from the library of the Centro Intercultural de Documentación (now part of the Biblioteca Cosío Villegas at the Colegio de México) and other Latin American materials. Guides: Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Committee on Christian Literature for Women and Children in Mission Fields, Inc. (RG90) | Agency for support and promotion of Christian literature (1912-1989). (7.5 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Committee on Women's Work (digital collection available at Yale) |
Originally the "Ladies' Association for the Promotion of Female Education in India and other Heathen Countries", a semi-autonomous body linked with the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. Originals held at Rhodes House Library. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Conference of British Missionary Societies (Microfiche: Fiche Ms93) | Records of Standing Committee and Home Council, area files, files on literature, medical, and cooperative work (1912-1954). (5,984 fiche). See also under International Missionary Council. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Congregational Home Missionary Society (Microfilm: Film Ms24) | Congregational mission agency for work in the U.S. (1816-1936). (385 reels) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Council for Ecumenical Student Christian Ministry (RG107), (RG107a) | Agency for support of ecumenical student Christian work. (20 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Council for Higher Education Ministries (RG226) | CHEM had three work groups: the Council for Ecumenical Student Christian Ministry, Higher Education Ministries Arena, and United Ministries in Higher Education (1 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Council for World Mission (Microfiche: Fiche Ms59) | Records of London Missionary Society and Commonwealth Missionary Society work in Africa, Asia, and South America (1795-1970). (23,000+ fiche) - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Council of Church Boards of Education (RG236) | The Council of Church Boards of Education was a Protestant ecumenical organization created in 1911 to promote the cause of religious education in institutions of higher education. (6 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Danforth Study of Campus Ministries (RG62) | Records of survey of religious life on U.S. college campus (1968). (30 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Episcopal Churchpeople for a Free Southern Africa (RG102) | Publications (1963-1994), files relating to Namibia (1971-1990). (4 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Evangelical Lutheran Church Women in Global Mission Oral History Project(RG100) | Oral histories (2 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Evangelical Lutheran Church, Board of Foreign Missions (Microfilm: Film Ms526, Ms543) |
Microfilm of originals held in ELCA Archives: Madagascar Program Files 1888-1959 (Film Ms526 - 2 reels) Cameroon Correspondence, Program Files 1904-1963 (Film Ms543 - 1 reel) |
Evangelical Lutheran Church in North America, General Council (Microfilm: Film Ms365, Ms366, Ms502) |
Microfilm of originals held in ELCA Archives: Women's Missionary Society. Executive Committee Minutes 1911-1917 (Film Ms365 -1 reel) Women's Missionary Society.Convention Minutes 1911-1917 (Film Ms366 -1 reel) Puerto Rico and Latin America: Reports, Publications, and Photographs 1899-1917 (Film Ms502 -1 reel) |
Evangelical Lutheran Church in the United States. Woman’s Home and Foreign Missionary Society. (Microfilm: Film Ms495) |
Microfilm of originals held in ELCA Archives: Mission Studies 1892-1907 (periodical) |
Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Iowa and Other States (Microfilm: Film Ms503, Ms509, Ms511) | Microfilm of originals held in ELCA Archives: Board of Foreign Missions. Minutes and Official Documents 1914-1935 (1 reel) - Missions in New Guinea Board of Foreign Missions: Correspondence 1918-1946; 1919-1929 (Film Ms511 - 1 reel) - New Guinea Board on Mexican Missions: Correspondence 1919-1930 (Fillm Ms503 - 1 reel) - Mexico and Texas |
Evangelische Missionsgesellschaft in Basel, Ghana Mission (Microfilm: Film Ms29) | Documentation of Basel Mission work in Ghana (1829-1917). (153 reels) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga (Microfilm: Film Ms78) | Synod records (1950-1979). (2 reels) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Foundation for Theological Education in South East Asia (RG180) (RG180a) | The FTESEA supports Christian theological education in Southeast Asia in a variety of ways including grants to institutions and projects, scholarships, consultations, and publications. (16 linear ft. and addendum of 3 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Freedmen's Aid Society (Microfilm: Film Ms300) | Founded in 1866, the Freedmen's Aid Society (FAS) was an agency of the Methodist Episcopal Church created to establish schools and colleges for Negroes in the South. (120 reels) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
French Protestant Church (Microfilm: Film Ms287) | Archives of the French Protestant Church : archives of the Huguenot community in London, 1560-1889. (37 reels) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Interfaith Cooperative Ministries (RG 255) |
Established as the Downtown Cooperative Ministry in 1970, this organization fostered the development of social service agencies and programs in New Haven and sponsored ecumenical gatherings. (7 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Association for Mission Studies (RG199) | Archives of IAMS, an international, inter-confessional, and interdisciplinary professional society for the scholarly study of Christian witness and its impact in the world. (19.5 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Missionary Council (Microfiche: Fiche Ms.85) | Records of predecessor bodies, incl. Edinburgh World Missionary Conference (1910) and World Alliance for Promoting International Friendship through the Churches (1906-1948), records of the IMC (1921-1961), and some records following the IMC's merger with the World Council of Churches as its Commission on World Mission and Evangelism (1961-1980). (7,000+ fiche) - Additional guides | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Missionary Council/ Conference of British Missionary Societies (Microfiche: Fiche Ms50) | Joint IMC/ CBMS archives on work in Africa and India (1910-1945). (2,500+ fiche) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Nepal Fellowship, Worldwide (RG 214) | INF (formerly Nepal Evangelistic Band) is a Christian mission involved in health and development work with Nepal’s government, non-government organisations and local communities. (24 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Interseminary Commission for Training for the Rural Ministry (RG47) | Commission composed of YDS and five other New England seminaries (1926-1950) (3 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Jansenist movement (Microfiche: Fiche Ms115) | "The World of Port Royal" collection; 17th-18th cent. Material on Port Royal and its adherents, resistance to the Bull Unigenitus, adepts of Port Royal in the 19th century, Friends of the Truth, Little Church, constitutional priests and bishops. (511 fiche) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Japan International Christian University Foundation (RG89) | U.S. support agency for JICU, Tokyo (1948ff) (35 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Jerusalem and the East Mission (Microfiche: Fiche Ms71) | Anglican mission for work in Jerusalem, Palestine, Cyprus, Egypt, Sudan, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon (1841-1976). (2,377 fiche). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kirkridge Retreat and Study Center (RG261) | Official archives of Kirkridge Retreat and Study Center in Bangor, PA, an ecumenical Christian center founded by John Oliver Nelson (3.75 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Korean Mission (Anglican) (Microfilm: Film Ms527) |
Korean Mission was set up in 1889 as an Anglican mission agency, funded by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel and various other donations. The records of this Anglican mission, covering 1889-1987, are an invaluable resource for the study of Korean history and life in the twentieth century. (35 reels) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ladies’ Society for Female Education in Africa and India (Microfilm: Film Ms309) | Letterbooks regarding missionary activity in South Africa , 1878-1904 (4 reels) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lingnan Foundation / Lingnan University Trustees (Microfilm: Film Ms.44) Original records: (RG14), (RG14a) | The Lingnan Foundation, formerly known as the Trustees of Lingnan University, is a grant-making independent organization that seeks to contribute to the advancement of higher education in South China. Records on Microfilm (1895-1951). (43 reels). Original records: RG14: 1898-1982 (29 linear ft.) and RG 14a 1951-2010 (16 linear ft.) |
Livingstonia Mission (Microfilm: Film Ms559) |
Microfilmed from originals at at the National Library of Scotland, Scottish Foreign Missions Archive Material from 1874-1934 documents The Rev Dr Robert Laws and missionary activity in Malawi, Tanzania and Zambia. (28 reels) |
London Missionary Society | See: Council for World Mission for main archives.
Lutheran Church: | For archival materials microfilmed from originals in the Evangelical Lutheran Church archives, look under: American Evangelical Lutheran Church, American Lutheran Church, Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church in North America, Evangelical Lutheran Church in the United States, Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Iowa and Other States, United Evangelical Lutheran Church (U.S), United Lutheran Church in America | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lutheran Church : Cooperative Lutheranism : the Helen M. Knubel Archives (Microfilm: Film Ms311) | The collection documents the cooperative efforts between the Lutheran Council in the U.S.A. (55 reels), the National Lutheran Council (4 reels), Lutheran World Ministries (15 reels), Lutheran World Relief (7 reels) and the Lutheran World Convention (3 reels); in addition are included the personal papers of John A. Morehead, 1920-1936 (1 reel), Abdel Ross Wentz, 1921-1954 (3 reels), Lauritz Larson, diary, 1920 (1 reel) and W. L. Scheding, 1922-1924, 1929 (1 reel). (90 reels) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Methodist Church in Fiji (Microfilm: Film Ms181) | Annual Synod minutes and journals, 1854-1945; miscellaneous correspondence, 1869-1899. (4 reels) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Methodist Church (U.S.), Board of Missions (Microfilm: Film Ms171, Film Ms186) | Missionary correspondence from China, Japan, Korea, Mexico, South America, West Indies/Puerto Rico (1912-1949) (Methodist Episcopal Church, North and South merged to form Methodist Church in 1939) ; originals located at the General Commission on Archives and History, The United Methodist Church, Drew University. (149 reels) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Methodist Episcopal Church, Board of Foreign Missions (Microfilm: Film Ms170, Film Ms184) | Missionary correspondence from China, Japan, Korea, Mexico, South America, West Indies/Puerto Rico (1846-1915); originals located at the General Commission on Archives and History, United Methodist Church (160 reels) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Methodist Episcopal Church, Isabella Indian Mission (Microfilm: Film Ms59) | Mission agency for work among North American Indians in Michigan (1844-1941) (12 reels) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Methodist Episcopal Church, South (Microfilm: Film Ms185, Film Ms275) | Missionary correspondence from Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Mexico (1897-1940) (13 reels); corres. (1896-1899) (12 reels) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Methodist Missionary Society (Microfiche: Fiche Ms69) | British Methodist mission agency, incorporating the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society, Women's Work, and Primitive Methodist Missionary Society, with work in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, the Caribbean, and North American (1749-1948) (8,700+ fiche) For additional material re. Methodist mission work in Oceania see: Microfilm: Film Ms. 13) (55 reels), Film Ms. 77 (1 reel), Film Ms. 86 (1 reel) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Missionary Society of Connecticut (Microfilm: Film Ms58) | The collection is comprised of incoming correspondence, dating 1793-1899, and administrative records, dating 1759-1948, which document the mission efforts of the Society. (20 reels) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Moravian Church Missions (Microfilm: Film Ms115) | Moravian mission among the Indians of North America records, 1735-1900 (40 reels) Guide from vendor. Reel listing. |
Mother Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church (Microfilm: Film Ms301) | Founded by former slave Richard Allen, Bethel A.M.E. Church in Philadelphia is one of the nation's oldest African-American churches. This collection presents a diverse collection of records from the church including general records, minutes from various committees and organizations within the church, cash books and ledgers, and visitors books. (1760-1972 ) (8 reels) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Association of College and University Chaplains (RG167) | The National Association of College and University Chaplains and Directors of Religious Life (NACUC) is an interfaith professional community of chaplains, rabbis, deans of chapel, and other personnel responsible for religious programs at academic communities. (1947-2002) (2 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Campus Ministry Association (RG64) | Professional organization for those involved in campus ministry (1964ff). (11 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Council on Religion and Public Education (RG262) | Organization that existed from 1971 to 1994 to provide guidance and curriculum related to the study of religion in public school settings. (13 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Religious Partnership for the Environment (RG264) | The National Religious Partnership for the Environment (NRPE) is an alliance composed of four likeminded independent member organizations, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), the National Council of Churches of Christ (NCCC), the Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life (COEJL), and the Evangelical Environmental Network (EEN). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Student Christian Federation (RG247) | The National Student Christian Federation (NSCF) was a Protestant ecumenical federation that existed between the years 1959-1966. (29 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk in Suid-Africa, Nigeria Mission (Microfilm: Film Ms28) | Documents relating to mission work in Nigeria, from the archives of the Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk and Sudan United Mission (1907-1961). (9 reels) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nepal Church History Project (RG 215) | Documentation of the history of the church in Nepal; materials as basis for A Biographical History of the Church in Nepal, and PhD research materials for Nepali Around the World, both by Cindy Perry. (30 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Netherlands Reformed Church (Microfiche: Fiche Ms116) | Archives, 1560-1810. Material re. Church in Netherlands, and relations of Reformed church with churches in Dutch East Indies, Ceylon, U.S., etc. (3,099 fiche) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
New England Commission for United Ministries in Higher Education (RG54) | Support agency for interdenominational student work (1967-1974). (11 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
North American Coalition for Christianity and Ecology Archives (RG225) | The NACCE is an ecumenical group that was formed in 1986 to highlight environmental dimensions of the Christian tradition, help Christian individuals and churches become more ecologically responsible, and work with people of other traditions in the common effort to create a more sustainable global society. (9 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Paris Evangelical Missionary Society (Microfiche: Fiche Ms94) | Société des Missions Évangeliques de Paris, records of work in Africa and Oceania (1822-1947). (6,403 fiche- Parts 1 & 2) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., Board of Foreign Missions (Microfilm: Film Ms11); (Microfilm: Film Ms114) | Film Ms11 = Documentation of work in Africa, Asia, and South America (1833-1911). (298 reels) Film Ms 114 = Korea missions records (1903-1975). (31 reels) For more info. re. Presbyterian missions archives, see finding aids from Presbyterian Historical Society: |
Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Board of National Missions. Dept. of Jewish Evangelization (Microfilm: Film Ms538) | From originals in Presbyterian Historical Society RG 301.7, Series 2, Subseries 5. Records, 1920-1948 (3 reels) Records include files on various Jewish neighborhood houses and community centers, and correspondence between the department and Jewish refugees from Hitler’s Germany. Also included are records of the department’s reports to and correspondence with the U.S. government over its involvement in helping German refugees. |
Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., Mission to American Indians (Microfilm: Film Ms179) | From originals in Presbyterian Historical Society Almost 14,000 letters written by Presbyterian missionaries describing their work among native Americans in the United States.(1833-1893). (35 reels) |
Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Unit of Work with Colored People. (Microfilm: Film Ms537) | From originals in Presbyterian Historical Society Records, 1924-1945. (2 reels) The bulk of the collection consists of a file on schools for African-American children operated in the Southeastern part of the country--these files include correspondence, reports and newsletters. |
Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., Woman’s Board of Home Missions. (Microfilm: Film Ms475) |
From originals in Presbyterian Historical Society Records, 1866-1958 (82 reels) |
Presbyterian Church of Cuba | Available to Yale community through BrillOnline Primary Sources. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Presbyterian Church of England, Foreign Missions Committee/Women's Missionary Association (Microfiche: Fiche Ms91) | Documentation of work in China, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, and India (1847-1950). (2,841 fiche) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Presbyterian Church of the New Hebrides (Microfilm: Film Ms.76) | Presbyterian mission work and church in New Hebrides (Vanuatu) (1857-1974). (3 reels) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Regions Beyond Missionary Union (Microfilm: Film Ms312) | Regions Beyond Missionary Union trained missionaries for work in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Australasia. The archive consists of minute books, letters from missionaries, journals, books, and photographs. (84 reels.) Part 1: Minute Books of the RBMU, 1903-1955 Part 2: Correspondence and Reports - the Congo Mission, 1888-1955 Part 3: Correspondence and Reports - Peru, Argentina, India, Nepal, Kalimintan,Irian Jaya, 1893-1955 Part 4: Regions Beyond, 1878-1981, and Horizons, 1981-1990 |
Religious Education Association (RG74), (RG74A) | Support agency for religious education in North American, records dating 1902-1988. (55 linear ft.) Addendum dating 1982-2003 (14 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Microfiche: Fiche Ms118) | Letters from missionaries in French Polynesia, 1900-1965. (1 reel) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Russian Church in Alaska (Microfilm: Film Ms.109) | Church was concerned with education and conversion of the indigenous Alaskan peoples, and ministering to Slav, Greek, and Syrian immigrants to the U.S. Records cover from 1730s to1930s | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shanghai American School (RG132) | The Shanghai American School (SAS) was founded in 1912 for the purpose of educating the children of American missionaries, businessmen, and professionals. (15.5 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (Microfilm: Film Ms72) | British agency formed at end of 17th century to promote Christian literature and education in the British Isles and overseas. SPCK archives, Part D, special subjects: East India Mission, French Protestant Proselyte Relief, Pitcairn Island, Bible translation, Parochial libraries (1705-1854). (8 reels) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts Digital records also available as part of British Online Archives (restricted to Yale community) |
Church of England agency for mission work in British colonies, merged with Universities' Mission to Central Africa to form United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts in 1965.
Material in USPG archives:
Society of Jesus, Oregon Province |
South American Missionary Society (Microfilm: Film Ms376) | Material held in the archive of the South American Missionary Society (originals in Kent, England) for the period before 1919. Included are the journals of A.F. Gardiner, A. Hennriksen and E. Bernau, Minutes of General Committee meetings, 1844-1919, and volumes of S.A.M.S. Magazine, 1867-1919. (17 reels) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Student Christian Movement in New England (RG57) | Organization for ecumenical student work in New England (1934-1967). (21 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions (RG42), (RG42A) | Organization that sought to recruit students for missionary service and to nurture the missionary enterprise (1888-1957). (285 linear ft.) Addendum to RG42. (1949-1959) (10 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Standard Bible Committee (RG70) | Committee that produced the Revised Standard Version of the Bible (1939-1968). (4.5 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sudan United Mission ( Film Ms387) | SUM in Nigeria, the Cameroons, Chad, Sudan and other African territories: papers and periodicals from University of Edinburgh. (52 reels) See also: Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk in Suid-Africa | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Theological Discussion Group (RG43) | Group established in 1934 as a forum for prominent American theologians to present papers and exchange ideas (1934-1965). (2.5 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unevangelised Fields Mission (Microfilm: Film Ms536) |
Microfilmed from originals at Bible College of Victoria (34 reels) Work in Papua New Guinea |
United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia (RG11 - RG11i) |
Records relating to the Board, antecedent bodies, and the colleges and universities in China and later throughout Asia that they represented (1882-2006). |
United Brethren in Christ. Home, Frontier and Foreign Missionary Society (Microfilm: Film Ms182) | Sierra Leone Agency Journals incl. correspondence of Rev. William M. Bell (1895-1948). (7 reels) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
United Campus Christian Fellowship (RG254) | The United Campus Christian Fellowship was a national, Protestant, ecumenical organization that existed between the years 1960-1968. (3.3. linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
United Church Board for Homeland Ministries, Race Relations Department (Microfilm: Film Ms308) | The collection is the complete records of the Race Relations Department, comprised of correspondence, research data, records of the self-surveys, news releases and newspaper clippings, photographs, and the records of the Institutes, which contain registers of participants, manuscript copies of lectures, reports of workshops and other records (1942-1976) (58 reels) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
United Evangelical Lutheran Church (U.S) Board of Foreign Mission (Microfilm: Film Ms460, Ms464, Ms465, Ms466) | Microfilm of originals held in ELCA Archives: Japan: Program Files 1950-1960 (Film Ms464 - 1 reel) Japan: Program Files 1930-1961 (Film Ms460 - 1 reel) Women’s Missionary Society: Program Files 1932-1947 (Film Ms465 - 1 reel) Women’s Missionary Society: Scrapbooks 1932-1959 (Film Ms466 - 1 reel) |
United Lutheran Church in America, Board of Foreign Missions (Microfilm: Film Ms 451, Ms 452, Ms459, Ms461, Ms462, Ms463, Ms470, Ms472, Ms473, Ms488, Ms489, Ms490, Ms491, Ms494, Ms500, Ms501, Ms513, Ms 514, Ms515, Ms548, Ms556) |
Microfilm of originals held in ELCA Archives: |
United Ministries in Higher Education (RG104), (RG104a) | Support agency for ecumenical student Christian work in the U.S. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
United Mission to Nepal (RG212) | UMN is a co-operative effort between the people of Nepal and a large number of Christian organizations from 18 countries in four different continents (97 linear ft.) Portions of this collection are available in digital format, including Annual Reports and the UMNews. Consult with the Special Collections Librarian regarding additional files available in digital format. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
United Presbyterian Church of Scotland (Microfilm: Film Ms562) |
Microfilmed from originals at the National Library of Scotland. Africa missions: Letters from missionaries in Nigeria and the Gold Coast, 1919-1928, West Africa, 1919-1925, Kaffraria, 1885-1908, North Kaffraria, 1883-1904, Natal, 1874-1909, South Africa, 1919-1928. (14 reels) |
United Society for Christian Literature (Microfiche: Fiche Ms98) |
Minutes, correspondence, annual reports, clippings, books, tracts, newsletters, leaflets, booklets, educational aids, periodicals, and printed matter relating to the activities of the Christian societies operating in Britain, the British colonies, and the continent of Europe (from 1799 to 1960) and which would later form the United Society for Christian Literature. (3,656 fiche) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel (Microfilm: Film Ms379, Ms380, Ms445, Ms476, Ms477) Digital records available as part of British Online Archives (restricted to Yale community) |
South African archives of the USPG : index and finding lists for the South African diocesan records. (1 reel) USPG "E" series reports for Asia, 1901-1952 (63 reels) Indian records of the United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, 1751-1835 (Film Ms445 - 3 reels) Sinhalese material from the USPG archive, C, D, & E series (Film Ms476 - 2 reels) USPG material relating to Borneo (Film Ms477 - 9 reels) See also: Society for the Propagation of the Gospel and Universities' Mission to Central Africa |
United States Catholic China Bureau (RG194) | This record group consists of periodicals on China that were collected by the United States Catholic China Bureau as subject resources for its work, as well as material documenting the program activities of the Bureau. (27 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
United Student Christian Council (RG239) | The United Student Christian Council (USCC) was formed in 1944 and was active until 1959 when it merged into the newly established National Student Christian Federation. It was a national, federated group that sought to support and coordinate the student Christian work of various Protestant denominations, the YMCA, YWCA, Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions, and the Interseminary Movement. (66 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Universities' Mission to Central Africa (Microfilm: Film Ms97) | High Church Anglican mission to Central Africa; reports (1860-1900). (1 reel) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
University Christian Movement (RG235) | The University Christian Movement was an ecumenical student Christian organization in the USA that existed between the years 1966-1969. The UCM was the successor to the National Student Christian Federation. (20 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
University Christian Movement in New England (RG88) (RG88a) | Organization for ecumenical student work in New England (1967-2000). (20 linear ft.) (Addendum: 6 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
University Christian Movement of Southern Africa (Microfilm: Film Ms31) | Organization for ecumenical student work in Southern Africa (1967-1972). (9 reels) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
War Emergency Council on Student Christian Work (RG99) | Ecumenical coordinating group for student Christian work in the U.S. during World War II. (5 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Washington Office on Africa (RG105), (RG105a), (RG105b) | Ecumenical clearinghouse for information and programs related primarily to South Africa (1980-1996). (95 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society | See: Methodist Missionary Society | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wider City Parish (RG87) | Ecumenical urban ministry agency in New Haven, Connecticut (ca. 1950-1985). (5 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
World Conference on Faith and Order (Microfilm: Film Ms.48) | The Episcopal Church's Commission on a World Conference on Faith and Order led to an international, ecumenical Continuation Committee, which led to the first World Conference on Faith and Order in Lausanne (1925) and the Commission on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches (1910-1949). (12 reels) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
World Council of Churches (RG162) | Documentation related to its formation, assemblies, committees, and program units (1937ff). (20 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
World Council of Churches: Christian Medical Commission (Microfilm: Film Ms516) | The Christian Medical Commission (CMC) has been charged with the responsibility to promote the coordination of national church-related medical programmes, and to engage in study and research into the most appropriate ways in which the churches might express their concern for total health care. (83 reels) Originals at WCC Archives, Geneva |
World Council of Churches: Dialogue With People of Living Faiths (Microfilm: Film Ms381) | Archives of WCC program that supports interreligious multi-lateral and bi-lateral dialogue with partners of different faiths. (82 reels) Originals at WCC Archives, Geneva |
World Council of Churches: General Correspondence (Microfiche: Fiche Ms113) | Correspondence relating to the ecumenical movement and the activities of the World Council of Churches, dating from the 1920s until 1966. Correspondents include Prof. Alivisatos, Archbishop Athenagoras, Karl Barth, Bishop George Bell, John C. Bennett' Bishop Berggrav, Pastor Marc Boegner, Professor Bulgakoff, Archbishop Germanos, Professor Hendrick Kraemer, Bishop Hans Lilje, Reinhold Niebuhr, Martin Niemöller, J. Oldham, Denis de Rougemont, and Archbishop William Temple. (Fiche Ms113 - 1491 fiche) Originals at WCC Archives, Geneva |
World Council of Churches: Archives of the General Secretaries (Microfilm: Film Ms518) | Archives of the first four WCC General Secretaries in the period 1920-1992. (53 reels) Originals at WCC Archives, Geneva |
World Council of Churches: Programme to Combat Racism (Microfilm: Film Ms367) |
Reports, general correspondence, papers, news clippings, trial reports, personal reflections, finance (grant proposal) and country files related to the WCC Programme to Combat Racism. (247 reels) Originals at WCC Archives, Geneva |
World Council of Churches: Relations with the Roman Catholic churches (Microfilm: Film Ms517) |
Contains among others, correspondence with Pope Paul VI, Pope John Paul II, Cardinal Bea and the Community of Taizé. (51 reels) |
World Council of Churches: World War II Era Records (Microfiche: Fiche Ms117) |
Collection of documents from a section of the World Council of Churches Archives, dealing with Germany and fifteen other countries during the period 1932-1957. (799 fiche) Digital version available to Yale community |
World Student Christian Federation (RG46), (RG46C) | Organization for international ecumenical student work. (Official archives 1895-1925, additional material to 1945). (139 linear ft.) Divisions of the record group include:General Records, North America, South America, Europe, Great Britain and Ireland, Asia and Other Countries. An addendum (RG46C) contains primarily printed WSCF records gathered by the Library up through the 1990s. Portions of RG 46 have been microfilmed and are available via Interlibrary Loan. See http://www.idcpublishers.com/ead/312.xml. (Fiche Ms123) |
World Student Christian Federation Africa Region (RG46D) | The archives of the World Student Christian Federation Africa Regional Office include legal documents, minutes, financial records, and documentation of workshops and consultations dealing with issues such as human rights, women's leadership, conflict transformation, HIV and AIDS, and economic justice. (1.75 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
World Student Christian Federation Europe Region (RG46E) | The archives of the World Student Christian Federation Europe Region include administrative records, minutes, financial records, and documentation of conferences, workshops, and projects such as the Theological Project, Women's Project, Refugee Project, and East European Language and Leadership Training Project (Lingua Franca). (29.5 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
World Student Christian Federation Geneva Archives (Microfilm: Film Ms313) | A selection of materials from the World Student Christian Federation archives in Geneva.(1919-1956) (208 reels) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
World Student Christian Federation, North America Regional Office (RG46A) | North America office of organization for international ecumenical student work (1973-1974) (15 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
World Student Christian Federation, North American Board of Trustees (RG46B) | Support agency for international ecumenical student work. (7 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Yale Divinity School Memorabilia (RG53) | Unofficial documentation of Yale Divinity School; official archives held at University Archives (90+ ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Yale Religion in Higher Education Program (RG182) | These records relate to the Religion in Higher Education program at Yale from the 1920s-1960s. (6.5 linear ft.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
YMCA-Student Division (RG58) | Organization for ecumenical student work in the U.S. (1886-1967). (41 linear ft.). See also: Bruce Maguire Papers, (RG 78) |