Q: I'm trying to access a page and see a "You do not have permission to view this page” message, even though it is published.
A: Possibly the "theme" has not been specified. Find the Theme field and check the theme key "Yale University Library."
Q: Can we embed an image in a page?
A: You will use Upload files / images option when you create the Basic page. See Create Basic Page for more information.
Q: How do I change to a custom alias?
A: Change View default alias to custom alias > Using redirect from new alias to default alias
Q: My book menu has disappeared.
A: If the original book page was created as content type Basic Page, then the menu structure should be in the Book outline.
Q: The Author block disappeared in my Collection Landing Page after changing the Author name.
A: The New Author might not have the necessary's information in the profile. Check that all fields displayed in the author block are filled in.
Q: Orange background color for PL Search block with style " block-yul-searach" is off in "Chrome", the height doesn't change with content
A: Change style to "highlight-block"