Library Information Technology


Creatae Main Menu: Structure > Menus > Add Menu > Drag and drop to arrange the order
Create Menu block to using part of the Menu in Main menu by select propal parent menu

  • Main Menu => home page Main menu with level 1 title link
    • Research, Services, Libraries & Collections, Information & Policies (each one with it's own block) to Menu Region, also "YUL Main Menu"
    • Places "Places Block" in "Sub-section" region, also as "Header" Menu
  • Manin menu Home => A revised menu For "Research Block" at "Preface First" Region
  • Yale Links => Home page footer menu

Top menu without page link:

Create a Menu with Custom Links it with URL as "javascript:voil(0)"

Expand Level 2 Keep level 1

Using default Menu block (was auto created when create new menu) instead of "Menu 2+"
