856 (Electronic Location and Access)
Repeatable: Y
Linking text for resource, website, and crawl dates: use ‡y Link text [linked text for other websites] or ‡3 Materials specified [linked text for Archives at Yale]
Always begin with "Online resource"; everything after the colon is optional and should be included as part of ‡y rather than adding ‡z.
‡u Uniform resource identifier [URL or URN]
If 856 points to the crawl dates, there is no need to use 561.
Optionally, if this description is of a collection of websites and there is a finding aid in Archives at Yale, repeat the 856 field and provide a link to the finding aid.
Due to the amount of labor required to keep the information current, for ongoing crawls the individual crawl dates will not be listed.
Link from the OPAC to the URL of an archived website:
For the link to the archived version of the website, link to the top-level page that displays all crawl dates for the URL or the list of all seeds in the collection (depending on whether a collection or seed is being cataloged).
Standard wording options:
‡y Online resource: List of crawl dates and link to live site
‡y Online resource with a list of crawl dates
Link from the OPAC to Archives at Yale:
Standard wording: View a description and listing of collection contents in the finding aid ‡u [URL]
1st indicator: 4=HTTP
2nd indicator: 0=Resource; 2=Related Resource
856 40 ‡y Online resource: List of crawl dates and link to live site ‡u https://wayback.archive-it.org/6148/*/http://womeninphotography.org/
856 42 ‡3 View a description and listing of collection contents in the finding aid ‡u https://archives.yale.edu/repositories/11/resources/1279