
245 Additional Guidelines: YUL
246 Additional Guidelines: YUL
264 Additional Guidelines: YUL

245 (Title Statement)


Repeatable: N


Transcribe using most predominant or fullest form. If there is no suitable title found on the website, devise a title and add a note (588) indicating you have done so. Other sources of information might be title information captured by Archive-It or a collection name listed in Archive-It. Use square brackets around each section where information is supplied from a source other than the resource, and note the source in the 588 field. Use 246 to index a variant title, and optionally explain in 520 or 500 field.

If the phrase "web archive" is not already in your title, add it at the end to help distinguish the archived website from the live website. In all cases when "web archive" is appended, since it is no longer a transcribed title add a 500 explaining that the title was devised by the cataloger. If, for some reason, it is not appropriate to add "web archive," the cataloger can devise a title.

‡a Title proper : ‡b Subtitle / ‡c Statement of responsibility.


245 00 ‡a PANDORA : ‡b Australia's web archive / ‡c National Library of Australia and partners.

246 (Variant Title)


Repeatable: Y


Variant title with explanation of source. ‡i Display text: ‡a Variant title

Variant title without explanation of source. ‡a Variant title from source, e.g., parallel, acronym, HTML header title


246 1/ ‡i Also known as: ‡a PANDORA archive

246 3/ ‡a Australia's web archive

264 (Place and Date of Production)


Repeatable: Y


This field varies quite a bit by website. Refer to general cataloging guidelines. It is helpful if the 264 matches the fixed field in 008.

Information that is provided (i.e., not transcribed from the resource) should be entered in square brackets.

If information is unknown, use the wording in the last example below.

If the state is not obvious, choose United States without a code for a specific state or place unidentified. For collections, another option would be to use the place of the collector.

For a resource with a single publication date: ‡a Place of publication : ‡b Publisher, ‡c date.

For a continuing resource: ‡a Place of publication : ‡b Publisher, ‡c date span.


264 /1 ‡a Canberra : ‡b National Library of Australia, ‡c 2017.

264 /1 ‡a [Place of publication not identified] : ‡b [Publisher not identified], ‡c 1999-2003.