
The Medical Historical Library recently acquired over 2600 global public health and safety posters, representing 56 countries and multiple languages. On display are selections from this collection, promoting a variety of public health messages, including anti-drug and anti-smoking campaigns,...
Monday, February 24, 2014 - Monday, June 16, 2014 Robert B. Haas Family Library, 180 York St., New Haven, CT 06511 Improvisation is the word that first comes to mind for many when they think of jazz. Imagine musicians playing together, being inspired by each other’s performance, and collaborating...
All are invited to the opening of Sterling Memorial Library’s two newest reading rooms–the Southeast Asia Collection in SML 214 and Middle East & Islamic Studies in SML 333. The new reading rooms will open on Monday, January 27. Light refreshments will be available in each location between 2-4...
Yale University Library has received a $3 million award from The Goizueta Foundation to inaugurate a comprehensive initiative in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) education at Yale by launching a Digital Humanities Laboratory to be located in Sterling Memorial Library...
Meet your Personal Librarian at the Library’s Freshman Reception! University Librarian Susan Gibbons and the Personal Librarians for Yale College cordially invite members of the Yale Class of 2017 to a reception at the Beinecke Library. Freshmen will meet their Personal Librarians and learn...
Wednesday, April 2, 2014 12:00–1:00pm The Medical Historical Library in the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library 333 Cedar Street, New Haven, CT 06510 Come to the Medical Historical Library for a live musical revue of selections from our exhibit “A Cure for What Ails You.” Bring your lunches into the...
Join the community of research libraries in celebrating Fair Use Week from February 23-27! Fair use is a limitation on a copyright holder’s exclusive rights providing that others may use the creator’s work without seeking permission. Determining fair use is guided by a 4-factor test. Yale Library...
