All are invited to the opening of Sterling Memorial Library’s two newest reading rooms–the Southeast Asia Collection in SML 214 and Middle East & Islamic Studies in SML 333.
The new reading rooms will open on Monday, January 27. Light refreshments will be available in each location between 2-4 pm, thanks to the generous support of the Council on Middle East Studies and the Council on Southeast Asian Studies.
With input from faculty and students, Robin Dougherty, Librarian for Middle East Studies and Rich Richie, Librarian for Southeast Asian Studies, spent much of the fall semester reviewing the existing reference collections and assisting with preparations to renovate and repurpose SML rooms 215 and 333, previously staff work spaces.
In addition to the core reference collections for these subjects, the new reading rooms are better equipped to serve the needs of readers with tables, chairs, and workstations—the new Southeast Asia Collection room has also been fitted out with a beautiful flat-screen monitor.
Rich and Robin hope you will take a few moments on Monday afternoon to stop by and say hello, and familiarize yourselves with these new reading rooms! All are welcome!