GIS Fall Meetups
GIS Training Meetup
October 6, Bass Library, L06 B from 10:00am-12:00pm
Interested in working with maps? Looking to learn GIS fundamentals at your own pace? Join the DHLab and CSSSI during this GIS Training Meetup. Esri, a leader in GIS software, has created an interactive, online course that introduces the basics of geographic information systems. During the GIS Training Meetup, participants will work through the course in a group setting, with the GIS Librarian and DHLab staff on hand to assist with questions.
- Once you complete the training session, you will be able to:
- Define GIS
- Differentiate between vector and raster data
- Navigate a GIS map
- Query the map for location and attribute information
- And more!
Lab computers will be provided, but please bring headphones for listening to the video components.
Space is limited. To register for this workshop, visit the YUL Instruction Calendar. Students, faculty, and staff are welcome to sign up!
GIS Data Meetup
October 13, Bass Library, L06 A+B from 10:00am-12:00pm
Learn how to work with data in ArcGIS! Register for this meetup if you have some familiarity with GIS and would like to become more familiar by identifying patterns in humanities data using ArcGIS. We will provide sample data, but participants should also feel free to bring their own.
Lab computers will be provided.
Space is limited. To register for this workshop, visit the YUL Instruction Calendar. Students, faculty, and staff are welcome to sign up!
Post on September 26, 2016 - 10:07am | 
African American literary and artistic achievements are showcased in a new exhibition, “Destined to Be Known: The James Weldon Johnson Memorial Collection at 75,” at the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library. The exhibition runs Sept. 23–Dec. 10 in the library, 121 Wall St. It is free and open to the public.
The exhibition marks the anniversary of the James Weldon Johnson (JWJ) Memorial Collection, founded in 1941 by Carl Van Vechten both as a memorial to Johnson, an architect of the Harlem Renaissance, and as a celebration of the broad accomplishments of African American writers and artists over time. Today, the JWJ Collection is a key archive of African American history and culture.
“The JWJ collection is one of the premier collections of its kind anywhere in the world, and one of the most actively consulted of Yale’s extensive collections,” says Nancy Kuhl, curator of poetry in the Yale Collection of American Literature (YCAL) and a co-organizer of the exhibition. “Scholars have used it for more than half a century to document, discover, and disseminate important aspects of national and global culture and to create new scholarship to educate present and future generations. We are especially delighted by how frequently the collection is used for classroom teaching and learning and for research by Yale faculty and students.”
Read more in this YaleNews article.
Post on September 21, 2016 - 11:56am | 
All are invited to "Exploring the Treasures of the Yale Library" – an open house in the beautiful (and recently restored) nave of Sterling Memorial Library on Wednesday, October 5, 10:00 am-1:00 pm. The Yale University Library comprises 15 libraries, vast and diverse collections, the expertise of approximately 520 staff, and a broad range of services that are available to the entire Yale community. The open house will present an array of current projects, collections, services, and resources from all across the library system in one of the most spectacular and iconic buildings on campus. Here's a taste of what you will see!
- Yale Digital Humanities Lab - Offering space, community, and resources, the Yale Digital Humanities Lab supports faculty and students who are working with digital methods to pursue humanistic inquiries.
- Lillian Goldman Law Library - Unusual Things to Check out from the Law Library include games, happy lights, and when winter arrives, don’t forget we have sleds and snow shovels.
- Access Services Frontline Services: Sterling Memorial Library and Bass Library - Ask Yale Library is the virtual reference service of Yale University Library.
- Manuscripts and Archives – Focusing on the upcoming renovation of the Manuscripts and Archives space in Sterling Memorial Library.
- Center for Science and Social Science Information - Building Relationships Through Exhibits, a successful outreach program that features a media wall exhibit / in the 24/7 study space at The Center for Science and Social Science Information.
- Department of Area Studies and Humanities Research Support (Near East Collection) - An American Orientalist: The Life & Legacy of Edward E. Salisbury (1814-1901), appointed by Yale to teach Arabic & Sanskrit languages & literature in 1841.
- Yale University Library African Collection - Works in the N'ko Alphabet of Solomana Kanté, invented in 1949 it is used to represent Mande languages of West Africa.
- Center for Science and Social Science Information Subject Liaisons - Here to Help: What 21st Century Science and Social Science Librarians Do.
- Lewis Walpole Library – located in Farmington, CT, we have a wealth of primary source collections concentrating on the eighteenth-century world (mainly British).
- Entrepreneurship Support Team at Yale University Library - Supporting Entrepreneurship at Yale: An opportunity for library outreach across campus.
- Center for Science and Social Science Information - A Geospatial Approach to Yale Research.
- Primary Sources at Yale Task Force - Identifying, Discovering, and Exploring Primary Sources at Yale's libraries, archives, and museums.
- Electronic Resource Group - Recent updates to the eJournal list and Articles+
- Quicksearch Advisory Group – supporting the tool that allows access to numerous library resources with a single unified search.
- Yale Babylonian Collection - a leading research center for the study of ancient Mesopotamian civilization holds over 40,000 cuneiform documents.
- Harvey Cushing/John Hay Whitney Medical Library - Collaborations with Faculty to Produce Systematic Reviews and Evidence-Based Literature
- EliScholar - A Digital Platform for Scholarly Publishing at Yale University, promoting dissemination of researchers work, and preserving it in a freely-accessible, long-term archive.
- Harvey Cushing/John Hay Whitney Medical Library - Back to the Future: Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, 75th Anniversary
- Front Line Services - The History of Yale & New Haven: The Stained Glass of Sterling Memorial Library, highlighting the 80 pieces of stained glass in the nave.
- Yale University Library Official Merchandise - Campus Customs will be selling a new and official line of Yale University Library clothing and merchandise.
- Irving S. Gilmore Music Library - New Collections and Services at the Music Library.
- Yale University Library Communications and Publications
- The Bibliographical Press, Yale University Library – live demonstrations of the library’s Bibliographical Press adjacent to the L&B Reading Room.
- Library Preservation – The library’s Preservation department will display banners highlighting some of their work
Post on September 21, 2016 - 12:02pm | 
The Cushing/Whitney Medical Library is celebrating its 75th anniversary with a special event on Wednesday, October 5, 2016, from 3:00-5:00 pm in the Medical Historical Library at 333 Cedar Street. Stop by "The Medical Library at 75" exhibit, view videos and stories about the library collected this year, and take a selfie with Harvey Cushing. We hope you can join us!
Post on September 21, 2016 - 12:04pm | 
Join us for the annual Lewis Walpole Library lecture "Mr. Boswell goes to Corsica: Charismatic Authority in the Age of Democratic Revolutions", which examines how new ways of imagining political leadership emerged during the enlightenment, across the Atlantic world, using as a case study the way the Corsican independence leader Pasquale Paoli become an unexpected hero in Britain and its American colonies. He then speculates on how these ways of imagining political leadership helped shape the character of the great Atlantic revolutions of the century’s end.
The lecture will take place in the lecture hall of the Yale Center for British Art on Thursday, October 6 at 5:30 pm. It is free and open to the public and a reception will follow.
David A. Bell, the speaker, is a historian of early modern France with a particular interest in the political culture of the Old Regime and the French Revolution. He earned a Ph.D. from Princeton University in 1991. Prior to joining Princeton's faculty in 2010, he taught at Yale University (1990-96) and at Johns Hopkins University, where he held the Andrew W. Mellon chair in the Humanities and served as dean of faculty in the School of Arts and Sciences.
Bell is the author of five books including, most recently, Shadows of Revolution: Reflections on France, Past and Present (Oxford University Press, 2016). He is currently working on a comparative and transnational history provisionally entitled "Men on Horseback: Charismatic Authority in the Age of Democratic Revolutions." He is also a frequent contributor to general-interest publications on a variety of subjects ranging from modern warfare to the impact of digital technology on learning and scholarship.
Post on September 21, 2016 - 12:10pm | 
All are welcome to join us for the latest talk in our Arts and Humanities Book Talk series on Monday, October 10 at 4:30 pm in the Sterling Memorial Library Lecture Hall. Refreshments will be served before the lecture in the Memorabilia Room.
In Mounting Frustration Susan E. Cahan investigates the strategies African American artists and museum professionals employed as they wrangled over access to and the direction of New York City's elite museums. Drawing on numerous interviews with artists and analyses of internal museum documents, Cahan gives a detailed and at times surprising picture of the institutional and social forces that both drove and inhibited racial justice in New York's museums. Cahan focuses on high-profile and wildly contested exhibitions that attempted to integrate African American culture and art into museums, each of which ignited debate, dissension, and protest. In addressing the racial politics of New York's art world, Cahan shows how aesthetic ideas reflected the underlying structural racism and inequalities that African American artists faced. These inequalities are still felt in America's museums, as many fundamental racial hierarchies remain intact: art by people of color is still often shown in marginal spaces; one-person exhibitions are the preferred method of showing the work of minority artists, as they provide curators a way to avoid engaging with the problems of complicated, interlocking histories; and whiteness is still often viewed as the norm. The ongoing process of integrating museums, Cahan demonstrates, is far broader than overcoming past exclusions.
Susan E. Cahan is Associate Dean and Dean of the Arts in Yale College, the editor of I Remember Heaven: Jim Hodges and Andy Warhol, and the coeditor of Contemporary Art and Multicultural Education. She has directed programs at the New Museum of Contemporary Art, the Museum of Modern Art, and the Peter Norton Family Foundation.
Post on September 21, 2016 - 12:20pm | 
Chana Kronfeld, author of "The Full Severity of Compassion: The Poetry of Yehuda Amichai" (Stanford, 2016) will speak on Thursday, October 13 at 4:00 pm in the SML Lecture Hall about Yehuda Amichai (1924–2000) – one of the most important and well-known Hebrew poets of the twentieth century, and an internationally influential literary figure whose poetry has been translated into some 40 languages.
Amichai's archive is in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Professor Kronfeld, an Israeli who has been teaching at UC Berkeley for many years and has been following Amichai’s poetry both as a friend and as a scholar, sets out in her book to explore some of the puzzles of his poetry and its reception. Amichai’s verse often sets itself against nationalistic narratives but he is also well-known for his beautiful love poetry. As a translator of Amichai’s poetry, Kronfeld will speak about the tension between the 'personal' and the 'national' in his work. In the course of writing her book, she did research on the poet in the Amichai Archive in the Beinecke Library.
The talk is being sponsored by the Yale University Library and the Yale Program in Judaic Studies. A reception will follow the presentation and all are welcome to attend!
Post on September 21, 2016 - 12:23pm | 
The book format has long been used as a vehicle for artistic expression. This exhibition opening on September 26 in the Haas Family Arts Library, focuses on the presentation of theatrical texts and documentation of performance in the book arts. The objects on display showcase the space of the page in fine printing and modern typographical renditions of dramatic works. Additionally, examples of puppetry, portable stage sets, and tunnel books reveal the space of the book itself as a place for performance.
Image: Tora Bora by Art Hazelwood. Image used with permission.
Post on September 21, 2016 - 12:26pm | 
This annual exhibit opening Monday, October 3 in the Sterling Memorial Library Exhibits Corridor, highlights four Yale students' exceptional research at the Yale University Library. The subjects represented are as diverse as the Yale Library collections and convey a combination of both complete and ongoing research. Students share key library resources important to their research ranging from online databases to favorite study spaces. The curators are: María de las Mercedes Martínez-Milantchí ’16, Trumbull College, Archaelogical Studies; Camille Owens, Graduate Student, Deptartment of African American Studies; Helen Price ’18, Davenport College; Rebecca Straub, Graduate Student, Deptartment of the History of Art.
All are welcome to visit!
Post on September 21, 2016 - 12:48pm | 
Since 1968, the Institution for Social and Policy Studies (ISPS) at Yale has advanced interdisciplinary research, shaped public policy, and informed democratic deliberation. Through its study centers, fellowships, support for research and publication, and other major initiatives, ISPS brings together scholars and students from many Yale departments and professional schools. This media exhibit at the Center for Science and Social Science Information (CSSSI) explores the past, present, and future of ISPS and highlights the exceptional contributions of its faculty and student fellows to our understanding of social and political life. The exhibit opens on Friday, October 7, in the 24 hour space in CSSSI, 219 Prospect Street. All are welcome!
Post on September 21, 2016 - 12:53pm | 