What did a pharmacy look like in Europe, between 1500 and 1800? What kind of activities took place within its walls? Who were the pharmacists? What kind of drugs did they make, and where did the ingredients come from? This exhibit, organized by the students in Professor Paola Bertucci's undergraduate seminar Collecting Nature and Art with the collaboration of Sarah Pickman, engages with these questions. It shows that, in the early modern period, collecting recipes and making medicines were common household activities carried out by women, while apothecaries often became targets of satire. The exhibit focuses also on a number of American ingredients, like coffee, cocoa, tobacco and chocolate, initially regarded as potential cure-alls, and on the mythical mandrake.
Opening reception April 2nd at 5:15 in the Rotunda of the Medical Library. The exhibit runs through April 2 - July 5, at the Harvey Cushing/John Hay Whitney Medical Library.
Post on March 27, 2018 - 1:38pm | 
Playwright Itamar Moses ’99 with Yale faculty Daniel Egan (Music and Theater Studies), Shiri Goren (Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations), and Travis Zadeh (Religious Studies).
A panel featuring playwright Itamar Moses ’99 and faculty members from three different disciplines will discuss the Broadway adaptation of “The Band Visit” written by Moses with music by David Yazbek. Like the original Israeli film, the play tells the story of an Egyptian ceremonial police band stranded overnight in an Israeli desert town. The play, according to NPR, “tells a story of common ground between cultures.”
"The Band’s Visit”: From Screen to Broadway Stage. A discussion with Playwright Itamar Moses ’99, 4/10, 5:00-7:00PM at Sterling Memorial Library
Post on March 27, 2018 - 1:02pm | 
Jean Bolognia, MD, and Irwin Braverman, MD, will present nine patients of Dr. Peter Parker (YC 1831, YMS 1834) as portrayed in the Historical Library’s paintings by Lam Qua. A medical missionary, Parker founded a hospital in Canton and commissioned portraits (1836-1855) of over one hundred patients, many of whom had large tumors. In 1888, he bequeathed his collection of paintings to the Pathology Department of the Yale Medical School. The paintings were transferred to the Historical Library in the early 1970’s. Case reports of many of the patients survive, providing valuable insights. Today, the collection draws researchers in history of medicine, art, religion, clinical medicine and bioethics.
The Dermatology Grand Rounds: Viewing and Discussion take place Wednesday, April 4, 2018 at Harvey Cushing/John Hay Whitney Medical Library from 8:00-10:15am.
Post on March 27, 2018 - 12:33pm | 
Join us for a 35mm screening of Martin Scorsese's five-time Oscar-winner THE AVIATOR, starring Leonardo DiCaprio stars as Howard Hughes and Cate Blanchett as Katharine Hepburn. 2:00pm Sunday, April 8, at the Whitney Humanities Center, 53 Wall Street in New Haven. "Treasures" screenings are always free and open to everyone. Learn more.
Post on March 25, 2018 - 8:00pm | 
Immerse yourself in Yale’s more than 300-year history through this exhibit of documents and artifacts from Yale University Library’s Manuscript and Archives Department. The exhibit is organized around themes of student life, places and programs, Yale and the world, and Yale events. The extensive holdings of Manuscripts and Archives encompass the University’s archives, Yale publications, and many other collections, with items ranging from the minutes of a 1701 meeting of seven founding ministers of the Collegiate School (renamed Yale College in 1718) to contemporary images, email files, and other “born-digital” materials.
The new exhibit opens in the Memorabilia Room at the Sterling Memorial Library on Monday, June 11- October 5.
Post on March 23, 2018 - 4:01pm | 
If you enter an airport today, you will almost certainly see the design concepts of Jane Davis Doggett ’56 MFA in action. Doggett attended what was then called the Yale School of Architecture and Design in its modernist heyday, studying with the likes of Josef Albers, Louis Kahn, and Alvin Eisenman. She brought the Bauhaus mentality which then prevailed at the School into her own emerging career, unifying art, architecture, and graphic design to create wayfinding systems that would help people to move through large spaces at scale. Beginning in 1959, she used newly built airports as her laboratory for experimenting in design theory, ultimately designing graphic systems for more than 40 airports as well as Madison Square Garden, the Whitney Museum of American Art, and the Philadelphia subway system.
Please join us for a screening of a new 30-minute documentary by Pat Williams, on her remarkable career and life, Jane Davis Doggett: Wayfinder in the Jet Age, followed by a Q&A with Ms. Doggett herself. The event is on Tuesday, April 10, at 5:30-6:30 pm in the International Room at Sterling Memorial Library.
Post on March 23, 2018 - 11:24am | 
Throughout 2018, Yale celebrates 50 years of collecting film, a practice that began with the University's acquisition of the John Griggs Collection of Classic Films in 1968. These early films formed the foundation for a film archive that has grown to include nearly 6,000 35mm and 16mm titles. Visit Film50 to learn more about Yale's first film collection and find out about upcoming events.
Post on March 21, 2018 - 11:32am | 
Please join us on Thursday, March 29 at 3 pm in the CSSSI 24-Hour Space for a celebration of the life and legacy of Beatrix Farrand (1872-1959). Farrand, the only founding woman member of the American Society of Landscape Architects, designed gardens for the White House and the New York Botanical Garden; for many private estates, among them Dumbarton Oaks; and for a number of college campuses. As Yale’s landscape architect for 23 years, Farrand designed the landscapes for at least 16 buildings and locations around campus, including the Marsh Botanical Garden.
We will screen a short documentary about Farrand’s contributions to Yale’s landscape, followed by a panel conversation. Speakers include:
Karyl Evans (six-time Emmy Award-winning documentary filmmaker; director and producer of The Life and Gardens of Beatrix Farrand; Fellow of Yale University)
Kate Bolick (contributing editor at The Atlantic, author of the bestselling book Spinster: Making a Life of One's Own, and host of "Touchstones at The Mount," an annual literary interview series at Edith Wharton's country estate in Lenox, MA)
Catherine Phillips (horticulturalist who has worked in the UK and botanical gardens in the US, most recently at the Huntington Botanical Gardens, Pasadena, CA, and author of ‘Connecticut motive’: Beatrix Farrand and the Marsh Botanic Garden of Yale University 1922-1939)
Beka Sturges (landscape architect at Reed Hilderbrand, New Haven; her recent work includes the campus of the Clark Art Institute in Williamstown, MA, and the allée project at Storm King.
Post on March 19, 2018 - 8:55am | 
Curating Revolution: Politics on Display in Mao's China
Speaker: Denise Ho
Assistant Professor of History, Yale University
Time: 4:30 pm-5:30 pm, Thursday April 19
Place: International Room, Sterling Memorial Library
(Coffee and cookies will be provided before the talk at 4:00 pm)
How did China’s Communist revolution transform the nation’s political culture? In this rich and vivid history of the Mao period (1949–1976), Denise Y. Ho examines the relationship between its exhibitions and its political movements. Case studies from Shanghai show how revolution was curated: museum workers collected cultural and revolutionary relics; neighborhoods, schools, and work units mounted and narrated local displays; and exhibits provided ritual space for ideological lessons and political campaigns. Using archival sources, ephemera, interviews, and other materials, Ho traces the process by which exhibitions were developed, presented, and received. Examples under analysis range from the First Party Congress Site and the Shanghai Museum to the ‘class education’ and Red Guard exhibits that accompanied the Socialist Education Movement and the Cultural Revolution. Operating in two modes - that of a state in power and that of a state in revolution - Mao era exhibitionary culture remains part of China’s revolutionary legacy.
Denise Y. Ho is an historian of modern China, with a particular focus on the social and cultural history of the Mao period (1949-1976). She is also interested in urban history, the study of information and propaganda, and the history of memory. Ho teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on modern and contemporary China, the history of Shanghai, the uses of the past in modern China, and the historiography of the Republican era and the P.R.C.
Denise Y. Ho received her B.A. in history from Yale College and an A.M. and Ph.D. in history from Harvard University.
Read more about Professor Ho's new book: Curating Revolution: Politics on Display in Mao's China
Post on March 13, 2018 - 2:14pm | 
Why Do We Need DH?: Digital Humanities in China
Speaker: Jing Chen 陈静
Associate Professor, School of Arts, Nanjing University
Founder & Editor, 01Lab (零壹 Lab)
Time: 2:00 pm-3:00 pm, Friday April 6
Place: Room 218, Sterling Memorial Library
Sponsored by the East Asia Library, Digital Humanities Lab and Council on East Asian Studies at Yale University.
Following the recent appearance of Digital Humanities publications, workshops, and social media groups, DH has emerged as a new field in China. But, if DH is understood as a merger between humanities domain knowledge and quantitative tools like Natural Language Processing, GIS, or digital archiving, then how new, exactly, is DH in China? What are the stakes of using “DH” to rename a network of older work? Answering such questions is important for appreciating the current status of DH in the Chinese academy, but also helpful for both situating the DH landscape within a global research dynamic and understanding local knowledge production in an age of digital media. This speech focuses on early DH practitioners, particularly their understanding of the role of digital media, computational tools, and algorithms in humanities research by reflecting on local media practices, shifts in incentives from doing library-based research to more individual work, the new urgency to share resources and improving cyberinfrastructure, and the necessity of advancing digital literacy in the newest generation of scholars.
Jing Chen is Associate Professor of School of Arts at Nanjing University. She also serves as the executive director of the Center for Digital Humanities Innovation and Studies at Nanjing University. Dr. Chen worked at Rice University’s Chao Center for Asian Studies as the Henry Luce Postdoctoral Fellow from 2012 to 2014. Her current interest focuses on Digital Humanities, image studies and Cultural and Media Studies, especially the visual knowledge production during the transformation of media. She is the project manager of the Ephemera Project and the Chinese Commercial Advertisement Archive (1880-1940). She is also the Co-PI for the project of the Virtual Museum of the Grand Canal of China (Jinagsu section). She has guest-edited on special issues on Digital Humanities for academic journals in China including Library Development, Library Tribune and Cultural Studies. She is the executive editor of Digital Humanities Studies, a monographic series soon to be published by the Nanjing University Press. Dr. Chen is the founder and editor of 01Lab (零壹Lab), a popular public WeChat journal on DH.
Post on March 12, 2018 - 2:45pm | 