If you enter an airport today, you will almost certainly see the design concepts of Jane Davis Doggett ’56 MFA in action. Doggett attended what was then called the Yale School of Architecture and Design in its modernist heyday, studying with the likes of Josef Albers, Louis Kahn, and Alvin Eisenman. She brought the Bauhaus mentality which then prevailed at the School into her own emerging career, unifying art, architecture, and graphic design to create wayfinding systems that would help people to move through large spaces at scale. Beginning in 1959, she used newly built airports as her laboratory for experimenting in design theory, ultimately designing graphic systems for more than 40 airports as well as Madison Square Garden, the Whitney Museum of American Art, and the Philadelphia subway system.
Please join us for a screening of a new 30-minute documentary by Pat Williams, on her remarkable career and life, Jane Davis Doggett: Wayfinder in the Jet Age, followed by a Q&A with Ms. Doggett herself. The event is on Tuesday, April 10, at 5:30-6:30 pm in the International Room at Sterling Memorial Library.