Post on October 31, 2015 - 8:00pm | 
The 2015 Yale Technology Summit took place on October 30th, from 9:00am-4:00pm in Evans Hall. DHLab projects were showcased in two presentations. From 2:00pm-2:50pm in room 2200, Peter Leonard and Catherine DeRose presented on the Digital Humanities Lab itself, and from 3:00pm-3:50pm in the Zhang Auditorium, Laura Wexler, Peter Leonard, and Trip Kirkpatrick gave an overview of the history of Photogrammar.
The full program for the event can be found here.
Post on October 29, 2015 - 2:53pm | 
The Digital Humanities Lab (DHLab) is excited to share that Carol Chiodo has joined on as one of our Postdoctoral Associates. Carol is a writer, scholar, and educator whose work investigates how the material and structural changes in the reproduction, storage, and transmission of texts impact the ways we read, write, and learn. She received a PhD in Italian Language and Literature from Yale with a dissertation on medieval vernacular poetry and the mechanical arts. Her current research uses social network analysis to explore the membership rolls of early scholarly societies in North America as a source for women's history.
Carol will be working in the DHLab (Sterling Memorial Library, 316). Please stop by to welcome her!
Post on October 29, 2015 - 2:24pm | 
Looking for articles? Yale University Library now subscribes to the Frick Art Reference Library Periodicals Index. The index covers nearly 300 art history periodicals from the mid-1850s through the 1960s. Search by artists, artworks, private and public collection names, exhibitions, and reproductions in a broad range of European languages. The index's coverage of 19th century periodicals is particularly strong and the periodicals represented cover Western European and American fine arts and some decorative arts from the 4th-19th centuries. Access via EBSCO is available while connected to the Yale University Network on-campus or using VPN. You can find the database listing on the Arts Databases page or in Find Databases by Title.
Image credit: Alfred Cook, Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y., 1935. Photograph. The Frick Collection and Frick Art Reference Library Construction Photographs. The Frick Collection/Frick Art Reference Library Archives. Retrieved October 26, 2015:
Post on October 26, 2015 - 11:55am | 
The Gilmore Music Library is a beta testing site for the Berliner Philharmoniker's new Digital Concert Hall from October 2015 through January 2016. This is an online streaming video service that includes pre-recorded and live concerts, films, and interviews. The content includes more than 1000 western classical works from the Baroque to the present.
Video is streamed in HD with CD sound quality through a web browser on Macs and PCs. Other supported devices include Apple iPhones, iPads, and iPods, Android 4.0 or higher devices, as well as SmartTVs, and Blu-Ray disc players.
Access is free for Yale students, faculty, and staff by IP address: Yale users must connect first from on campus or through VPN and create a login (Yale email address) and password. Once registration is complete, Yale users can login from anywhere on supported devices and apps. Registration must be renewed every four weeks. Connect here.
If you have questions or encounter difficulties, contact Suzanne Lovejoy, Music Librarian for Reference and Instruction, office ML112, Music Library, Sterling Memorial Library, telephone 203-432-0497.
Post on October 21, 2015 - 6:21pm | 
Tuesday, October 20, 1:00pm, SML Lecture Hall
Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in America, killing nearly 300,000 women a year – more than breast and lung cancers combined. In her talk, Dr Spatz will lay out an approach to cardiovascular health for women of all ages. From her perspective as a cardiologist, she’ll discuss why blood pressure, cholesterol and sugar intake matter, and how lifestyle behaviors – nutrition, fitness and stress management – can make a genuine difference. She will also examine the promise of new technologies and explain what the advent of personalized medicine will mean to current and future generations. The talk is sponsored by Yale University Library and Yale Health, and is free and open to the public.
Dr. Erica Spatz is a general cardiologist and Assistant Professor in the Section of Cardiovascular Medicine at Yale. Her research is focused on preventing cardiovascular disease and improving health outcomes following a major cardiovascular event, especially among women and socioeconomically disadvantaged populations. Dr. Spatz’ research translates into more personalized medicine, taking into account individuals’ unique risk factors and clinical presentations – to develop customized treatment plans. She is currently supported by a grant from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) in Patient Centered Outcomes Research, and is a clinical investigator at the Center for Outcomes Research and Evaluation (CORE). Her latest research on women with myocardial infarctions (heart attacks) appears in this month’s issue of Circulation.
Post on October 19, 2015 - 12:17pm | 
Wednesday, October 21, 9:00 am, SML Lecture Hall
All are welcome to join us for this talk on "Bringing Japan to Yale", by Robert G. Wheeler, Professor Emeritus of Engineering and Applied Physics at Yale. A curator of the current Peabody Museum exhibit Samurai and the Culture of Japan’s Great Peace, he will discuss some of the featured objects donated by individuals whose papers are in Manuscripts and Archives - Mabel Loomis Todd, Henry W. Farnam, and Shepherd Stevens. In addition, aspects of the science of swords and lacquerware will be illustrated.
From the Yale University Press book on the exhibit co-authored by Robert Wheeler:
“this lavishly illustrated volume takes readers on a journey into Japan’s early modern cultural and political history. It also offers tantalizing glimpses of medieval Japan and the technology underlying the material culture of the samurai. Some objects are dazzling aesthetic and technical feats: impossibly intricate lacquerware, swords as bright and sharp as the day they were forged, and glittering suits of armor from daimyo collections. Others are more unassuming, but equally capable of evoking visions of a lost world.”
Post on October 19, 2015 - 12:21pm | 
All are welcome to join us for this talk on Wednesday, October 28, 5:30 pm, in the SML Lecture Hall followed by a reception in the Memorabilia Room. The talk is presented in connection with the exhibition "Bawdy Bodies: Satires of Unruly Women" on view at the Lewis Walpole Library, September 24, 2015 through February 26, 2016
In the 1790s, women dressed in imitation of antique statuary. Yet most devotees of the style had never seen the originals they emulated; rather, they were inspired by print representations of them, and this process of translation--from three-dimensional sculptures into two-dimensional paper representations and then back into fabric gowns swathed around moving bodies--created several interesting effects, including a pronounced emphasis on contour. This lecture will discuss the way 1790s fashionable dress was mediated by print, and connect this phenomenon to the contemporary vogue for John Flaxman's outline drawings and other aspects of neoclassical taste.
Amelia Rauser is the author of Caricature Unmasked: Irony, Authenticity, and Individualism in Eighteenth-Century English Prints (2008). Her new project, "Living Statues: Neoclassical Culture and Fashionable Dress in the 1790s-- London, Paris, Naples," is a study of the radical style of undress in the 1790s and its connection to contemporary aesthetic, political, and scientific thought. Dr. Rauser is Professor of Art History at Franklin & Marshall College.
Enter through 128 Wall Street door.
Post on October 19, 2015 - 12:25pm | 
The Beinecke Library is delighted to announce the first event of its speaker series for this year, a public lecture followed by a seminar with Joseph Dane (Professor of English, USC).
On Wednesday, October 28, he will deliver a lecture, "How Many Chaucerians Does it Take to Count to Ten? Horrors of the Obvious in Humanities Research," and on Thursday, October 29, he will join us in a seminar environment to discuss an essay titled "The Haunting of Suckling's Fragmenta Aurea (1646)," attached to this message alongside some supplementary reading from his book Blind Impressions.
Medieval studies graduate student Emily Ulrich will start our Thursday discussion with a prepared response. These events are sure to be great, and we hope to see you at one or both.
The Yale Program in the History of the Book brings together scholars across disciplines to explore the materiality of the written word over time and across cultures.
Post on October 19, 2015 - 12:45pm | 
Thursday, October 29, 4:00 pm, SML Lecture Hall
The James Weldon Johnson Memorial Lecture celebrates American poet, novelist, and civil rights leader James Weldon Johnson, namesake of the collection of African American arts and letters at the Beinecke Library. Farah Jasmine Griffin (Ph.D.’92) is William B. Ransford Professor of English and Comparative Literature and African-American Studies at Columbia University. Her most recent book, Harlem Nocturne, tells the stories of three World War II-era African American women artists who fought for change on the home front.
Professor Griffin's interests include American and African American literature, music, history and politics. The recipient of numerous honors and awards for her teaching and scholarship, in 2006-2007 Professor Griffin was a fellow at the New York Public Library Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers. She is the author of Who Set You Flowin’: The African American Migration Narrative (Oxford, 1995), If You Can’t Be Free, Be a Mystery: In Search of Billie Holiday (Free Press, 2001) and Clawing At the Limits of Cool: Miles Davis, John Coltrane, and the Greatest Jazz Collaboration Ever (Thomas Dunne, 2008).
This presentation is sponsored by The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library and the Department of African American Studies at Yale.
Post on October 19, 2015 - 12:54pm | 