Yale Day of Data 2016
December 1 and 2
The Center for Science and Social Science Information, the Yale Center for Research Computing, and the Yale Digital Humanities Lab are excited to announce the schedule for the upcoming Yale Day of Data. The theme for 2016 will be open data, open software, reproducibility initiatives, and replication.
On Thursday, December 1, we will have workshops, discussions with keynotes, and a poster session related to data and reproducibility. The poster session will highlight work by Yale students and researchers. Poster submissions are due by September 30.
Friday, December 2 will include presentations and lightning talks that focus on open data, open software, reproducibility initiatives, and replication, along with keynote speakers. Applications to give a talk are due by September 15.
Interested in giving a talk?
Undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, and staff are invited to apply to present their work on December 2.
Presentations can focus on data produced or analyzed in any research discipline (sciences, social sciences, arts, humanities, law, etc.) and can be data of any kind, including:
- social, economic, behavioral, and political data
- genomic data and sequencing data
- health and healthcare data
- geospatial data
- textual data
- visual data
- environmental data and indicators
- experimental and computational scientific data
- and more
The two formats for presentations include:
- Applied talk
- Presenters give 20 minute presentations about their projects to a general audience, highlighting the themes of the day in relation to their work.
- Lightning talk
- Presenters give 5 minute overviews of a topic relevant to the theme, including discussion of projects, tools, methodologies, and more.
Applications are due September 15 and should be submitted via: http://bit.ly/dayofdata
For updates
To stay up to date, please join the Yale Day of Data mailing list, where we release our updates first. Registration will also be announced first on the mailing list. See http://mailman.yale.edu/mailman/listinfo/dayofdata for more information or to join.
Post on May 26, 2016 - 9:18am | 
The Digital Humanities Lab welcomed junior high and high school students from around the New Haven area for a workshop on DH. Following a tour of the lab and a discussion of old and new media, students learned about the Photogrammar project and participated in a scavenger hunt to find images of American life during the Great Depression and World War II.
The workshop was led by Catherine DeRose (Outreach Manager for the DHLab) and Lauren Tilton (PhD Candidate in American Studies).
Post on May 20, 2016 - 4:31pm | 
On Monday, May 23, the Sterling Memorial Library (SML) nave will host the President’s Commencement Day luncheon for honorary degree recipients. As a result, SML will be closed to the public until 3:00pm. It will reopen at 3:00 pm until 7:45pm. The temporary Beinecke Reading Room and Manuscripts and Archives – both located in SML – will be closed for the entire day. Bass Library will be open during its usual hours of 8:30am to 9:45pm, although the tunnel between Bass and SML will be closed until 3:00pm. Because Commencement can be a heavy book-return day, the book-drops outside of SML will remain open until 3:00pm, after which books can be returned inside the building. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you in advance for your understanding. Details of access for library staff using SML on Monday have been communicated directly through the library staff email list.
Post on May 20, 2016 - 12:14pm | 
The Yale University Library is delighted to announce the appointment of John Gallagher as the new director of the Harvey Cushing/John Hay Whitney Medical Library.
John joined the staff of the Yale Library in 1999 as a library services assistant in the Library Shelving Facility. He moved to the Medical Library in 2000 where he took the position of evening & weekend circulation supervisor, and was quickly promoted to the head of the circulation department. After completion of his Masters of Library Science in 2004, John was promoted again to the head of Access and Delivery Services. He was instrumental in pioneering and establishing the Scan on Demand service at the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, which evolved into the Scan and Deliver service for the wider Yale Library system. He served as the library liaison to the Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation and co-chaired the library’s joint Department Committee for Best Practices, a university-wide initiative to foster and promote better management/labor relations and collaboration through interest-based problem solving. During this time, John also chaired a management/labor Access Services Assessment Task Force that reduced check-in errors at all libraries.
As deputy director for Public Services and later associate director, John oversaw the completion of a number of major medical library renovations, including the Historical Library’s rare book stacks and staff areas, the construction of a secure reading room, and the construction of the Cushing Center.
In 2012, John was selected to participate in the National Library of Medicine/Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries’ Leadership Fellowship Program. John's participation in this prestigious and highly competitive program gives testimony to the quality of his leadership abilities.
Susan Gibbons, University Librarian and Deputy Provost for Libraries & Scholarly Communication commented, "John’s appointment is fantastic. Not only do we add a talented colleague to the library’s senior leadership team, but John’s career demonstrates the opportunities for career advancement at Yale University Library."
Post on May 16, 2016 - 11:34am | 
New bottle filling stations have been installed in Sterling Memorial Library’s Wright Reading Room and in the Thain Cafe! Members of the Yale community will now have access to filtered water while working in the surrounding spaces. The stations, which also count the quantity of plastic bottles saved from waste, are meant to reduce environmental impact by encouraging the use of reusable water bottles instead of disposable plastic bottles; and to make it easier for people to use re-fillable water bottles in the library.
The library decided to install filtered water dispensers after a current graduate student made a suggestion through AskYale. Accessible through the Yale Library’s website, AskYale allows students and other members of the Yale community to ask questions and communicate suggestions. Yale Library encourages feedback, and endeavors to examine and respond to student needs. Have a question or a suggestion for the library? Visit AskYale And, be sure to check out the new bottle filling stations!
Post on May 16, 2016 - 11:07am | 
The Digital Humanities Lab is excited to announce a new round of Seed Grants to support digital humanities research over the summer and fall. These grants may be used to hire a developer, create a digital corpus, or host a workshop.
Yale graduate students and faculty are eligible to apply. Applications should be emailed to dhlab@yale.edu by Friday, May 27.
Post on May 16, 2016 - 9:49am | 
Coffee and Code Workshop: R
Part 1: Tuesday, May 24 at 2:00pm in Sterling Memorial Library, 315
Part 2: Tuesday, May 31 at 2:00pm in the Digital Humanities Lab (Sterling Memorial Library, 316)
DH Developer Douglas Duhaime will lead an informal, two-part workshop on creating distribution plots in R to visualize word frequencies. In Part 1, participants will learn how to create a plot based on a single text file. In Part 2, participants will incorporate facet wrapping into the code produced during Part 1 in order to plot "small multiples" (this is what you would do if you had more than one text file you were working with). To structure the workshop, we will be referring to Chapter 4 of Matthew Jockers's Text Analysis with R for Students of Literature. For Yale affiliates, the book is available electronically via Springer Link. A print copy is also available for reading in the DHLab.
All are welcome; no programming experience is required! Participants should bring a laptop with them to the workshop.
Prior to the workshops, participants should download R and RStudio. Please also install the package "ggplot2" in RStudio. Sample text files will be provided, but participants are encouraged to work with their own data during the week between the two workshops.
To install the ggplot2 package:
- Open RStudio
- Click "File" in the top header and select "New File -> R Script"
- In the new file that opens (this will likely appear above the "Console window" on your screen), type on line 1: install.packages("ggplot2")
- At the end of line 1, hold the "Control" key and click "Enter/Return" to execute the code
Email dhlab@yale.edu with any questions.
Materials from workshops
Barnabae Epistula, sample text file from Workshop Part 1
Link to the GitHub page with code from both workshops
Post on May 13, 2016 - 10:17am | 
The Yale Center for British Art reopens this week after a multi-year project to conserve its iconic building designed by Louis I. Kahn. The galleries have been refreshed and new spaces for study and teaching have been created. Accessibility of the building has also been improved.
The collection has been reinstalled under the theme Britain and the World and includes over five hundred works tracing British art from the Protestant Reformation to the present. The two-floor installation examines the impact of foreign influences on British art and the role of the arts in Britain’s imperial activities.
Opening events happened throughout the day on Wednesday, May 11th; a full-day community event is planned for this Saturday, May 14th, with film screenings, tours, activities, and music. You can also stop by and see our colleagues at the Yale Center for British Art Reference Library and Archives from 10am-5pm!
For more information, see the Yale Center for British Art’s website at http://britishart.yale.edu/.
Image credit: Yale Center for British Art, fourth floor, Long Gallery following reinstallation, photograph by Richard Caspole
Post on May 12, 2016 - 11:18am | 
"Integrating Digital Humanities"
May 25, 10:00am-1:00pm in the Hall of Graduate Studies (HGS) 119
Interested in exploring how you might incorporate DH methods and tools into the classroom to change the way your students interact with and think about humanities materials? Please join members of the Center for Teaching & Learning and the Yale Digital Humanities Lab for the "Integrating Digital Humanities" workshop, part of the upcoming Course [re]Design Institute series. In the workshop, we will discuss when and how an instructor might rework an existing assignment (or create a completely new one) to include a DH component. Please bring a syllabus or class assignment on which you would like to work to the session. Lunch will be provided.
To sign up, please email Yvette Barnard in the CTL at yvette.barnard@yale.edu.
Post on May 10, 2016 - 12:27pm | 
Following conversations with the Graduate Student Assembly (GSA) and the Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS), the provost has approved additional funds for a pilot program in 2016-2017 to explore the possibility of extended access to Sterling Memorial Library (SML) and Bass Library. Beginning on May 11, under the pilot, SML will stay open later on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, while late night hours on Thursdays in SML will continue as usual. During October and spring breaks, both Bass and SML will offer extended hours during the week. For more details, please check the library hours website here.
Post on May 9, 2016 - 11:17am | 