Are you writing a paper that requires a bibliography or a works cited? A citation management tool can help you collect and organize sources, from dictionaries, journal articles to websites and more.
Between 11/2 – 11/9, join Bass Library for “30 Minutes to a Better Bibliography” where you can quickly learn the ins and outs of using a citation management tool to collect citations and generate a bibliography. Whether you need MLA format, Chicago, or even APA, these tools can help you – and your research – stay organized.
Note: These workshops were designed specifically for undergraduate students. Graduate students and faculty are welcome to attend, or can reach out to their subject librarian for more detailed assistance.
Post on October 31, 2017 - 10:50am | 
The Israeli artist, Avner Moriah (Arts, 83), will talk about his project, "Creating an illuminated Torah" (the first five books of the Bible). He has already completed the first 2 books, Genesis and Exodus and is on the way to completing the third, Leviticus. Moriah has also illuminated the Passover Haggadah and the Book Esther. He is also known for his paintings of the land and cityscapes on Israel.
Moriah's works have been acquired by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Israel Museum, the Vatican, and the Library of Congress. The artist is also known for his large-scale public works for synagogues, educational institutions, and national memorials and monuments.
Moriah will speak about his work on Thursday, November 9, 2017 from 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM in the International Room, Sterling Memorial Library. This talk is sponsored by the Judaic Studies Program, The Bibliographical Press and Yale University Library and will be followed by a reception.
Post on October 27, 2017 - 10:44am | 
Workshop on Tropy with Abigail Mullen
November 7 at 2:00pm in Bass Library, L06
Tropy is desktop software designed to help researchers organize and describe their research photographs. When researchers return from trips to the archives, they often bring back hundreds or thousands of photos, but have no system for keeping these photos manageable. Tropy allows you to attach information to your photos, transcribe or take notes on them, and categorize them using lists and tags. This workshop will walk through the software, giving a demonstration of what Tropy can do and the ways it can be integrated into your research workflow.
Some of the new features in Tropy 1.0 include:
- The template editor, where you can create templates to match your archives’ needs
- The photo editor, where you can rotate and zoom photos for easier reading
- The selection tool, which allows you to make permanent selections in a photo that can accommodate their own notes and basic metadata
- Export to JSON-LD
Windows machines will be available for use. Participants are also welcome to bring their own computers.
The workshop is open to all Yale students, faculty, and staff, but space is limited. To register, please visit the YUL Instruction Calendar. No previous experience with Tropy is required.
Abigail Mullen is a project manager in the Research division at the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, where she works primarily with Tropy. She received her PhD in world history from Northeastern University.
Post on October 27, 2017 - 9:15am | 
The Gilmore Music Library’s special collections naturally contain an abundance of materials from Yale faculty, students, and alumni, and such items have appeared in many of our other exhibits. But in Musical Roots of the Elm City, we focus instead on local music and musicians with little or no connection to Yale. The exhibit features a wide variety of items from the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries, including sheet music, concert programs, and sound recordings, and it encompasses classical, military, jazz, popular, and film music.
Musical Roots of the Elm City is on display now through January 10th, 2018, in the corridor directly outside the entrance to the Music Library. It’s also available online. More information can be found here.
Post on October 25, 2017 - 10:11am | 
What are you drawn to like, to watch, or even to binge? What are you free to consume, and what do you become through consumption? These questions of desire and value, Kathryn Lofton argues, are questions for the study of religion. In eleven essays exploring soap and office cubicles, Britney Spears and the Kardashians, corporate culture and Goldman Sachs, Lofton shows the conceptual levers of religion in thinking about social modes of encounter, use, and longing. Wherever we see people articulate their dreams of and for the world, wherever we see those dreams organized into protocols, images, manuals, and contracts, we glimpse what the word “religion” allows us to describe and understand.
In Consuming Religion, Lofton offers a guide to religion and consumption in our capitalizing times.
All are welcome to join us on November 8 at 4:30 pm in the Sterling Memorial Library International Room for the latest lecture in the Arts and Humanities Book Talks series, Consuming Religion by Kathryn Lofton. Come early for coffee and cookies at 4:00 pm and stay for the talk at 4:30.
Post on October 25, 2017 - 1:35pm | 
Join us for Jacques Audiard's 2009 prison drama UN PROPHÈTE, starring Tahir Rahim, Niels Arestrup, and Adel Bencherif. The film won nine César Awards and the Grand Prix at Cannes, and was nominated for a Best Foreign Language Film Academy Award. 7:00pm Sunday, November 12, in the Whitney Humanities Center, 53 Wall Street in New Haven. "Treasures from the Yale Film Archive" screenings are always free and open to everyone. Learn more.
Post on October 24, 2017 - 8:00pm | 
In support of International Open Access Week, the Yale University Library is hosting a series of workshops and events from October 23 – 27 to raise awareness of open access issues and trends within our community.
Panel Discussion | Launching and Sustaining an OA Journal: Stories from the Field
October 23, 3:00 – 4:00 PM
Arts Library Room 119 (Rudolph Hall)
Join us for a discussion with editors of two prestigious open access journals representing two very different fields. Learn about the motivations behind going an open access route and what’s involved in managing an open access journal. Martina Droth is Deputy Director of Research and Curator of Sculpture at the Yale Center for British Art. She is co-editor of the born-digital, peer-reviewed journal British Art Studies and chair of the Association of Research Institutes in Art History. Helen Beilinson is a PhD candidate in Immunobiology at Yale and a co-editor-in-chief of the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine. YJBM was launched in 1928 and is the oldest medical student publication still published.
Publishing 411: Working with Publishers
October 23, 2017, 12:00 – 1:00 PM
Bass Library Classroom L01 A/B
Getting an article or a book published is an exciting undertaking that may present its share of confusion and stress. We will compare an assortment of publishing options, including open access, to make authors aware of your choices. We’ll also cover author-publisher agreements, the SPARC author addendum, and licensing alternatives. You will come away with facts that you can use to make informed decisions about your rights. The workshop is presented by librarians Joan Emmet and Alyssa Grimshaw. Register Online:
Choosing Open Access Journals for Publishing and Avoiding Predatory Journals
October 24, 2017, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Center for Science and Social Science Information, Room C49
In this workshop, librarians Carla Heister and Lori Bronars will discuss resources for choosing which open access journals to publish in and for avoiding publication in predatory journals. No registration is required for this workshop. Just show up!
Open Access Pop-Up Information Tables
Want general information about Open Access? Come to one of our Pop-Up Tables! Librarians will be available to discuss the basics of Open Access and answer your questions.
October 23, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Center for Science and Social Science Information 24/7 Space
October 24, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Center for Teaching and Learning, Main Floor
October 26, 1:00 – 2:30 PM
Cushing-Whitney Medical Library, Lobby
Post on October 23, 2017 - 9:19am | 
Introduction to D3.js Workshop
November 28 at 2:00pm in Bass Library, L06
This workshop will introduce attendees to the D3.js data visualization framework. We will discuss the core building blocks of D3.js visualizations, including scales, SVG elements, selections, and data updates. D3 is a complex framework to learn. The goals for this workshop are to expose participants to the underlying vocabulary and functionality.
Participants who are unfamiliar with JavaScript are strongly encouraged to follow the tutorial from our Intro to JavaScript workshop prior to the D3 session.
Registration is open to all Yale students, faculty, and staff, but space is limited. To register, please visit the YUL Instruction Calendar.
Post on October 19, 2017 - 10:13am | 
"Towards a Computational Archaeology of Fictional Space"
October 13 at 4:00pm in Linsly-Chittenden Hall (LC), room 209
Dennis Tenen, Assistant Professor at Columbia University, is a digital humanities scholar, literary critic, and author of Plain Text: The Poetics of Computation (Stanford UP). In addition to his vast research on the histories of reading and media, computational narratology, philosophy and poetics of computing, and literary theory, he is also the founder of Columbia’s Group for Experimental Methods in the Humanities, in which literary scholars from a broad range of specializations and departments at the university gather to work on digital methods.
All are welcome to attend his talk, "Towards a Computational Archaeology of Fictional Space." Refreshments will be served.
This talk is sponsored by the Yale Digital Humanities Lab and Theory and Media Studies Colloquium.
Post on October 13, 2017 - 9:41am | 
WFF Wikipedia Editathon
October 6, 13, and 20 from 4:00pm-7:00pm in 205 Whitney, Suite 301b.
Join the Women Faculty Forum for their upcoming Wikipedia Editathon. Participants will edit Wikipedia Pages on gender equity. No prior experience is required. All are encouraged to attend. Training and pizza will be provided!
Email with questions.
Post on October 12, 2017 - 10:12am | 