Coinciding with the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death and the worldwide celebrations of his work, we now have streaming access to seventeen Globe on Screen videos via Drama Online. These productions are filmed live at the Globe Theatre in London, and most are new to us in streaming form. A particular highlight is the all-male production of TWELFTH NIGHT with Mark Rylance as Olivia. There’s much more in Drama Online on Shakespeare’s plays, of course, including the Arden Shakespeare editions, audio recordings, and critical texts. Digital Theatre Plus also includes several Shakespeare productions, including a hilarious MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING set in the 1980s. Happy watching!
Post on April 29, 2016 - 5:19pm | 
"Digital Editing and the Medieval Manuscript Roll"
Sterling Memorial Library, March 11 & 12
The Digital Humanities Lab co-sponsored a paleography and text encoding workshop that was led by English PhD candidates Anya Adair and Joseph Stadolnik. Catherine DeRose, the Outreach Manager for the DHLab, gave a guest lecture on digital tools and methods for studying literature. Graduate students from across the country participated in the workshop. Together, they learned to catalog, transcribe, comment on, and mark up (according to TEI standards) two medieval manuscript rolls from the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library's collection.
Find live tweets from the event with #DEMMR
For a few photos from the event:

Post on April 29, 2016 - 4:16pm | 
Coffee and Code Workshop: APIs
April 26, 2:00pm in the Digital Humanities Lab (SML 316)
During Office Hours, DH Developer Douglas Duhaime led an informal, live coding session during which he walked through approaches to requesting data from historical and bibliographic APIs. He discussed the process of building up and sending queries algorithmically, as well as parsing results in both JSON and XML formats. Together, participants practiced on the Google Books API and the Wikipedia API, two valuable resources for researchers working with various digital materials.
All were welcome; no prior programming experience was required. Coffee and tea was provided!
Photos from the event:

Post on April 26, 2016 - 9:42am | 
The Gilmore Music Library will be undergoing a renovation project commencing June 1, which will continue through mid-December 2016. We will not be closing our doors during the renovation, but instead will be working around the construction and will continue to offer the majority of our regular services.
The renovation of the library will accompany the building of a new location for the Center for Teaching and Learning. Once complete, the principal entrance for both the Music Library and the Center for Teaching and Learning will be via the York Street side of Sterling Memorial Library. Access will still be available via the nave as well.
The highlights of our renovation will be:
- A new circulation desk, including new offices for Kathy Mansi and Karl Schrom and new shelving for the Recordings Collection
- A new location for self-service photocopying and scanning
- A new office for Suzanne Lovejoy
- Two new technology focused seminar rooms on the second floor of the Music Library (the two existing rooms will be re-purposed as offices behind the new circulation desk)
- A new glass front wall to the Music Library, which will include a new main entrance
- New exhibition cases and large digital displays in the corridor outside of the Music Library
The following guide has been created to provide more information about the renovation. We plan to update this guide throughout our renovation as questions arise. If you have any questions, please consult the FAQs tab of the guide.
Post on April 21, 2016 - 2:12pm | 
From May 6-7, the Yale University Library will be hosting a symposium on the history of horror on video tape. It will investigate connections between the emergence of the prerecorded video industry and the development of the horror and exploitation genres and will offer a space to discuss the kinds of work that the newly acquired Yale VHS Horror and Exploitation Collection might facilitate. There are various events over the course of the symposium, as follows:
Friday, May 6, 7:30 pm in the Whitney Humanities Center Auditorium.
A keynote address, reception, and VHS screening of "Tales from the Quadead Zone". The keynote speaker will be Caetlin Benson-Allott, University of Oklahoma.
Saturday, May 7, 10:00 am-5:00 pm in Sterling Memorial Library Lecture Hall.
A discussion with a wide range of panelists: Harry Benshoff, University of North Texas; Kinitra Brooks, University of Texas, San Antonio; David Church, independent scholar; Kirsty Dootson, Yale University; Nicholas Forster, Yale University; David Gary, Yale University Library; Daniel Herbert, University of Michigan; Aaron Pratt, Trinity University; and Frederick Wasser, CUNY-Brooklyn College.
Saturday, May 7, 9:00 pm, Lyric Hall Auditorium, 827 Whalley Avenue.
A VHS screening of "Truth or Dare: A Critical Madness".
Details and locations of all the events can be found on the Yale Library calendar here. All events are free and open to the public. For more information, please contact
The symposium is sponsored by the following organizations: Department of African American Studies; Department of the History of Art; Film & Media Studies; Films at Whitney, supported by the Barbakow Fund for Innovate Film Programs at Yale; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender Studies at Yale; Lyric Hall; Massacre Video; Tim Ritter; Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies at Yale; Yale College; Yale Film Study Center; Yale Graduate School Dean’s Fund; Yale Program in the History of the Book; and Yale University Library.
Post on April 21, 2016 - 12:46pm | 
All are welcome to join us for the annual Yale University Library preservation lecture at 3:30 pm on Thursday, May 5 at the new Center for Preservation and Conservation at 344 Winchester Ave, New Haven, CT. The lecture is sponsored by a gift from Jack O’Neill ’47 and Betsy O’Neill.
A panel of four conservators will discuss "Before and After: Experiences from Newly Built and Renovated Conservation Laboratories". The discussion will focus on issues that are taken into consideration when designing a conservation laboratory. In addition to the materials that are to be treated in the lab, how do geographic locations and external adjacencies affect the work? And how does the space help or hinder outreach and working relationships with colleagues across the library? Answers to these and other related issues will be of interest to collection managers and curators, and the occasion will also provide the opportunity to network with conservators from other institutions.
The panel includes:
- Beth Doyle, Head of Conservation Services Department, Leona B. Carpenter Senior Conservator at Duke University Libraries.
- Eliza Gilligan, Book Conservator for University Library Collections at the University of Virginia Library.
- Jennifer Hain Teper, Bud Velde Preservation Librarian and Head of Preservation at the University of Illinois Libraries.
- Christine McCarthy, Chief Conservator, Conservation & Exhibition Services in the Preservation Department at Yale University Library.
There will be an open house in the preservation facility prior to the lecture, from 1:30-3:30pm. A reception immediately following the lecture will be held in the lounge at 344 Winchester Avenue, New Haven. All are welcome.
Post on April 21, 2016 - 12:41pm | 
The Digital Humanities Lab is excited to sponsor two events with Heather Froehlich, a historical sociolinguist from the University of Strathclyde. Both events are open to the Yale community and public.
Talk, 5/3: "Representations of Madness in Early Modern Drama and EEBO-TCP Phase I"
Bass Library, L01 at 2:00pm
In her talk, Heather Froehlich will explore how to use the Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary and Early English Books Online-Text Creation Project (EEBO-TCP) Phase I to understand the language of madness in two subsets of early English print: firstly, in a selection of 336 dramatic works (1514-1662) and secondly in 25,000 transcriptions of early English books. She will demonstrate how to harvest historically relevant terms from the Historical Thesaurus and then apply them to EEBO-TCP. In doing so, she has identified different lexical references to madness, with a clear division in use of the 4-word phrase 'I am not mad' in dramatic and non-dramatic writing.
Coffee will be provided!
Workshop, 5/4: "11 Things You Can Do With EEBO-TCP Phase I"
Bass Library, L06 at 1:00-4:00pm
This text mining workshop will overview several ways of interacting with the Early English Books Online-Text Creation Partnership (EEBO-TCP), a full-text transcription database of 25,000 early modern printed books between 1470 and 1700. We will cover strategies for accessing EEBO-TCP, identifying specific transcriptions, tracing specific words/concepts, identifying and modernizing variant spellings, curating subcorpora, and using these resources in a pedagogical context.
In advance of the workshop, please sign up for an EEBO account and register for CQPweb with a Yale email address, if you have one.
Space is limited; to register for the workshop, please visit the YUL Instruction Calendar.
Heather Froehlich studies social identity in Early Modern London plays (1514-1662) and EEBO-TCP Phase I at the University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, UK), where she is also a research assistant on the Visualizing English Print (1470-1700) project (a collaboration between Strathclyde, UW-Madison, and the Folger Shakespeare Library). Her work draws on socio-historic linguistics and corpus stylistics, though she sustains an interest in digital methods for literary and linguistic inquiry. Read more about her and her research on her blog or on twitter (@heatherfro).
Post on April 19, 2016 - 2:48pm | 
Join us for this talk on Thursday, April 21 at 1:30 pm by Eitan Hersh on Challenges in Using Public Records to Study Political Participation - part of the Day of Data Spring Discussion Series sponsored by Yale University Library, Yale Institution for Social & Policy Studies, & the Yale Center for Research Computing. The talk will take place at the ISPS at 77 Prospect Street.
Eitan Hersh received his PhD from Harvard in 2011. His teaching and research focus on elections in the United States. Hersh studies campaign strategy, voting behavior, and election administration. His current work examines the effects of information and technology on candidate behavior. In June 2015, he published “Hacking the Electorate: How Campaigns Perceive Voters” (Cambridge University Press). All are welcome to attend.
Post on April 19, 2016 - 2:10pm | 
We are pleased to announce that the database for Mainichi 毎日新聞 is available to Yale Community.
Maisaku 毎索 (
The Maisaku database lets you search all the Mainichi Shinbun 毎日新聞 (formally Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shinbun 東京日日新聞, Osaka Nippo 大阪日報, etc) from 1872 (Meiji 5) to present.
Please note that there are two functions, 記事検索 (article search) and 紙面検索 (page search), available. While記事検索 is still not so robust with keyword searching, the search results will be very limited. I suggest you use紙面検索 for full searching.
The database also includes other functions likeヨミロンサーチ which provides newspaper research from October 1945 to June 2011 on public opinions, such as cabinet and political party approval ratings. The data can be searched by keyword and date with sorting functions for categories like gender and age.
Additionally, below is a link to complete list of Japanese Newspapers Yale subscribes.
Post on April 19, 2016 - 11:33am | 
The East Asia Library is pleased to announce that three NEW Korean databases, KSDC DB (Korean Statistical Database), eARticle, & New Nonmun, are now available to the Yale community. They are also listed in the Korean Database List ( and Yale University Library’s A-Z database list ( Please note that access to the three database is only available from computers on the Yale campus or with off-campus access (
Developed by Korean Social Science Data Center, KSDC DB (Korean Statistical Database) consists of all kinds of statistical yearbooks published by the government, public institutions and overseas institutions, as well as opinion polls and surveys undertaken by the government, universities, research institutes, and other organizations. Users can easily access this advanced variable-oriented DB, and analyze them statistically on the website.
Both eARticle and New Nonmun provide full-text journal articles in all subjects from South Korea. They supplement our current Korean journal databases, including Korean Studies Information Service System (KISS), DBPIA and Kyobo Scholar.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about the three new databases. You are welcome to schedule an individual session with us to learn more about them.
Post on April 15, 2016 - 4:23pm | 