
January 26, 2023
(Yale-preserved shorts on 16mm) Nick Doob and David Sewall in person! Yale alumnus, singer, and violinist David Sewall is the subject of the newly-preserved London Songs (1973, 27 mins), which trails him as he performs throughout the streets, pubs, and markets of the city. It's followed by Street...
January 20, 2023
The Godfather (Francis Ford Coppola, 1972, 175 mins) The Godfather Part II (Francis Ford Coppola, 1974, 202 mins) New prints! Join us for two of the best, most influential, and most quoted films ever made. In The Godfather, an aging Vito Corleone (Marlon Brando) brings his reluctant son Michael (Al...
January 18, 2023
Pauline Martin began her position as Head of Arts Library Access Services on January 1st. In this role, she supervises six library staff who are responsible for a range of library services including basic reference, library circulation, course reserves, resource sharing (e.g., Borrow Direct, ILL),...
January 18, 2023
Wadjda (Haifaa al-Mansour, 2012, 98 mins) Dreams of buying a prized green bicycle lead a rebellious young girl to enter a Quran recitation competition in the first feature film shot entirely in Saudi Arabia, and the first feature by a Saudi woman. Dana Stevens calls Al-Mansour’s boundary-pushing...
January 17, 2023
The Wizard of Oz (Victor Fleming, 1939, 102 mins) We're off to see the Wizard with Dorothy Gale (Judy Garland) and her newfound friends as they face flying monkeys, a wicked witch, and quarelsome talking trees, oh my! This MGM Golden Age classic features Ray Bolger, Jack Haley, Bert Lahr, Billie...
January 15, 2023
The Scent of Green Papaya (Tran Anh Hung, 1993, 104 mins) Set in midcentury Saigon, the first film in Tran's Vietnam Trilogy offers a lushly-photographed look at the lives and interactions of a servant girl, a concert pianist, and a family in genteel decline. Raghu Pratap called ths César winner...
January 3, 2023
Treasures from the Yale Film Archive announces a new season of 35mm film screenings, all free and open to the public. Highlights include Yale-preserved films from the 1970s made by Yale alumni Nick Doob, Josh Morton, and Sedat Pakay, as well as brand-new prints of Billy Wilder's Sunset Blvd., Max...
