
ENUMERATION. Data indicating the sequential numeric and/or alphabetic designation used by the publisher of the serial to identify the individual bibliographic or physical parts and to show the relationship of each part to the bibliographic unit as a whole.

11a. Supplied enumeration. "If the bibliographic item does not carry enumeration, do not supply it." (p. 28) See 11g. for an exception.

11b. Record enumeration by giving the caption followed by the sequential designator (the number). If the enumeration on the item uses ordinal numbering, with the number preceding the caption, convert to cardinal numbering in order to place the caption first. (ANSI Option, p. 30)

Item in hand has designation: 3. Teil. Record in 866 as:

866 4 1 ‡8 0 ‡a T.3 (2004)


Band 5 becomes Bd.5
volume 16, no. 3 becomes v.16:no.3
third series becomes ser.3
63 recorded as 63
volume 63 recorded as v.63

11c. If the parts have hierarchical enumeration, record the sublevels following a colon when the situation warrants recording of sublevels. See also 8. Compression above.

866 4 1 ‡8 0 ‡a v.1:no.1(2004:Jan.15/31)
866 4 1 ‡8 0 ‡a v.1:no.1:pt.A(2005:jan.)

11d. "Convert all numeric information to Arabic numbers" (p. 30).

VII becomes 7
sixth volume becomes v.6

11e. "Record uppercase and lowercase alphabetic characters as they appear on the item" (p. 31):

866 4 1 ‡8 0 ‡a 23a(2006:Apr.28)
866 4 1 ‡8 0 ‡a no.36B(2006:July/Dec.)
866 4 1 ‡8 0 ‡a v.B(2007:summer)

Yale will apply the option to romanize nonroman alphabetic data. See 12b.

11f. "When a bibliographic item is used with combined numbering--not when bound together after receipt--separate the numbers by a forward slash." (p. 31). If a caption is used, record the caption for the first number only.

866 4 1 ‡8 0 ‡a v.1/2(1985/1986)

11g. "When a part of an otherwise numbered unit lacks numeric or alphabetic designation, it may be supplied in square brackets" (p. 31):

Itemized form:

866 4 1 ‡8 0 ‡a [Bd.1](2002)
866 4 1 ‡8 0 ‡a Bd.2(2003)
866 4 1 ‡8 0 ‡a Bd.3(2004)

Compressed form:

866 4 1 ‡8 0 ‡a [Bd.1](2002)-Bd.3(2004)

11h. Record an incorrect numeric designation as found, with the correct form in square brackets preceded by "i.e." (p. 31). In this example some itemization is used to avoid potential ambiguity.

866 4 1 ‡8 0 ‡a v.1(1988)-v.2(1989);  
866 4 1 ‡8 0 ‡a v.2 [i.e.3](1990); Volume 3 was incorrectly numbered by the publisher
866 4 1 ‡8 0 ‡a v.4(1991)-v.9(1996)  

11i. Series designators ("new series" and equivalent). Always record as first level enumeration whether unnumbered or not and always record the second level as well.

11i:1. New series with numbering. Caption and numbering included as another element of the enumeration hierarchy:

866 4 1 ‡8 0 ‡a ser.1:v.1:no.1(2003)

11i:2. New series without numbering. Note that the series designator is still separated from the second level with a colon, even though the series designator is not numbered.

866 4 1 ‡8 0 ‡a n.F.:Bd.1(2003)


Per AACR2 12.3C4, "if the designation consists of a year and a number that is a division of the year, give the year before the number."

CONSER example (8.5.5):

On piece:

no. 1 1990 (no. 1 repeats each year)

In record:

362 0   ‡a 1990, no. 1-


Volume 1990 incomplete; volume 1991 complete:

866 4 1 ‡8 0 ‡a 1990:no.1-1990:no.5,
866 4 1 ‡8 0 ‡a 1990:no.7-1991:no.8

Volumes 1990 and 1991 complete (compressed):

866 4 1 ‡8 0 ‡a 1990-1991

11k. ALTERNATIVE NUMBERING SCHEMES. "If there is a scheme of continuously incrementing issue numbers or other numbering schemes in addition to a regular scheme of enumeration, the alternative numbering scheme or schemes may be recorded, following the regular scheme of enumeration and separated by an equals sign." (ANSI p. 32)

Yale policy is generally to record the alternative numbering; Yale will adapt LCRI 12.3E to determine where the alternative numbering will be recorded in relation to the chronology. "If more than one numeric system is recorded, generally record the chronological system with the first numeric system (cf. rule 12.3C4)."

866 4 1 ‡8 0 ‡a v.3:no.1(2003)=no.50
866 4 1 ‡8 0 ‡a v.1:pt.1(1893)-v.56:pt.2(1948)=no.1-no.666

CAUTION: When volume number and consecutive numbers appear together on the source, and the consecutive numbers are a subordinate level of designation, the consecutive number is recorded subordinately to the volume number; rather than as alternative numbering (cf. CONSER CATALOGING MANUAL 8.3.2c).

Bibliographic record has:

500     ‡a Description based on: v.153:no.3873(1944)

In that case, record volume holdings as:

866 4 1 ‡8 0 ‡a v.153:no.3873(1944)-v.160:no.4071(1947)

If the bibliographic record has no indication whether or not the consecutive numbers are to be recorded subordinately, record as alternative enumeration if the numbering is considered useful to record:

866 4 1 ‡8 0 ‡a v.153(1944)-v.160(1947)=no.3873-no.4071

As a rule of thumb, record alternative numbering only if it is accounted for in the bibliographic record in field 362 or a 500 Description based on note. (But not field 515; see the last example.) For alternative numbering examples, see CONSER Cataloging Manual 8.5.4. However, if the alternative numbering is commonly used in citation practice, or if there is reason to believe patrons are otherwise likely to use the alternative numbering, or if the alternative numbering is useful for check-in, record the alternative numbering even if it is not recorded in 362 or 500. (An example is the journal Nature.)

If the original numerical designation is consecutive but a new designation, such as "new series" or the like, appears in addition to the consecutive numbering designation, the additional designation is generally recorded in a 515 note; in that case, do not record the additional designation in 866. Cf. Liheng, Carol. Serials cataloging handbook. 2nd ed., p. 116-117 (F12).

515     ‡8 0 ‡a v.26-50 also called: ser. 2, v. 1-ser. 2, v. 25; v. 51-75 also called: ser. 3, v. 1-ser. 3., v.25; v. 76-100 also called: ser. 4, v.1-ser. 4, v. 25.
866 4 1 ‡8 0 ‡a v.1(1851)-v.124(1974)


866 4 1 ‡8 0 ‡a v.1(1851)-v.25(1875);
866 4 1 ‡8 0 ‡a v.26(1876)-v.50(1900)=ser.2:v.1-ser.2:v.25;
866 4 1 ‡8 0 ‡a v.51(1901)-v.75(1925)=ser.3:v.1-ser.3:v.25;
866 4 1 ‡8 0 ‡a v.76(1926)-v.100(1950)=ser.4:v.1-ser.4:v.25;
866 4 1 ‡8 0 ‡a v.101(1951)-v.124(1974)
Effective Date: 
February 4, 2014