Relationship Designators (RDs)

See PCC Guidelines for the Application of Relationship Designators in Bibliographic Records.

The only mandatory relationship designator(s) is for creators (as defined in RDA Appendix I), although PCC recommends RDs for most AAPs for persons, families, and corporate names. Do not use an RD in author/title AAPs. Note that while most fields use ‡e for RDs, conference name fields use ‡j.

YUL: if the cataloger decides to use additional RDs, they should be one or more of the controlled terms listed in the RDA appendices. In such cases, when in doubt as to which RD to assign, do not assign an RD.

Mandatory Authorized Access Points (AAPs)

An AAP is only mandatory for the primary creator. Additional AAPs for creators are at the cataloger's discretion. For archival materials, see also DACS 9.

If an AAP is made for a work/expression, the primary creator must be included when applicable.

AAPs for contributors are recommended.

YUL policy: series added entries will continue to be made.

Linking Fields

Related manifestation fields are mandatory for reproductions, with the exception (provisionally) of microform reproductions, where 533 will be used instead of 775/776.  Keep in mind that the scope of "reproductions" is changed to include photocopies and editions with the same content issued by different publishers in the same year (give or take a year or so), as well as the familiar reprint editions ("facsimiles").

For printed textual reproductions see YUL documentation: Reproduction Cataloging (Tangible Print Resources)

For microform reproductions see YUL documentation: Microform Reproductions