YUL BSR RDA Variable Fields (0xx -264)


Mandatory 0xx fields for all formats:

Field Subfield Notes
020, 024, 026-028, 074, 088   All publisher identifiers that apply to the manifestation.
040 ‡b eng Language of cataloging
  ‡e rda Description conventions
041 all Mandatory if necessary to record more language codes than 008
042 ‡a pcc YUL: limit to printed text & microfilm if applicable

Additional mandatory 0xx fields by format

Cartographic Resources: 034, 043, 050, 052

Computer file: 050

Moving images: 046 ‡k date of production is mandatory if it differs from the date of publication.

Notated music: 050, 043

Textual monographs: 041, 050 <043 is not mandatory>. If cataloging is a combination of dcrm & RDA in 040 ‡e , 050 is not mandatory.

Textual Variable Fields

Very brief summary of mandatory fields. More details in MAP, including the applicable section number in RDA.

Tag Notes
245 ‡a, ‡b Title proper and other title.
245 parallel title Record all parallel titles
246 Variant titles (including parallel titles in 246) are recommended but not mandatory; later title proper is required
245 ‡c RDA only requires the first SoR, but PCC encourages transcription of any SoR that aids in discovery, identification, or selection of the resource. Rare Materials: transcribe all.
250 Designation of edition.
250 ‡b Rare Materials. Statement of responsibility of edition.
250 Named revision of an edition.
255 ‡a-‡b Cartographic Resources: Scale [RDA 7.25]. Use 7.25.1-7.25.5 & 7.26 [‡a]: Projection of cartographic content [‡b]. The date is also to be recorded in 034 as applicable.
257 Moving images. (Country of Producing Entity). "The name of the country(s) where the principal offices of the producing entity(s) are located. The subfield may contain an indication that the country is unknown, e.g. [Place of publication not identified]
264 _0 Date of production for unpublished form.
264 _1 ‡a Only the first place of publication is mandatory.  Exceptions: multiparts transcribe also current place if it differs; rare materials transcribe all. All online resources are considered published.
264 _1 ‡b First publisher name is mandatory.  Exceptions: multipart monographs: transcribe also the current publisher if it differs. Rare: transcribe all.
264 _1  ‡c Record publication date, supply date in brackets, or record [Date of publication not identified].
264 _2 ‡a Place of distribution is mandatory only if the place of publication is not identified. Only the first place is mandatory. Rare: transcribe all.
264 _2 ‡b Distributor name is mandatory only if the publisher name is not identified. Only the first distributor name is mandatory.  Rare: transcribe all.
264 _2 ‡c Date of distribution is mandatory if date of publication is not identified. Rare: transcribe all.
264 _3 ‡a Place of manufacture is mandatory if neither place of publication nor distribution is identified. Only the first manufacturer name is mandatory. Rare: transcribe all.
264 _3 ‡b Manufacturer name is mandatory if neither the name of the publisher or distributor is identified. Only the first manufacturer name is mandatory. Rare: transcribe all.
264_3 ‡c Date of manufacture is mandatory if neither date of publication, distribution, or copyright date is not identified.
264 _4 ‡c Date of copyright is mandatory if neither the date of publication nor the date of distribution is identified. Use the copyright symbol not c. Rare: always record if present.