YUL Standards for Bibliographic Records (RDA BSR)


With the implementation of the PCC Bibliographic Standard Record [BSR] Jan. 4, 2009, YUL original cataloging revised its standard for printed books and reproductions to be consistent with PCC. As of Oct. 1, 2010, PCC extended BSR guidelines to non-print formats, and the YUL standards were revised to include the new formats. In 2013, the BSR was revised for RDA, and the April 2014 update incorporates guidelines for rare materials. The Yale guidelines have been updated to take these into account.

  1. The most current PCC BIBCO RDA Standard Record (BSR) Metadata Application Profile (MAP) for description and choice of entry should now be the Yale default for printed books and reproductions, cartographic materials, printed/manuscript music, sound recordings, rare materials, and video. On the following pages, BSR and MAP are used interchangeably.
  2. The BSR covers multipart monographs but does not cover serials; the serial BSR is maintained by CONSER (see RELATED DOCUMENTATION below). Follow the CONSER Standard Guidelines for serials and integrating resources.
  3. Unless stated otherwise, all fields in the BSR are mandatory. In practice, most mandatory fields will only apply to specific formats. Because BSR is a "floor" concept, additional data may be added to a given record.  YUL cataloging goes beyond the PCC BSR in requiring dimensions for printed materials. For YUL cataloging in general, the addition of other elements beyond PCC BSR is an individual cataloging decision. Special collections can require additional data across the board to serve the collection's needs.
  4. Additional cataloging data will be added to the record at the request of users. Catalog Management Team is expected to receive most requests via CatProblems. If CMT cannot resolve, the problem will be routed to the appropriate cataloger.
  5. YUL catalogers are strongly encouraged to contribute the record as a BIBCO RDA BSR (040 ‡e rda, 042 pcc, Cataloging Source c, Encoding Level blank [I if cataloging on OCLC]). The following conditions need to be met:
    • Description and choice of entry follow the most current RDA/LC-PCC Policy Statement instructions
    • All of the access points on the Yale record are supported by national authority records
    • The authority records are RDA compliant. Re-coding to rda is preferred, but not mandatory unless the record has a 667 note requiring review. For guidelines on reviewing AACR2 authority records, refer to Reviewing non-RDA NARs with (and without) 667
    • Authority records with 667 have been reviewed, updated if necessary, re-coded to rda, & 667 deleted
    • Authority records for translations, conventional collective titles, and 130s are mandatory for PCC bibliographic records. Since authority records for these will not be made by YUL cataloging, you will not be able to code records with 240 or 130 as pcc. The form of entry used in the YUL bibliographic record’s 240/130 fields should follow RDA standards, however.
    • The RDA BIBCO BSR requires a 050 _4 classification number (‡a) with the notable exception of rare materials. Even if the record cannot be coded as pcc, YUL catalogers are strongly encouraged to include a 050 _4 ‡a for potential use in keyword filtering.
  7. Don't edit down: When upgrading minimal or less-than-full member, vendor, or LC copy to BSR level, you will often find that the record includes fields not required by the BSR that would be required or included in what was formerly considered to be a full record. Leave such fields in the record, provided that the information is accurate & observes standards. Apply the same principle when basing variant edition cataloging on a full level bibliographic record. Do not edit member copy to BSR level from full level.
  8. Legacy BIBCO cataloging copy. Generally make no attempt to upgrade a BIBCO cataloging copy created according to the previous standard to the new standard. MARS will update any obsolete headings. However, perform additional authority work if necessary.
  9. Separate guidelines for minimal-level YUL records have been created. Note that minimal records will follow RDA for all descriptive elements and main entry, and RDA for form of access points to the extent possible. Minimal records should not be coded as pcc.


(PCC) Post RDA Implementation Guidelines and Standards 

In the section PCC RDA Bibliographic Description see BIBCO RDA Standard Record (BSR) Metadata Application Profile (MAP). Available in PDF. June 13, 2016 revision.

See also the YUL Local Workflow for printed monographs in the RDA Toolkit's Tools section.

CONSER Standard Record Documentation

See also the YUL Local Workflow for serials cataloging in the RDA Toolkit's Tools section.

For integrating resources, see also YUL documentation on:

Updating Loose-Leafs

Updating Websites

YUL Minimal Level Record (Printed Text)