Cataloging @Yale

CDs and CD-ROMs

These include computer files, interactive multimedia or sound recordings, and may be stand-alone items or material accompanying monographs or serials.

Use the appropriate marker (USE ONLY WATER-BASED PERMANENT MARKERS) and carefully transcribe the last 9 digits of the barcode (those after the “39002”) around the hub of the CD on the side that has the disc label. Usually you can use a black marker, but some CDs have labels that obscure the hub and will have to be marked using a different color such as silver.

Check the item record for the correct location and item type. The item type for stand-alone CD-ROMs should be media. This material will circulate for one week. If there is accompanying textual material (user guides, pamphlets, inserts, etc.) that will get a separate item record, apply the item type media to this material as well. Enter the item type format code Suppl in the CHRON field for the accompanying material, and apply the Item Statistical Category Suppl.

Exception for Bass Library audio books: Audio books on CD that are flagged for the Bass Library Audio Book Collection do not receive the same treatment as other sound CDs. They will arrive in CMS in their original containers, and do not need to be re-housed or marked with barcode numbers, but still require that an item statistical category be applied. After cataloging, send them to Preparations as is.

NOTE: For all stand-alone CDs – computer files, interactive multimedia or sound recordings, including audio books – assign the format code (CD) in the MFHD as the last element of the call number. See examples.

NOTE: If a serial is issued in CD format, then it will get the same item type and loan conditions as a print serial (jour01, jour02, etc.). This should also be applied to older serials (those beyond the 10 year limit) or serials that may be reissued in CD format (in both cases, give them an item type of jourcirc). In the case of reissued serials, also assign the format code (CD) in the MFHD as the last element of the call number (before “(LC)”, if used), to distinguish it from the print version. See example.

CD-ROMs cataloged as accompanying material circulate with the same loan conditions as books or serials (note the exception above for reference materials). If accompanying books, apply the item type circ and enter the item type format code (CD) in the CHRON field of the item record.

If accompanying a serial, apply the same item type as the serial (jour01, jour02, etc.) and enter the item type format code (CD) in the CHRON field. Record the item type format code in CHRON after the chronological data.

If there are multiple CDs accompanying a book or serial, enter the item type format code plus a digit to distinguish each piece (CD 1, CD 2, etc.) in the CHRON field of the item record.

Add an Item Statistical Category for all CD-ROMS (stand-alone or accompanying):

  • Open the item record.
  • Click on the middle box (the one with the pie chart icon on it) in the lower left corner of the item record, or press Ctrl-T, to open the Item Statistical Categories dialog box.
  • Choose CD from the Statistical Categories List in the lower portion of the box
  • Click on the blue arrow in the middle of the box to apply the Statistical Category, and click OK.
  • Save the item record.

Charge to Preparations and place on the shelf prep truck.

Effective Date: 
February 11, 2014