Opening Reception for Exhibition “From East to West: History of the Chinese Collection at Yale 1849-2019”
Thursday, November 7, 2019 - 4:00pm to 6:00pm
Memorabilia Room, Sterling Memorial Library
Memorabilia Room, Sterling Memorial Library
There will be minor construction in East Asia Library rooms 222 and 221 sporadically during June and July. For alternate study spaces please consult:
Yale University Library has acquired the access to two new Chinese language databases, Zhongguo jin shi ku 中國金石庫 and Song dai mu zhi ming zi liao ku 宋代墓誌銘資料庫. The databases have been added to the Library’s Quicksearch (Databases) and Chinese Studies research guide-Books. Information of off-campus access to Yale subscribed electric resources can be found through here.
A trial for a Chinese language database, Modern Chinese Books Database 中国近代华文书籍数据库, has been set up for Yale University users from now to March 31, 2019. The database has been added to the Library’s Chinese studies research guide.
A trial for two Erudition (愛如生) Chinese language databases, Zhongguo jin shi ku《中國金石庫》 and Zhongguo lei shu ku《中國類書庫》, has been set up for Yale University users from now to October 26, 2018. The trial information has been added to the Library’s Chinese studies research guide:
Zhongguo jin shi ku 《中國金石庫》 [Chinese Bronze and Stone Inscriptions Database] includes 1,700 titles from ancient time through modern period.
A trial for a Chinese language database from the National Library of China, Zhongguo li shi wen xian zong ku. Jin dai bao zhi shu ju ku 中国历史文献总库•近代报纸数据库, has been set up for Yale University users from now to November 10, 2018. The database has been added to Library’s Chinese studies research guide.
A trial for a Chinese language database, Song Tomb Inscriptions Database 《宋代墓誌銘資料庫》, has been set up for Yale University users from now to October 31, 2018.
Song Tomb Inscriptions Database 《宋代墓誌銘資料庫》 is the first series of Zhonghua Shuju’s 中華書局 China Stone Inscriptions Database 《中華石刻數據庫》. It currently includes 6,403 items.
Yale University Library has acquired three new databases from the Shanghai Library: 小报 1897-1949 (Xiao Bao/The Tabloids), 时报 1904-1939 (Shi Bao/The Eastern Times), and The China Press 1911-1949 (大陆报/Ta-lu Pao). The new contents have been added to CNBKSY (全国报刊索引 Quan guo bao kan suo yin) platform. The access to the platform allows 5 concurrent users.
Yale University Library has acquired the access to 中国文史资料集粹 Collection of Chinese Literature and History database. The database allows multiple concurrent users and have been added to the Library’s Quicksearch and Chinese Studies research guide-Books. Information of off-campus access to Yale subscribed electric resources can be found through here.
Curating Revolution: Politics on Display in Mao's China
Speaker: Denise Ho
Assistant Professor of History, Yale University
Time: 4:30 pm-5:30 pm, Thursday April 19
Place: International Room, Sterling Memorial Library
(Coffee and cookies will be provided before the talk at 4:00 pm)