
Before proceeding verify that

  • the Macro Express program is running
  • the latest macro file has been loaded
  • the Bound-With Linking macro in the macro file Circulation folder has been enabled. (CAUTION: the macro is distributed in disabled form.)
  • the Voyager window has been maximized (the macro is configured to run with the Voyager window maximized)

Consult with your expert user if one or more of these conditions has not been met.

1. Identify the first title in the volume. This title will be the “host” title.

2. Go to the host title's MFHD or create one if the host title lacks a MFHD.

3. Following the call number in the 852, add "‡z Bound with (or Filmed with) (number) other titles. To view other titles search by call number: (call number)." and save.

Example: For a bound-with containing 8 titles the note would read:

852 ... ‡z Bound with 7 other titles. To view other titles search by call number: Gab 60.

Example for microfilm containing 10 titles:

852 ... ‡z Filmed with 9 other titles. To view other titles search by call number: Film B19036.

4. From the same MFHD, create an item record for that title if one does not already exist. If appropriate, add a barcode to this item record.

5. Retrieve all unlinked guest bibliographic records you want to link to the MFHD/Item record of the host.


  • the Voyager window must be maximized
  • the guest bibliographic records only should be retrieved*

*If a guest record MFHD or Item record is open, and the record number of the MFHD or item record matches the record number of a bibliographic record in the Orbis database, the macro will link that bibliographic record to the host.

6. The macro must be run with the host item record, the host MFHD, & the host bib record, in that order, "on top." The host bibliographic record may have multiple non-host MFHDs linked to (non-host) item records; be sure these are closed. To ensure the correct sequence, first retrieve the host bibliographic record, then retrieve the host MFHD.

7. Retrieve the item record for the host MFHD.

8. Run the macro (the default key sequence is Win+Alt+L). The macro will cause Voyager to point the guest record titles to the MFHD of the host title. Always verify that the intended titles have been correctly linked.

CAUTION. The Voyager window must be on top while the macro is running for the macro to perform correctly; do not cycle to another window while the macro is running. While the macro is running, the Macro Express icon in the Windows Start tray will change to an icon of a running figure:

When the macro run is complete, the running figure icon will change back to the Macro Express icon.

Note: If an incorrect record has been linked, refer to Bound with Procedures 2005. Appendix. Unlinking Bibliographic Records.

9. Perform maintenance on the guest MFHDs and guest item records, if they are present. If the guest bibliographic record has multiple MFHDs, maintenance must be done only on the guest MFHD and guest item record, i.e. the MFHD & item record for the bound with copy only.

a. If the guest MFHD has an item record, the item record for the guest MFHD should be deleted.

b. If there are guest MFHDs, insert a subfield “‡k Suppressed Bound-with” before the subfield ‡h of the 852 field of each and suppress each of the guest MFHDs. If no MFHD exists for the bound with copy, do not create one for single-volume titles. Optionally, delete the MFHD if it simplifies workflow for single volume items and no copy specific detail would be lost. (Voyager will block any attempt to delete a MFHD associated with an acquisition record.)